• 人类嗅觉听觉功能部分退化因为两个功能强项人类逐步依赖犬类灵敏鼻子耳朵

    The human lost much of its olfactory and aural capabilities, according to Grandin, because these were dogs' greatest strengths. Humans came to rely on the canine nose and ears.


  • 之前的研究发现,可阻挡尴尬想法大脑部分随着年龄的增长而退化导致人们有时无法自控。 换句话说,讲话直白的老年人并不是无礼他们只是管不住自己的嘴。

    Previous research has found that the part of the brain that keeps embarrassing thoughts in check also weakens with age, leading to people losing some of their inhibitions.


  • 并且它们不断增长发生频率亚马逊森林退化部分——这种变化可以作为大片地区环境变化的指示器

    And their increasing frequency is an important part of the degradation of the Amazon forest-and could be an indicator of large-scale environmental change.


  • 紧靠着公园片连绵泥炭沼泽森林部分已经退化不过富含碳元素

    Next to the park is a stretch of peat-swamp forest, mostly degraded but rich in carbon.


  • 帕金森退化疾病袭击大脑控制运动部分

    Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder, which attacks parts of the brain that control movement.


  • 亚马逊雨林将经历一个转折点”,极端高温雨水减少将导致其退化部分树木都将被烧毁沙漠和草原取而代之。

    Amazon rainforest crosses a "tipping point" where extreme heat and lower rainfall makes the forest unviable - much of it burns and is replaced by desert and savannah.


  • 重要一点大面积数据退化过程可能毁掉部分扇区的内容。

    What's more, a decay process that would leave a large-scale bit of data readable could destroy some smaller-scale bits.


  • 一项部分砍伐禁令大规模的重植植被好像已经逆转了中国森林退化但是中国的绿地农耕地还是持续减少

    A partial logging ban and massive replanting appear to have reversed China's deforestation, but its grass and agricultural land continue to shrink.


  • 其余部分都已经退化:按照联合国粮农组织对森林定义只有10%的森林覆盖

    Much of the rest is seriously degraded: the FAO's definition of a forest takes in areas with as little as 10% tree cover.


  • 退行性椎间盘疾病是由于椎间盘外层发生自发性退化导致中央部分的脱出。

    Degenerative disk disease causes spontaneous degeneration of the outer part of the disk, resulting in escape of the central part.


  • 北卡罗莱纳州大学Rodrigo Arriagada同事认为生态系统付费方案有效减少10%的农场部分森林退化做出了贡献。

    Work by Rodrigo Arriagada of North Carolina State University and his colleagues suggests that the PES scheme was responsible for only 10% of the reduced deforestation on farms that took part.


  • 8090年代部分时间,达尔以及西非荒漠(撒哈拉以南干旱地区)的其他地区发生的环境退化主要是由于当地居民。

    For much of the 1980s and '90s, environmental degradation in Darfur and other parts of the Sahel (the semi-arid region just south of the Sahara) was blamed on the inhabitants.


  • 第二部分环境退化绿色税收理论分析

    The second part is the theory analysis that the environment degradation and the green tax revenue.


  • 之前的研究发现,可阻挡尴尬想法大脑部分也会随着年龄的增长而退化导致人们有时无法自控。 。

    Previouss research has found that the part of the brain that keeps embarrassing thoughts in checkalso weakens with age, leading to people losing some of their inhibitions.


  • 冲刺(短距离)运动员恢复过程中的一个重要部分足够休息,以使得肌肉得到充分的恢复,但是也不能休息太多,使得情况恶化(肌肉退化)。

    One of the most important parts of a sprinter's taper is finding the balance between resting enough for the muscles to adequately recover, but not so much that they begin to deteriorate.


  • 帕金森氏中脑神经细胞退化导致疾病这种机制导致这些神经的缺失然而现金部分机制还不清楚

    Parkinson's disease is caused by the degeneration of neurons in the midbrain. The mechanisms leading to the loss of these neurons, however, are largely unknown.


  • 磷肥不同类型土壤中的退化机理不同,部分金属磷酸盐羟基磷灰石形式储存在土壤中。

    There are different degradation mechanisms in different soils and most phosphorus are reserved in form of metal phosphates and hydroxylapatite.


  • 住户认为以及获得对方承诺仅仅画面部分可能会受到因海浪拍打而造成的悬崖边缘退化危险

    The new owners are believed to have been assured that only the garden was in danger from the erosion caused by the sea breaking against the foot of the cliff.


  • 黄斑视网膜一小部分,具有感光精细视物功能。黄斑点退化导致黄斑变性从而影响视力过半以上的75岁以上老年人深受黄斑变性的困扰。

    Caused by the deterioration of the macular - the tiny part of the retina responsible for picking up colour and fine detail - macular degeneration affects the vision of more than half of over-75s.


  • 尽管吸烟增加部分疾病死亡风险,但是一些研究已经显示吸烟者中帕金森氏其它神经退化疾病风险降低

    Although smoking increases risks of most diseases and of death, some studies have shown a reduced risk of Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions among smokers.


  • 介绍部分酸化磷矿一步法制复合肥肥效土壤中的退化机理

    The effect of partially acidulated phosphate rock compound fertilizer and the degeneration mechanism of water soluble phosphate in soil were introduced.


  • 沙漠化干旱、半干旱部分湿润地区由于地关系不相协调所造成的风沙活动主要标志的土地退化

    The aeolian desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in Northern Chian.


  • 年龄相关性黄斑变性视网膜中心视网膜细胞退化造成视觉的中心部分成为模糊波状

    In age-related macular degeneration, retinal cells in the center of the retina degenerate and cause the center part of vision to become blurry or wavy.


  • 此外他们密切观察斯科特染色体粒——是位于染色体终端防止染色体退化部分——在国际空间站一年中的表现。

    In addition, they will take a close look at how Scott's telomeres - the end portion of a chromosome that protects it against deterioration - reacted to his year aboard the ISS.


  • 退化胸腺细胞部分显示活性

    The enzyme activity was demonstrated in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane of degenerated thymocytes.


  • 退化肾旁管段和中段未融合部分发育为输卵管

    The mesonephric duct degenerates, whereas the unfused upper and middle part of the paramesonephric duct develops into the oviduct.


  • 钙镁磷肥过磷酸钙部分酸化磷肥河南郑州西岗沙土和河南西华县潮中的退化情况进行了研究。

    The phosphate degradation was studied when Fused Magnesium phosphate, Single-super phosphate and Partially Acidulated phosphate Rock were applied in two kinds of soils.


  • 智力全世界人类退化首要因素因为智力只是人类条件能力部分

    The intellect is the central factor of the degeneration of man throughout the world, for the intellect is only a part of the human condition and capacity.


  • 智力全世界人类退化首要因素因为智力只是人类条件能力部分

    The intellect is the central factor of the degeneration of man throughout the world, for the intellect is only a part of the human condition and capacity.


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