• 任何墨西哥城市转一圈都会注意周围嗡嗡声,就像愤怒蜜蜂

    Stroll around any Mexican city for a while and you will notice a background hum like a swarm of angry bees.


  • 无论王室夫妇到何处,他们身后都会跟着媒体记者。

    A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever they went.


  • 达百来头的一大大象每年都会来到这片森林,并在那里待上几个月。

    A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and stay there for a few months.


  • 布茜女士每天都会穿着薄薄的棉质连衣裙在门前等着小特纳,并让自己们喂食。

    Each day she would be there in her thin cotton dress, asking him to feed her chickens.


  • 试图检验这样理论由于之间斗争惨烈,听到大量入侵狮子吼叫声之后,狮除非自身数量占优势,通常都会选择撤退

    She wanted to test the theory that, since fights between lions are very costly, when lions heard large Numbers of intruders' roars they would withdraw unless they were in superior Numbers.


  • 一旦白鼻子病毒感染洞穴里蝙蝠整个蝙蝠--有时上万-都会死掉

    Once WNS hits a cave, its entire bat population - sometimes tens of thousands of bats - can die.


  • 生活任何都会激活特定神经细胞

    Any thing you do in life is going to activate a specificconstellation of neurons.


  • 不论任何一个时间点,任何一个事业中,我们都会新的想法在开发,在酿。

    At any given time, across any of our business groups, there are new ideas being investigated, tested, and incubated.


  • 但是规模中,捕猎看护小狗都会遭受损失要么这些狗就增加出猎次数作为弥补——本身就需要狗付出代价。

    But with smaller packs, either the hunting or the babysitting suffers, or the animals have to compensate by increasing the number of hunting excursions - which itself carries a cost to the pack.


  • 正常情况,产品通常若干个不同用户,而每个用户通常都会对应一个不同用户角色。

    Normally, a product will have several different user groups that need representing, so there will be a different persona for each of these.


  • 这些广告开头传统学校广告毫无二致,但是都会突然来个转变其中个广告中里奇·维尔跟一僵尸打斗。

    They all start like traditional academic advertisements - but then take a sudden dark twist including one in which Ridgewell has a shoot-out with a group of zombies.


  • 游戏任务中的个任务最低限度都会一个重大选择机会你去改变事件,让每个人物不同体验

    Each of the stories in the game has at least one major moment of choice which can alter the chain of events, making every story a different experience.


  • 就是沙特阿拉伯,这个王国各种特性都会导致其他区域的扰动不安,包括失去幻想年轻人

    And then there is Saudi Arabia itself (see article). The kingdom has many of the characteristics that have fuelled unrest elsewhere, including an army of disillusioned youths.


  • 然而,这位应用科学院创立者专利代理律师经常发明家中找到了自我,不管老少他们都会进行拜访。

    But the founder of the Academy of Applied Science, and the patent lawyer, regularly recognised himself in the inventors, old and young, who came to see him.


  • 每次美国航母战斗驶入该海域时,由于处于那些反舰导弹有效射程之内,所以无论是进入还是离开都会加剧地区紧张局势

    And every time a U.S. carrier strike group sails into this area where these anti-ship missiles are active — that, in and of itself, is going to raise tensions.


  • 为了适应凉爽多云环境,山地生物会各自居住山头彼此隔绝所以座山或是每一都会孕育许多与众不同本地物种

    Adapted for cool, cloudy conditions, their populations become isolated on particular peaks, which is why each mountain or chain of mountains tends to spawn scores of unique local species.


  • 深信自己地位崇高男性那么无论身处何地,甚至置身于精英之间,你所有担忧烦扰都会消失

    When you have deep set beliefs that you are a high status male, and that no matter where you are, that you are among the elite males, then all these anxieties and problems fall away.


  • 平日里,无论是阳光灿烂还是细雨蒙蒙,法兰克福都会36幼儿园小孩走进郊外的一片森林,在那里唱歌、燃起篝火或者在泥地里打滚。

    Each weekday, come rain or shine, a group of children, ages 3 to 6, walk into a forest outside Frankfurt to sing songs, build fires and roll in the mud.


  • 大部分不是那么勇敢面对一威胁着要动的打手时,他们一般都会知难而退而不是奋起抗争。

    Most people are not particularly brave. When confronted by thugs threatening personal violence, they back down rather than stand up for themselves.


  • 面往往采取小组讨论并解决问题形式每一位应聘者表现都会记录下来

    Group interviews take the form of group problem-solving sessions where each candidate's contributions are noted.


  • 村民正在试图将一头公牛摔倒制服公牛都会被涂上鲜艳的颜色。

    A group of villagers try to wrestle a bull to the ground. When under control the animals are daubed with brightly coloured paints.


  • 每次美国航母战斗驶入该海域时,由于处于那些反舰导弹有效射程之内,所以无论是进入还是离开都会加剧地区的紧张局势。

    S. carrier strike group sails into this area where these anti-ship missiles are active — that, in and of itself, is going to raise tensions.


  • 传统技术要求用户能够积极 与,但此处问题在于不是每个都会做出贡献

    Traditional crowd-sourcing demands active participation from its members. The problem here is that not everyone contributes.


  • 文学家无论凝视致密星系中的哪一个角落,都会大学大批年轻星团以及充溢恒星形成的区域

    Everywhere the astronomers looked in this compact group they found batches of infant star clusters and regions brimming with star birth.


  • 每次开会前都会一小召开策略会议”,计划如何控制议程来达成自己的目的。

    Before each one he would hold private "strategy sessions" with a small group of people to plan how they would handle agenda items so he could have his way.


  • 任何一家美国电子产品商店去转转,你都会看到一伸长脖子平板电视前的顾客。

    Visit any American electronics retailer and it is hard to miss the gawkers crowded round the flat-panel televisions.


  • 孤独症对于人体系统各个部分都会不同影响,那么我们研究就是看到孤独症患者的新陈代谢肠道的变化,借此让你了解到孤独症是怎样干扰患者的生理系统。

    Autism affects many different parts of a person's system and our study shows that you can see how it disrupts their system by looking at their metabolism and their gut bacteria.


  • 我们需要频繁地重建客户因为100%客户最终都会我们而去

    We need to constantly rebuild our customer base, since 100% of our customers leave us


  • 我们需要频繁地重建客户因为100%客户最终都会我们而去

    We need to constantly rebuild our customer base, since 100% of our customers leave us


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