• 给出相应PLC程序部分上位界面设计

    And it also offers the design of the corresponding PLC procedure and part of the PC interface design.


  • 测量系统主要包括两个部分上位位机。

    This system includes two parts: the upper system and the lower system.


  • 第三部分仪器运动步骤管理,在上位机的利用仪器状态计算下一步仪器的运动命令。

    The third is the step management of the instrument movement, which computes the next step according to the instrument state.


  • 自动化系统分为信号监测PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)控制上位机控制部分

    The system is composed of three subsystems, they are the signal monitor subsystem, the PLC (the Programmable Logical Controller) one and the host computer control ore.


  • 仪表组网部分采用RS485总线实现台仪表之间的互联,采用RS232实现上位机与485总线控制器之间的连接,最终实现整个系统组网。

    In the part of net working building, RS485 bus is used to connect several instruments, and RS232 is used to connect the computer to 485 bus, then the whole system connection is realized.


  • 勇士至少部分受到责怪,由于他们防守上位置到位。

    The Warriors were at least partly to blame, as they sagged off on defense to clog the post.


  • 系统位移测试装置、下位机硬件系统、上位软件部分组成。

    The test system is made up of length testing device, hardware system and PC software and so on.


  • 系统包括上位软件RS232—485转换器、分机模块电缆连接4部分监控程序设计采用顺序查询方式执行主程序。

    The system consists of upper computer software, RS232-485 converter, every kind of modules and cables. And finally the monitor program is designed with the sequential query mode.


  • 详细介绍了机械部分工作原理传感器选择测试系统硬件电路设计过程、下位机软件设计上位软件设计。

    The work principle of the mechanical part, the choosing of the sensor, the design the measurement circuit and the design of soft wares are introduced in detail in this paper.


  • 基于蓝牙无线通信系统模块化机器人闭环控制系统一个重要组成部分上位机器人之间通信通过蓝牙模块来实现

    The wireless communication system is an important part in the closed loop control system of modular robots, the correspondence between computer and robot is realized by the bluetooth module.


  • 交互式多媒体系统总体设计包括位机平台的设计上位软件平台设计两部分

    The overall design of interactive multimedia system includes the design of Lower Computer platform and the design of Host Computer software platform.


  • 其次,采用三维力控编写上位机组软件部分包括人机界面制作专家报表历史报表的设计等

    Third, adopt Sanwei Likong to design the content of the PC configuration software, including the production of man-machine interface, designs of experts statements and history statements.


  • 系统软件分为上位软件位机软件两个部分文中下位机软件进行了开发,采用了模块化设计

    The software of this system is composed by the upper computer software and the lower computer software; this paper develops the lower computer software and applies modularization design.


  • 部分上位机——PC机上系统程序

    The first part is the software locating on the upper, the PC.


  • 系统主要包括超声波发射接收部分压力测量部分数据采集部分单片机上位pc机控制部分

    The system consists of the transmitting and receiving ultrasonic, measuring pressure, collecting data, and controlling of Single Chip Micyoco and PC mainly.


  • 智能钢筋焊网机控制采用PLC技术,其上位机的通讯采用RS-232标准软件部分通过C语言编程实现,较好地实现通讯功能

    The PLC technology is used in the Intelligent net-sealing machine. it adopts RS-232 standard. the soft part is realized by C language, the communication function is realized bitterly.


  • 系统双目立体视觉模块路径规划模块、遥操作模块、上位控制模块以及通讯模块五部分组成。

    The system consists of stereo vision module, Path planning module, Teleoperation module, PC control module and Communication module.


  • 控制系统硬件部分DS P控制板电机驱动组成,DS P控制板与上位之间串口通讯无线和有线两种方式可以选择

    Its hardware is composed of DSP controlling board and motor driving board. There are two choices for the serial communication between the DSP board and the PC.


  • 系统上位显示控制、下位执行控制上下位通信部分组成。

    The system consists of an upper-computer display, a lower-computer execution control as well as an upper-lower computer communication.


  • 基于计算机模拟技术进行监控数字化生产调度监控系统数据网络采集系统和上位监测处理部分组成

    Computer analog-based digital monitoring system of production dispatching is composed of data network collecting system and upper level computer monitoring and processing system.


  • 讲述水下航向姿态数据采集深度数据采集、存储器、VFD显示系统以及上位软件部分功能简单介绍了有关芯片

    Paper narrates the functions of the underwater attitude data collection, depth data collection, memory and VFD display system as well as the software, simply introduces relevant chip.


  • 系统硬件上位位机两部分组成。

    The system hardware was composed of upper computer and lower computer.


  • 控制系统软件设计包括两个部分,下位机上位机的软件设计。

    The software design of the system consists of two parts, DSP software design and host computer software design.


  • 整个系统分为控制部分执行部分控制部分包括上位机控制部分变频器控制电机调速部分

    This system consists of a control part and an executive part. The former one includes the control part of MCU and the timing part where the motor is controlled by the inverter.


  • 最后编写整个系统软件部分包括上位实时性软件实时性软件部分

    Finally, the software of the system was programmed, including the non-real-time software of upper computer and the real time software of lower computer.


  • 最后编写整个系统软件部分包括上位实时性软件实时性软件部分

    Finally, the software of the system was programmed, including the non-real-time software of upper computer and the real time software of lower computer.


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