• 以为部分时间工作其余时间只是在闲逛

    You thought I only worked part-time and the rest of the time I just loafed around.


  • 相比之下,Workville工厂允许员工部分时间工作去年病假数量少量上升

    In contrast, the factory in Workville, which does not allow any of its employees to work part-time, had a slight increase in the number of days of sick leave taken last year.


  • Workville商店去年开始允许员工部分时间工作报告去年病假数量前些年减少

    One store in Workville, which began allowing its employees to work part-time last year, reports that fewer days of sick leave were taken last year than in previous years.


  • 部分时间都花在工作上。

    He spends most of his time working.


  • 在家工作部分时间穿着睡衣

    I work from home and live in my pjs most of the time.


  • 研究工作清楚他们部分时间努力都不会成果。

    Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive.


  • 部分时间都在工作现在将得到失业救济金

    He worked most of the year. Now he's getting unemployment.


  • 吉姆5部分时间里,爸爸离家在外地工作

    His father worked away from home for much of Jim's first five years.


  • 部分时间工作练习朋友们一起正常

    Mostly it's just work and practice and a lot of fun with my friends, but it's pretty normal.


  • 毕竟,在我们历史部分时间里,美国人都是根据工作家庭需要来安排学年

    For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family.


  • 取代他们提前工作可以将他们的部分时间分配第二项目初始阶段去。

    Instead of having them work ahead, you assign them part time to the Inception phase for a second project.


  • 工作每一个公司部分时间用来处理那些判断能力的人。

    In every company I've ever worked for, part of my time has been spent dealing with people who use poor judgment.


  • 可能符合部分时间失业救济金的申领条件,当然这取决于所在国家法律规定,在你找到一份全职工作前,这笔小钱可以垫个底儿。

    On the plus side, you may be eligible for part-time unemployment benefits, depending on your state's laws, which can cushion the blow while you look for a new full-time position.


  • 特别是,同为医生的夫妻愿意晚孩子而且感到工作占据他们部分时间,使他们无暇顾及家庭

    Specifically, two-doctor couples were more likely to delay having children and to feel that their work did not leave enough time for a family life.


  • 必须一心扑在自己生意上,可以部分时间晚上或者周末着做做生意,主要精力放在当前工作

    You don't have to go whole hog into running your own business. You can try out your business on a part-time, evenings and weekends, basis while still working your current job.


  • 对于团队来说,他们感到非常舒适自然;他们可以近乎百分之百精力投入到他们的工作中去,一的绝大部分时间都呆在这个团队房间就是他们工作投入的表现之一。

    This seems about right and comfortable for a team that is almost 100% dedicated (ie, in the room most of the day).


  • 对于生命重要的,对你的工作尤其重要,因为我们清醒时,部分时间是用来工作的,而且我们花费工作上的时间在不断地增加。

    This is important in all of life but particularly at work, because we spend so much of our waking moments at work, and the amount of time we spend there is increasing.


  • 一直不理解为什么有些晚上工作很晚然后早上部分时间用来睡觉,但是现在,已经凌晨1了,我坐在这里,反反复复一首歌,终于明白了。

    I never understood why some people would work late into the night and sleep most of their mornings away, but now that I am sitting here, at 1am, listening to the same song on repeat, I get it.


  • 工作占去了我们人生很大部分时间

    We all spend a significant proportion of our lives at work.


  • 这种激光器相反工作模式才是真正新奇之处其中部分时间光线打开的,闪烁非常短暂脉冲关闭

    "What's really novel is that this laser works in the opposite mode, where most of the time the light is on, but it turns off in very brief flashes, very brief dark pulses," said Wiener.


  • 一位电视厨师,“作为职业厨师,我认为部分时间厨房工作是可以。”

    TV chef said: "As a professional chef I expect to spend the majority of my life working in the kitchen."


  • 部分时间只是不停地握手,在人群里到处走动衬衫写着“对不起,我无法说话”你们工作棒极了”。

    I spent most of the time shaking hands and walking around with signs on my shirt that said, Sorry, I can't talk, and You did a good job.


  • 部分时间数据管理工作关于模式SQL或者tcoroi的。

    Much of the time, data management work is all about schemas and SQL, or TCO and ROI.


  • 决定放弃自己正职工作或者放弃曾占用部分时间任何东西都艰难的事情。

    Deciding when to quit your day job, or to quit anything else that takes up a huge chunk of your time, is a tough call.


  • 如果每天上班感到无聊,花部分时间上网,那么你可能考虑一个新的工作了,找一份能有激情更有责任感工作

    If you are bored and surfing the web most of your work day, you may want to think about looking into job options where you’ll get more stimulation and responsibilities.


  • 我们生命部分时间工作

    We spend a huge portion of our lives working.


  • 心理健康组织强调努力工作日本社会的一大传统,人们一天的部分时间办公室里度过从而增加抑郁症的风险

    Japanese society has traditionally put much emphasis on hard work and employees regularly put in long hours in the office, which increases the risk of depression, mental health organizations say.


  • 心理健康组织强调努力工作日本社会的一大传统,人们一天的部分时间办公室里度过从而增加抑郁症的风险

    Japanese society has traditionally put much emphasis on hard work and employees regularly put in long hours in the office, which increases the risk of depression, mental health organizations say.


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