• 沿途意外惊喜我们刚巧遇上诺克斯维尔举行的世界博览会甚至有幸目睹第一太空船维尔角发射升空,永不忘记这个奇遇

    But there were also surprises. We stumbled onto the world's fair in Knoxville and even saw one of the first space shuttles take off from cape canaveral. I will never forget that wonderful adventure.


  • 因为当地所有死了都由下葬,所以没有他不认识的人。 他乐观向上的性格使能够艰巨的战斗中对抗邻居维尔镇的戴维.斯图尔特)保持不懈的斗志。

    Since he had buried all the kinfolk there, he knew everyone, and he had an upbeat personality that kept him going in the uphill battle against his neighbor in Danville, David Stewart.


  • 著名法国设计师让·努维尔设计丹麦广播音乐厅著名伏利公园里的蒂伏利音乐厅以及路易斯安现代艺术博物馆和各种爵士音乐会,极大地提高城市文化品位。

    The Jean Nouvel-designed DR Concert Hall and the Tivoli Concert Hall in the famous Tivoli Gardens, plus the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and great jazz venues, put the city high on the cultural map.


  • 许多维尔居民没有考虑到洪灾危险,而为自己提供保护措施

    Many Nashville residents had never considered protecting themselves against the risks of flooding.


  • 西尔维娅红色头发一种半的形式。

    Sylvia’s red hair was in a half- pony but she put it into a pony.


  • 西尔维娅红色头发一种半的形式。

    Sylvia's red hair was in a half - pony but she put it into a pony.


  • 上岸水手很多土著所杀,船长借机返船离开,后来这个给他们带来灾难地方称为科尔·维尔或者甘。

    Some sailors landed, but so many of them were killed by the natives that the captain was glad to embark again and sail for home, after calling the place of their disaster Cape Keer-weer, or Turnagain.


  • 维尔地板上踱步他挥舞着封信大喊:“乔吉(乔治的昵称)!”

    Carville paced the floor, waving the letter around and Shouting, Georgie!


  • 就是奥立弗费金家里去个姑娘就是本顿维尔房子出来晚上

    I am the girl that dragged little Oliver back to old Fagin's on the night he went out from the house in Pentonville.


  • 错过有关凯文·威尔触目惊心腿部受伤报道使路易斯维尔队成为球迷的最爱

    No one has been able to miss the coverage of Kevin Ware shocking leg injury and that's making Louisville, a fan favorite.


  • 列车还没有波恩维尔车站拱形屋顶停下来,人们就简直窝峰似的扑上车去。

    Before the train had come to a standstill under the arched roof of the bonneville depot it was all but taken by assault.


  • 列车还没有波恩维尔车站拱形屋顶停下来,人们就简直窝峰似的扑上车去。

    Before the train had come to a standstill under the arched roof of the bonneville depot, it was all but taken by assault.


  • 去过加尔维斯敦情况

    I've been over to Galveston to look at the situation.


  • 喜欢埃尔维斯·普雷斯利因为欣赏音乐的丰富想象力为音乐加入了多元素。

    I like Elvis Presley, because I appreciate his powerful imagination ability in music, which added to the diversities of music.


  • 哎吆!路易斯维尔礁石上系泊,在别处又耽搁了日子,可怜又老气横秋的“鲍尔-琼斯”轮从辛辛新奥尔良段航程浪费了两个星期的宝贵时间。

    What with lying on the rocks four days at Louisville, and some other delays, the poor old 'Paul Jones' fooled away about two weeks in making the voyage from Cincinnati to New Orleans.


  • 美国俄亥俄州东南部座城市,位于赞维尔东南方俄亥俄河河畔。初建于788年,该州古老的居民区。人口5,02。

    A city of southeast Ohio on the Ohio River southeast of Zanesville. Founded in 788, it is the oldest permanent settlement in the state. Population, 5, 02 '.


  • 卡内基基金会汤姆瓦尔一份卡什维利格鲁吉亚”的综述中写道以后,米哈伊尔就忙于摆脱战争带来的混乱结果,努力重建经济

    Since then, Saakashvili has labored with mixed results to rebuild his economy, Tom De Waal of the Carnegie Endowment writes in a comprehensive look at Saakashvili's Georgia.


  • 巴斯克维尔威廉的。

    Bernardo, William of Baskerville was right.


  • 凯尔·帕拉·维尔四个宝座,”女巫,“如果只有三个有人坐呢?预言就实现。”

    "Four thrones in Cair Paravel," said the Witch. "How if only three were filled? That would not fulfil the prophecy."


  • 这些日子孕育巴里四个男孩西尔维亚的爱。

    And these days also bred Barrie's affection on the four boys and Sylvia.


  • 近来又出现两种足球赛,便是:佛罗里达州杰克森维尔城的鳄鱼杯赛得克萨斯州尔帕太阳杯赛。

    Recently, two more have appeared: the gator (alligator) Bowl at Jacksonville, Florida, and the Sun Bowl at El Paso, Texas.


  • 回到巴斯克维尔庄园不过。人们普遍谈论庞大重建和改建计划,可惜这些计划因他的逝世而中断

    It is only two years since he took up his residence at Baskerville Hall, and it is common talk how large were those schemes of reconstruction and improvement which have been interrupted by his death.


  • 当日汉诺威维尔中尉握着门钮,想进庄屋法国敢死队员一斧子便下了

    At the moment when the Hanoverian lieutenant, Wilda, grasped this handle in order to take refuge in the farm, a French sapper hewed off his hand with an axe.


  • 与此同时,维尔担心家里的妻儿老小。除了两个学童外,还有一对5个月大的双胞胎

    Sainvil was most concerned for his family: his wife, their two elementary school-age children and 5-month-old twins, as well as his mother, who has not left the house since Monday.


  • 与此同时,维尔担心家里的妻儿老小。除了两个学童外,还有一对5个月大的双胞胎

    Sainvil was most concerned for his family: his wife, their two elementary school-age children and 5-month-old twins, as well as his mother, who has not left the house since Monday.


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