• 比赛才刚开局45短促勾拳逮住了里斯,拳王严重受伤倒地。

    He nailed Linares with a short left hook about 45 seconds into the fight, putting the titleholder down and hurting him badly.


  • 从地上起来的里那雷斯,经受不了一阵拳头轰炸,再次轰然倒下,旋即出局

    Linares got up but soon collapsed under a barrage of blows and the fight was stopped.


  • 被设置饵爆炸了

    His booby-trapped car exploded.


  • 西所房子猛地一推。

    She gave Gracie a shove toward the house.


  • 发现风景难看得令人吃惊

    Dekkeret found the landscape startling in its ugliness.


  • 双打比赛中,选手战胜了匈牙利纳塔·赛伊科尼利娅·萨恩达。

    In the doubles, the pair beat Hungary's Renata Csay and Kornelia Szanda.


  • 如果《泰晤士报》的负责人呢?

    And if Peretti were in charge at the Times?


  • 文先生的妻子死得如此突然门锁上了。

    Mr. Craven had it shut when his wife died so sudden.


  • 孟达示意四个兄弟武士向前走,虽然有点还是决定尊严地

    DE Roquefort motioned. The four brothers stepped forward, and though he was frightened he decided to go with dignity.


  • 侧过看着点头向我表示感谢,接着吉他弹“”了首歌看着手指琴弦上跳动,仿佛手指就是他自己,在自由奔跑着。

    He looked at me over his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before bringing his song to life on the guitar. I watched Ray's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free.


  • 但是博士她本次实验合作者耶鲁大学的经济学申纪武认为并非真正原因所在。

    But that's not the real reason, according to Dr. Ariely and his collaborator in the experiments, Jiwoong Shin, an economist who is now at Yale.


  • 宁可辛德坐着可怕言语也比跟这个‘主人可靠的助手,糟老头子,在一起好!

    I'd rather sit with Hindley, and hear his awful talk, than with ' 't' little maister "and his staunch supporter, that odious old man!"


  • 教会来说很大的一笔钱,”纳德告诉

    "That's a huge deal for the church," Rennard told me.


  • 福斯同被拘关塔某些一样无辜的。

    Dreyfus was innocent, like some of those held at guantanamo.


  • 戈里现在辛辛提大学校长法律教授

    Gregory Williams is now the President and a professor of law at the University of Cincinnati.


  • 马吕斯一步一步慢慢地走上老屋楼梯正要回到冷清清的屋子里去忽然看见容德特大姑娘过道里后面走来。

    Marius ascended the stairs of the hovel with slow steps; at the moment when he was about to re-enter his cell, he caught sight of the elder Jondrette girl following him through the corridor.


  • 由于印尼一个受尊敬的中立方,印尼外长·加瓦可能能够整个地区受到影响之前成功劝说双方采取退让。

    Because Indonesia is a respected, neutral party, Thayer says Natalegawa could succeed in persuading both sides to pull back before the entire region is affected.


  • 姆先生清楚地讲解了1963以来一些黑幕,都是约旦国王以色列人秘密交易历史记录,但没有被公开的记录,直到1994年犹太签订一项和平协议

    Mr Shlaim spells out in hitherto unpublished detail the history of secret dealings between the king and the Israelis, from 1963 until 1994, when he signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state.


  • 蒂华纳市斯市贩毒集团势力削弱使罗亚集团墨西哥北部边境的势力得以加强

    The weakening of local traffickers in Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez has enabled Sinaloa to strengthen its presence along Mexico’s northern border.


  • 修长平整茶色夹克、修剪整齐指甲耳垂隐约闪光的小耳钉贝特先生本身就是一丝不苟的最好诠释。

    From his slim, neatly pressed tan slacks to his perfectly trimmed nails and the small, gleaming stud in his left earlobe, everything about Mr. Rebete suggests a sense of well-scrubbed order.


  • 如果知道事情变成这样为什么我们呢?”特问。

    "If you knew that it was going to lead to this, why didn't you call us?" Trevor questioned.


  • 这个国家使用代理服务一种真正敌意,”辛辛大学国际事务副校长敏弛

    "There is a real hostility in this country to the use of agents," says Mitch Leventhal, vice-provost for international affairs at the University of Cincinnati.


  • 波克哈先生利用两人都曾经宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院学习过事实,巧舌如簧地说服了戈德·家族年轻成员替他们引见

    Mr Pokharna wheedled an introduction from a young member of the Godrej family, exploiting the fact that both had been at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school.


  • 波克哈先生利用两人都曾经宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院学习过事实,巧舌如簧地说服了戈德·家族年轻成员替他们引见

    Mr Pokharna wheedled an introduction from a young member of the Godrej family, exploiting the fact that both had been at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school.


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