• 自动攻击现在不仅仅是自动攻击还会自动邪恶攻击

    Auto attack is now literally auto attack. It will click sinister strike for you!


  • 铭文-邪恶攻击邪恶攻击40%几率获得一个额外的连击

    Strike 01 (Rogue): Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point.


  • 奇袭改为:所有终结技不会躲闪使刺,凿击,刀锋,邪恶攻击伤害提高8%。

    Surprise Attacks changed to "Your finishing moves can no longer be dodged, and the damage dealt by your Backstab, Gouge, Shiv, and Sinister Strike abilities is increased by 8%".


  • 邪恶攻击铭文-邪恶攻击40%几率击后获得一个额外连击点数,原来是100%。

    Glyph of Sinister strike - Your Sinister strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point. Down from 100%.


  • 提示打开自动攻击陷阱周围移动只要一进入攻击范围就能自动打到你一边邪恶攻击一边移动更加安全。

    Tip: Turn on your auto attacks and move yourself around the trap, as soon as you are in range you will hit him automatically. It is much safer than mashing SS as you move around the trap.


  • 那次射击描述一次邪恶攻击

    She described the shooting as a wicked attack.


  • 这个孩子弱小并且受到邪恶叔叔阴谋威胁。他的叔叔塞特送去了毒蛇野兽攻击

    The child was weak and in constant danger from the scheming of his wicked uncle Seth, who sent serpents and monsters to attack him.


  • 撒落作为非正式牺牲品平息上帝的怒气;或者可能作为一种邪恶精神攻击因为据说魔鬼不能接触盐。

    The thrown salt may serve as an informal sacrifice to conciliate the gods; or it may be an attack on the evil spirits, since it is believed that the Devil cannot abide salt.


  • 无尾熊——无尾熊属于一种树袋熊邪恶物种,它专门跳下攻击人类

    Dropbears - Dropbears are an evil species of koala that fall from trees and attack humans.


  • 人类邪恶一面使得有人滥用计算机技术实施攻击入侵,那么就是试图破坏计算机系统

    That same dark side of human nature ensures that there will always be those who misuse computer technology to attack, intrude, and otherwise attempt to do harm to computer systems.


  • 一旦出没解决生产出没的人族殖民者开始上升邪恶goop摇摇晃晃地攻击基地

    Once infested, the settlement starts producing infested Terran colonists who rise from the vile goop and stagger in a steady stream to attack your base.


  • 但是十分执着Google 现在邪恶力量攻击如果其他人角度这件事的话他们支持邪恶力量。

    But Brin was adamant: Google was under attack by the forces of evil, and if his fellow executives did not see things his way, they were supporting evil.


  • 地球狠狠邪恶外星人你的影响力绘制银河系星座反映盾牌攻击来袭导弹回来

    Your home planet is being attacked by evil aliens! Use your galactic influence to draw out constellation shields and reflect the incoming missiles back at your attackers.


  • 边缘艺术节的团队旅行越野西雅图神秘一名男子攻击老板因为相信他是邪恶撞击角的生物事件学习

    The Fringe team travels cross-country to Seattle after learning of a mysterious incident involving a man who attacked his boss because he believed he was an evil ram-horned creature.


  • 神圣神殿,奋力的维持着这些建造好的世界,并时刻提防扭曲冥界邪恶力量的攻击

    The benevolent Pantheon, which sought to safeguard these structured worlds, was ever vigilant against the threat of attack from the vile extra-dimensional entities of the Twisting Nether.


  • 由于攻击错误邪恶计划江陵卷起

    Because of assailing Jiang ling county, in the mistake, the evil plot, rolls up horse and foot.


  • 攻击可以容易创建一个邪恶双胞胎智能手机其他上网设备一些容易软件

    An attacker can easily create an evil twin with a smartphone or other Internet-capable device and some easily-available software.


  • 邪恶灵气改变死亡骑士灌注邪恶狂热提高攻击速度移动速度15%,所有技能的公共冷却时间减少0.5。同一时间只能激活一种灵气。

    Unholy Presence changed to: Infuses the death knight with unholy fury, increasing attack speed by 15%, movement speed by 15% and reducing the global cooldown on all abilities by 0.5 SEC.


  • 据说何露斯孩提时代,受到邪恶之神——攻击

    It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil.


  • 今天我们国家遭遇了邪恶人性恶毒邪恶攻击我们美国人民则团结一致、互相帮助来回应这一邪恶;我们的救援人员英勇无畏。

    Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers.


  • 更加邪恶阴谋攻击可以劫持自动更新功能受害者计算机上诱骗自动安装恶意软件退出黑客的网站。

    In an even more nefarious plot, an attacker could hijack the auto-update feature on a victim's computer, and trick it into automatically installing malware pulled in from a hacker's Web site.


  • 更加邪恶阴谋攻击可以劫持自动更新功能受害者计算机上诱骗自动安装恶意软件退出黑客的网站。

    In an even more nefarious plot, an attacker could hijack the auto-update feature on a victim's computer, and trick it into automatically installing malware pulled in from a hacker's Web site.


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