• 部队北部基地发动军事行动

    Troops are operating from bases in the north.


  • 这些部队处于行动中心阿富汗他们留驻相对平静北方;在黎巴嫩,他们则海上巡逻而不是陆地上

    These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.


  • 一旦军事行动必要性不复存在,部队必须撤离

    As soon as the necessity for action is over the troops must be withdrawn.


  • 行动开始之前他们空军部队的战斗力就已经瓦解了。

    Their air force had been neutered before the work began.


  • 我们现在战斗为了阻止他们增援部队前线地区参加军事行动。”LaNan周一告诉《伊洛瓦底》

    "We are fighting now to prevent them sending reinforcements to the frontier areas for military operations, "said La Nan, speaking to The Irrawaddy on Monday.


  • 1945年1月美国轻骑兵特种部队菲律宾游击队开始营救这些战俘的行动,他们绕道敌军后方攻下战俘营

    In January 1945, U.S. Army Rangers and Filipino guerrilla forces launched a mission to rescue the soldiers, going behind enemy lines to attack the camp.


  • 他们认为其他行动外,特种部队指挥部战略动员小组在1955年精心策划刺激大批希腊族离开伊斯坦布尔

    The Tactical Mobilisation Group of the Special Forces Command is believed, among other things, to have orchestrated the provocations that led to the mass exodus of ethnic Greeks from Istanbul in 1955.


  • 故意阻碍武装部队军事行动,造成严重后果的,处以下有期徒刑或者拘役

    Whoever intentionally obstructs military operations of armed forces, if the consequences are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.


  • 多数分析员对此不予重视.直接攻击安全部队转向策划自杀性爆炸事件小规模埋伏行动或许就是游击队组织势力相对较一个标志

    The group’s switch from direct attacks on the security forces to suicide bombings and small-scale ambushes may be a sign of relative weakness.


  • 不过赫特林表示他坚信格鲁吉亚两千军人离开不会明显削弱多国部队伊拉克行动

    But the general expressed confidence that the departure of Georgian forces, which total 2,000 in Iraq, would not significantly weaken multi-national operations.


  • 不过赫特林表示他坚信格鲁吉亚两千军人离开不会明显削弱多国部队伊拉克行动

    But the general expressed confidence that the departure of Georgian forces, which total 2, 000 in Iraq, would not significantly weaken multi-national operations.


  • 此次代号为“峰”(OqabTsuka)军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵数百特种部队30架直升机2无人驾驶机20架喷气机

    Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5, 000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets.


  • 此次代号为“峰”(OqabTsuka)军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵数百特种部队30架直升机2无人驾驶机20架喷气机

    Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5,000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets.


  • 新闻周刊报导iPod Touch(还有iPhone)正在美军战斗中以及特种部队行动方案越来越多使用

    According to Newsweek, the iPod Touch (and also the iPhone) are increasingly being used by the U.S. military in combat and special forces scenarios.


  • 这些维和部队鲜见军事行动中心地带阿富汗他们留驻相对平静北方;在黎巴嫩,他们则海上巡逻,不着陆地

    And these troops have rarely been at the centre of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.


  • 我们现在战斗为了阻止他们增援部队前线地区参加军事行动。”周一告诉《伊瓦底》记者

    "We are fighting now to prevent them sending reinforcements to the frontier areas for military operations," said La Nan, speaking to the Irrawaddy on Monday.


  • 今天与会各国维和任务贡献警察军人尔富尔人民依赖你们加快必要准备工作尽快使维和部队抵达行动区。

    The people of Darfur depend on the police and troop contributing countries assembled here today to speed up the required preparations and arrive in the theater of operations as soon as possible.


  • 最近俄罗斯采取行动加强两个分离地区关系并且向阿布哈兹增派了维和部队

    Russia recently moved to increase ties with both regions, and has added to its peacekeeping troops in Abkhazia.


  • 指责一些北约成员国波斯尼亚提供维和部队或者部队加入北约从来没有行动的快速反应部队避免到阿富汗去承担比较危险的战斗任务

    And he accused some members of offering forces for peacekeeping in Bosnia or for the never-used NATO Response force, rather than for more dangerous missions in Afghanistan.


  • 然而昨天所展开行动失败结局显示了特遣部队危险重重的东非海岸采取行动所面临巨大危险。

    But the unfortunate outcome of yesterday's operation underscored the formidable difficulties facing taskforces policing the treacherous waters off east Africa.


  • 这个训练课程重点为需要进行敌后行动特种部队提供训练,其中包括一个真实紧张而又残酷战场游戏

    The training programme, mostly undertaken by special forces who may need to operate behind enemy lines, involves a brutal war game that is almost as stressful as real combat.


  • 自从2006年阿富汗展开反恐行动开始,包括这起事件中的遇难士兵在内,已知已经有8个特种部队士兵被杀。

    The death of the three soldiers brought to eight the number of special forces troops known to have been killed in action in Afghanistan since 2006.


  • 但是为联军出兵人数第二英国2015年设定一个撤出战斗部队的“坚决最后期限”,西班牙军事行动将于2012年结束

    But the coalition's second largest troop provider, Britain, set a "firm deadline" of 2015 for withdrawing its fighting force, and Spain said its own involvement could be over as soon as 2012.


  • 内部意见不一这个原因抛在一边我们认为这次多国部队采取有选择性的限制性军事行动并不可取还出于另外一个原因:这么做会严重的限制国际社会未来选择余地

    Internal instability aside, there is another reason why selective containment is unwise: it would severely constrain the international community's future options.


  • 联合特遣部队(CTF),151一个多国特遣部队建立整个丁湾索马里东部沿海进行的盗版行动

    Combined task force (CTF) 151 is a multinational task force established to conduct counter piracy operations throughout Gulf of Aden and off the eastern coast of Somalia.


  • 联合特遣部队(CTF),151一个多国特遣部队建立整个丁湾索马里东部沿海进行的盗版行动

    Combined task force (CTF) 151 is a multinational task force established to conduct counter piracy operations throughout Gulf of Aden and off the eastern coast of Somalia.


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