• 为了表达公众习俗意见的极大尊重我国政府每年都会策划系列活动提升久登山节影响力

    To show great respect for the public customs and opinions, every year our government plans a series of activities to promote the influence of Yuanjiu Mountain Climbing Festival.


  • 此外如果历史一个指南那么我们可以假设任何重大转变都会再次伴随着系列意想不到重大后果

    Moreover, if history is a guide, then we can assume that any major transformations will once again be followed by a huge set of unintended consequences.


  • 目的都会导向一个不同系列信息帮助你将组织材料草稿中容纳或者排除某个信息。

    Each purpose will lead you to a different set of information and help you shape material to include and exclude in a draft.


  • 它开始于2005年2月五位重要AOP专家执笔这个为期一年的系列中的篇文章都会提供可以立即加以应用知识

    Launched in February 2005 and penned by five leading AOP experts, each of the articles in this year-long series will provide knowledge you can put to use immediately.


  • 系列第一篇文章所述,许多常见事务陷阱都会影响到事务行为并且由此会降低数据完整性一致性

    As you saw in the first article of this series, many common transaction pitfalls can affect transactional behavior and, consequently, diminish your data's integrity and consistency.


  • 举例而言,某个系列试验显示几乎所有人包括营养师如果他们较大盘子都会更多食物得也更多。

    In one series of experiments, for example, he showed that almost everyone - including dieticians - will select and eat more food if they are given larger plates.


  • 接下来便引出所有事物都发生物质世界所有运动都会产生一系列涡流个接着一个的出现。

    So it follows that everything that happens in the physical world , all the motion that happens must be a series of vortices, whirlpools one within another within another and so on .


  • 一旦社会设定系列价值得到这些价值的方式这个社会(任何社会)中的个体都会不得已的遵循

    Once society settles on a set of values and the accepted ways of obtaining them, individuals within the society, any society, are compelled to follow the path.


  • 道路铁路能源系列重要基础设施缺乏,以及获取采矿执照超长过程都会使得开采成本较以往许多

    The lack of vital infrastructure such as roads, railways, power and water, and the ever-lengthening process of getting mining permits, will make the newer mines far more costly.


  • 首相大卫·卡梅隆将要带着系列要求奔赴布鲁塞尔,而欧洲同行们——不管出于什么理由——都会拒绝他为乐。

    The new prime minister, David Cameron, will then go to Brussels with a series of demands that his European peers-for good and bad reasons-will take great pleasure in rejecting.


  • 无论使用bashShell中的什么元素都会发现一个丰富环境几乎无限定义系列,您可以使用它们改进交互和环境。

    Whatever elements you use within the bash shell, you will find a rich environment and an almost limitless array of customizations that you can use to improve your interaction and environment.


  • 这些类别中的都会系列文章中的文章得到详细地描述

    Each one of these categories will be detailed in an article in this series.


  • 所有工作都会得到成功创建将会看到系列创建的工作项(参见8)。

    After all of the work items are created successfully, you will see the list of created work items (see Figure 8).


  • 我们谈论上帝时候,都会系列词汇但是有很多它们的意思还不肯定

    We use a host of words to talk about God, but many of us are unsure of their meaning.


  • 绝迹每次为期八游戏都会包括系列自己活动科学方面内容以及其他更深奥秘层面的东西。

    Each of the eight weeks of Vanished comprises a chapter with its own activities, scientific content and another layer of a larger mystery.


  • 约会原则一样,对于一样拥有或者已经拥有的物品,我都会系列问题

    Like my dating ground rules, I have a series of questions I ask about each object I'm considering owning and for those things I already own.


  • 沃尔沃在进行自动汽车的研发,S60系列轿车已经提供了复杂的功能选项行人侦测撞车警告这两种情况都会自动刹车

    Volvo also is working on autonomous cars and already offers, in its S60 sedan, sophisticated options such as pedestrian detection and collision warning, both with full automatic braking.


  • 补充燃料时,司机必须喷口燃料槽之间停靠完成自动检测程序汽车都会开始进行一系列规定的检测防止泄露

    When refuelling, drivers must complete an automatic docking procedure between nozzle and tank. Both pump and car then begin a digitally choreographed check for leaks.


  • 每年世界兴奋剂组织都会公布系列(体育比赛中的)禁用物品以及禁用方法,并把它们分为任何时候都不能使用比赛时不能使用两种情况。

    Every year the World Anti-Doping Agency publishes a list of prohibited substances and methods, divided into those prohibited at all times and those outlawed only during competitions.


  • 每天页面都会显示系列礼物,这些礼物有的是随机的,有的则我们管理员选定

    Each day, the page shows a series of gifts, chosen both randomly and by our administrators.


  • 每个SCA应用程序都会导致消息传递引擎创建系列目的地增加ME启动逻辑负载

    Each SCA application causes a number of destinations to be created on the messaging engine, resulting in an increased load on the start up logic for that me.


  • 建立系列良好规划面对面的会议以及所有团队都会出席的办公室。

    Set up a series of well-planned, face-to-face meetings and workshops where all parties attend in one place.


  • 每一佳士得都会特地中国市场推出系列十九世纪钟表

    Each season, Christie's presents a range of 19th-century timepieces made especially for the Chinese market.


  • Sony在本周三推出系列电纸书阅读器,并宣称它们上一代便携,字体更清晰还带触摸屏这些都会读者感觉它们更纸质

    Sony, which introduced a new line of e-readers Wednesday, said they were smaller and lighter than before, with clearer text and touch screens, all to make them feel more like printed books.


  • Faruk (Modernizr): Modernizr非常小巧简洁:我们运行系列测试一个测试都会检测浏览器中的特定特性

    Faruk (Modernizr) : Modernizr is very small and straightforward, really: we run a series of tests, and each test detects a specific feature in the browser.


  • 另一香水制造商,詹弗兰科费雷几乎他的每个系列都会使用佛手柑,其中包括个名为BergamottoMarino的香水。

    Another perfumer, Gianfranco Ferré, uses it in almost its entire range, which includes a fragrance called Bergamotto Marino.


  • 另一香水制造商,詹弗兰科费雷几乎他的每个系列都会使用佛手柑,其中包括个名为BergamottoMarino的香水。

    Another perfumer, Gianfranco Ferré, uses it in almost its entire range, which includes a fragrance called Bergamotto Marino.


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