• 可以指定将来自特定发送者的邮件自动放到垃圾邮件文件夹中

    You could also specify that mail received from a specific sender be automatically sent to your Junk mail folder.


  • 自己省点力把收件箱3以前所有邮件移动一个积压邮件文件夹中

    Do yourself a favor: Select all the email in your inbox that's more than three days old, and move it into a Backlog folder.


  • 若要了解如何使用辅助索引请考虑用户更改邮件邮件文件夹中的显示方式发生的操作。

    To understand how a secondary index is used, consider what occurs when a user changes the way messages are presented in a messaging folder.


  • 遗憾的是,这些过滤器承认”的发生率比较以至于不时地需要手工检查垃圾邮件文件夹中某些邮件

    Unfortunately, they also have a relatively high false positive rate -- enough that I need to manually examine some of the spam folders from time to time.


  • 可以使用脚本修改版本通过允许用户错误地标识垃圾邮件消息复制非垃圾邮件文件夹,以便采用相同方式报告非垃圾邮件

    You can use a modified version of the script to report ham in the same way by allowing users to copy messages into the folder that were incorrectly identified as spam into the ham folder.


  • 可以用户邮件数据库创建新的视图文件夹(只能创建不加分类),它们添加当前视图左边大纲

    You can create new views or folders (non-categorized only) in the user's mail database and add them to the outline that appears to the left of the current view.


  • 另外现在可以执行针对整个邮件线程操作比如删除线程将其移文件夹中

    In addition, you now can perform operations for an entire mail thread, such as deleting a thread or moving a thread to a folder.


  • 假设对以下事情很在行,比如说,可以把你所有邮件存档100个文件夹中恰当分类然后编辑到电子表格里,确实很棒

    That is, if you're really efficient at creating a 100 folders and rules for all your email and having them all sorted properly and compiled into a nice spreadsheet, that's great.


  • 来自被阻止用户消息直接投递Notes7邮件数据库新增JunkMail文件夹

    Messages from the blocked users are delivered directly to the new Junk mail folder in the Notes 7 mail database.


  • (可能垃圾邮件进行分类放在几个不同文件夹中然后保存它们形成消息语言资料库(corpora)。)

    (I sort probable spam into several different folders, and I save them all to develop message corpora.)


  • 应用允许用户选择多个邮件然后操作选取操作,他们文件夹中

    The app lets users select one or more messages, then select an action from the action Bar, such as moving them to a folder.


  • 代码首先获取邮件数据库数据库所有文件夹视图列表

    The code starts by getting the mail database and a list of all folders and views in that database.


  • 可以识别所有邮件归档各个文件夹将您的收件箱作为无法识别的、且需要进行手动过滤的电子邮件隔离文件夹

    File everything you recognize into folders, and leave your inbox as the quarantine folder of e-mails you do not recognize and which need manual filtering.


  • 大多数过滤软件能让受拒消息保存临时文件夹等待您去查看如果需要查看的文件夹中充斥着大量的垃圾邮件,那么这个软件的实用性会因此而削弱。

    Most filtering software allows you to save rejected messages in temporary folders pending reviewbut if you need to review a folder full of spam, the usefulness of the software is thereby reduced.


  • 处理时,如果很快处理邮件马上处理,否则放入处理”的文件夹中

    To accomplish this, if you can answer an email in less than two minutes, do it right away. If it will take longer, move it into a “work in progress” folder.


  • 示例希望创建一个搜索文件夹”,用来跟踪收到有关销售经理空缺职位封电子邮件

    In this example, you want to create a Search Folder to keep track of every email message you receive about the open Sales Manager position.


  • applicants使用单个邮件文件夹存储所有邮件finance则合理地将其电子邮件分散不同文件夹,以便进行组织

    Applicants is using a single mail folder to store all their mail, and finance has sensibly split their E-mail into different folders for easy organization.


  • 最佳的解决方案Maildir格式使用文件系统标准目录表示邮件文件夹并且使用不同的文件来表示每个不同的电子邮件消息

    The best solution is the Maildir format, where standard directories on the file system are used to refer to mail folders and individual files are used to refer to each individual e-mail message.


  • 输入测试结果存储到文件夹名称CloudLab服务器它们合并一个ZIP文件一封电子邮件发送下载链接

    Enter the name of the folder where the test results are stored and the Cloud Lab server will consolidate them into a single ZIP file and send you an email with a link to download it.


  • 可以LotusNotes数据库视图导出一整套文件例如邮件数据库的一个特定文件夹

    You can export an entire set of documents from a view in a Lotus Notes database, such as a specific folder in your mail database.


  • 清单7.根据日期自动地某个文件夹电子邮件进行重新组织

    Listing 7. Automatically reorganizing E-mail in a golder by date.


  • 文件夹编号确定哪个文件夹中邮件存档

    Folder Id Determines which folder a message is filed to.


  • 现在需要找到关于董事会电子邮件时,需要在成打的文件夹乏味手工寻找。

    Now, when we need to find email pertinent to the board meeting, we don't have to paw manually and tediously through dozens of folders.


  • 服务器空间服务器上的文件夹删除走一些邮件释放空间。

    You have run out of space on the server. To make space available, delete messages or move messages away from the folders on the server.


  • 超出服务器存储极限腾出可用空间,服务器上邮件移动到的本地文件夹中

    You have exceeded your storage limit on the server. To make space available, move messages from the server to your local folders.


  • 大部分电子邮件程序支持不同类型消息放入到文件夹的功能,用户可以文件夹中批量查看回复消息,而不需要一条一条地进行处理。

    Most email programs allow you to route different types of messages into folders, where you can review and respond en masse rather than piecemeal.


  • 选择缺省情况下文件夹列表显示出来联机邮件,请选择文件”->“订阅”。

    To choose which online mail folders are displayed by default in your folder list, select File Subscribe. Folders.


  • 所有收到的邮件(收件箱文件夹)都将出现收件箱

    All old incoming messages (from your inbox and folder tree) will appear in the Received view.


  • 所有收到的邮件(收件箱文件夹)都将出现收件箱

    All old incoming messages (from your inbox and folder tree) will appear in the Received view.


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