• 所有部分一些恢复过程

    All of that was part of some slow recovery process.


  • 部分画得再一些

    I'm going to shade this part in.


  • 然而更新数据表明至少星球表面一些部分的确存在液态水,且存在于过去很长的一段时间内。

    However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on the surface.


  • 事实上一些联邦地方机构甚至部分公共工程合同分配少数民族企业制定具体百分比目标

    Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.


  • 近亲繁殖有限部分牛群中可能会同样效果同时还有其他一些也许还未被认识到的优点

    The same effects of inbreeding may have occurred in controlled cattle populations, with some additional, and perhaps unrecognized, advantages.


  • 如今部分新教教堂都有一些牧师

    Most Protestant churches now have some women ministers.


  • 剧本部分韵文写不过一些散文

    Most of the play is written in verse, but some of it is in prose.


  • 双方花了部分时间争论程序上一些问题

    The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.


  • 现在历史教师多诺霍也认为,教育事业一些特定部分帮助:“肯定记得上学一些特定日子里学到东西。”

    Donohue, now a history teacher, agrees that it helped during certain parts of her education, "I can definitely remember what I learned on certain days at school."


  • 作为网络的一部分所有无线方面公司都会进行一些位置跟踪

    He says that all wireless companies do some amount of location tracking as part of their networks.


  • 一些人来说他们遗嘱重要部分就是他们希望如何埋葬。

    For some people, the most important part of their will is the part that says how they want to be buried.


  • 一些假设表明人类某些活动部分原因,比如捕鱼

    There are also several hypotheses that suggest some sort of human activities are partly responsible, like fishing.


  • 这些技术方面奇迹目前可能无法成为社区医院配置部分一些机器正逐渐进入民用医疗领域

    These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine.


  • 有时候一些很难音乐作品中会有一些优美简单部分——初学者都演奏简单部分

    Occasionally, in some difficult musical compositions, there are beautiful, but easy parts—parts so simple a beginner could play them.


  • 报告中的一些数据表明阅读仍然许多儿童生活重要组成部分

    Some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children's lives.


  • 这里一些原始建筑部分地区经过现代化改造,现在被用作各种海上航行工具港口包括游艇一些令人惊叹摩托艇

    There are some original buildings here but most of the area has been modernised and is now used as a harbour for all kinds of sea craft including yachts and some amazing power boats.


  • 还有一些是半原创、半复刻的—这些综合性雕塑中,一部分不只参照了希腊雕塑,还有一些雕塑古希腊神像运动员罗马人头颅放在一起。

    Some combined more than one Greek statue and others combined a Greek god or an athlete with a Roman's head.


  • 协助移徙可能会成为我们救援战略可行部分一些不确定性风险存在

    Assisted migration could become a viable part of our rescue strategy, but there are a number of uncertainties and risks.


  • 我们可以一些午餐部分晚餐

    We can send away some of the lunch and a great deal of the dinner.


  • 虽然部分家养,但也一些是野生的。

    While most of the pig species are domestic, some live in the wild.


  • 决定演讲过程些笔记一些有趣部分,再代表学会感谢

    I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.


  • 到了那里看到一些水果出售而且部分便宜

    When he got there, he saw some fruit for sale, and most of it was very cheap.


  • 至少部分领域学术调查可能需要减少排他性变得更全面一些

    Academic inquiry, at least in some fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.


  • 一些学生可能会假期部分时间都花娱乐上,从而荒废了他们学业

    Some students might spend most of their holiday time on amusement, and thus leave their study neglected.


  • 他们中的一些人来说,他们部分时间甚至都不是用来画作拍照而是作为背景自己拍照。

    Much of that time, for some of them, is spent taking photographs not even of the painting but of themselves with the painting in the background.


  • 正如其名你们部分路线沿着走的,你们看到一些我们本地美丽鸟类路线穿过片密集林区

    As the name suggests, you'd be following the river for most of the way, and you get to see some of our beautiful native birds, but the track also goes through a densely forested area.


  • 尽管一些杂志面向的是全国读者部分杂志受众依然较小

    Although some magazines will maintain national audiences, a large number of magazines will entertain narrower audiences.


  • 世界上保留古老的艺术中,一些欧洲洞穴艺术,部分位于西班牙法国

    Some of the world's oldest preserved art is the cave art of Europe, most of it in Spain and France.


  • 可怕事件中的部分幸存者都会患有一些与压力相关的症状比如感到恐惧焦虑不安以及很容易受到惊吓

    Most survivors of a shocking event will develop some stress-related symptoms, such as feeling frightened, jumpy, and easily startled.


  • 可怕事件中的部分幸存者都会患有一些与压力相关的症状比如感到恐惧焦虑不安以及很容易受到惊吓

    Most survivors of a shocking event will develop some stress-related symptoms, such as feeling frightened, jumpy, and easily startled.


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