• 轮船停泊纽约时,麦克林托克正和第一上船移民官员们船上

    As the ship berthed in New York, McClintock was with the first immigration officers aboard.


  • 其余的门徒离岸不远有二百(注:古代以肘尺,一肘约有今时尺半),就拉过来。

    8the other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.


  • 我们送到巴西陆军运输船上艘船一个商人海员指挥。

    We were transported on the U.S. Army transport Brazil, which was manned by merchant seamen.


  • 我们船上乘客,尽可不必过问航海图罗盘针

    It is not for us who are passengers, to meddle with the chart and with the compass.


  • 横跨帕帕·加约海湾只鹦鹉终于无法忍受卡斯特炎热了,它决定凉先。

    During a boat trip across the Gulf of Papagayo, this parrot decided that he couldn't stand the heat of the Guanacaste summer and decided to take a bath.


  • 我们船上没有这种备件供给我们二个好吗?

    We have no such spares on board. Will you provide two pieces for us?


  • 水手离

    The sailor went ashore.


  • 我们送到巴西陆军运输船上艘船一个商人海员指挥。

    We were transported on the U. S. Army transport Brazil, which was manned by merchant seamen.


  • 靠岸楚人立即从船上刻记号地方跳下水捞取掉落的宝剑

    When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.


  • 在下关加煤时,我们甲板看见岸上许多矮小的日本妇女用接力方式将一筐筐沉甸甸的煤块搬运船上,她们背负重荷的身影让人倍觉辛酸。

    At Shimohoseki our ship was coaled . From on deck we watched the many little women tossing baskets of coal from one to another up to the ship. A sight we would never see again .


  • 曾是海盗出没主要地点我们船上有个人知道他们起的所有名称

    It were a main place for pirates once, and a hand we had on board knowed all their names for it.


  • 船上工人穿着只有当年运河船工们才有的行头:宽边草帽吊带裤。吊带他们看起来粗糙的裤子高高吊起,露出他们的靴子

    The men who work the boat wear what canal workers might have worn back then-broad-brimmed straw hats and suspenders that pull their scratchy-looking pants high above their boots.


  • 夜幕垂垂的下来时,大小船上点起灯火。 从两种玻璃里映出辐射着黄黄的散光,反晕片朦胧的烟霭; 透过这烟霭,黯的水波里,又逗起缕缕的明漪。

    When night falls and lanterns on all the boats are lit, the soft, yellow light piercing two layers of glass sheds a vast halo of haze and casts shimmering stripes on the dim, rippling water.


  • 听到另一艘鱼轰隆大家都高兴,艘鱼船上游客还挺的。

    We heard the sound of another boat, and everyone was happy. It seemed that there were many tourists on that boat.


  • 船长,”乡绅,“船上怎么看不到屋子他们一定瞄准面旗。”

    "Captain," said the squire, "the house is quite invisible from the ship." It must be the flag they are aiming at.


  • 张照片永久船上,它记录了27年前悲情一刻最后见到自己儿子

    Permanently framed in the boat, the photo captured that sad moment - the last time I was to see my son for 27 years.


  • 可能酿成大灾难,因为船上桅杆在水面高耸几百英尺,而船速能达到小时30海里(每小时35英里)以上

    That could be disastrous, considering that the boats, with masts that tower a couple of hundred feet above the water, are capable of speeds of 30 knots, about 35 miles per hour, or more.


  • 苍老声音尖厉、颤抖,仿佛声音船上的绞盘定的而且定音时嗓子喊破了

    In the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars.


  • 苍老声音尖厉、颤抖,仿佛声音船上绞盘定的而且定音时嗓子喊破了

    In the high old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars.


  • 医用船上几千鬼魂

    There must be thousands of ghosts on a hospital ship !


  • 怒海中的条小船上脸上飞溅而来海水耳畔咆哮不停海风情况一样

    But if you're in the rough sea in a boat, his face is splashed from the sea, ears are kept roaring wind, that is not the case.


  • 现在赶快到船上去吧,我等会儿到船上来找你。”说着可敬船主离开两位朋友,向法院方向走去了。

    So saying, the worthy shipowner quitted the two allies, and proceeded in the direction of the Palais de Justice.


  • 在这时海盗出现美丽姑娘

    Then, all at once, a very beautiful girl appeared on the other ship. She gave some sharp commands and all the pirates disappeared.


  • 没有船长努力船及船上所有的人都沉没了。

    The ship would have sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain.


  • 1941年3月印度洋上,HMAS堪培拉拦截德国补给船科堡号油轮克提布洛维格号,船上船员破坏船只。

    In the Indian Ocean in March 1941, HMAS Canberra intercepted the German supply ship Coburg and oiler Ketty Brovig and both ships were scuttled by their crews.


  • 靠岸楚人立即船上刻记号的地方跳下水捞取掉落的宝剑。捞半天,仍不见宝剑的影子。

    When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.


  • 树袋熊袋熊两种来自艘着陆于现今称为澳大利亚区域特别动物

    Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Australia.


  • 树袋熊袋熊两种来自艘着陆于现今称为澳大利亚区域特别动物

    Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Australia.


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