• 理解环境,不理解游戏规则,不熟悉陈述方法以及其它累计起来有罪无罪,证明有罪宣告无罪

    She had no sense of context, of the rules of the game, of the formulas by which her statements and those of the others were toted up into guilt and innocence, conviction and acquittal.


  • 新楼周围环境协调

    The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.


  • :“有些天生不喜欢游戏化工作环境。”

    Some people do not take naturally to gamified work environments, Cornetti says.


  • 如果一位框架开发员现在就会确切地知道需要做什么框架CDI 集成,进而与EE环境集成。

    If you're a framework developer, you now know exactly what you need to do to integrate your framework with CDI and, by extension, with the EE environment.


  • 如果我们仅仅保留实体环境最终会将二者丧失殆尽

    But if we save only the physical environment, we will ultimately lose them both.


  • 如果他们本身就是用户他们就处于经理们控制环境

    If they're users themselves, they exist in an environment controlled by managers.


  • 通常这样种说法“如果我们能够一个供应商购买我们自己的完善开发环境,我们成为最好的,”但是事实上这种情况很少发生。

    There is a general perception which says "it would be best if we could purchase our complete development environment from a single vendor," but in reality this happens rarely.


  • 如果英国真的想改善能源安全和环境解决气候变化问题,比起低排放交通策略我们需要一个汽车交通策略。

    More than a low-carbon vehicle strategy, if the UK is to improve its own energy security and environment, and tackle climate change, we need a low-car vehicle strategy.


  • 很明显我们想要保持放射线材料不在我们环境或者生物圈里基本上就是进入容量完整性保持

    Obviously we wanna keep the radioactive material out of our environment or biosphere which basically gets into the maintenance of containment integrity.


  • 轮就环境还是财政而言倘若减少废弃物产生花费不多于通常废弃物处理费用减少废弃物的产量有意义

    Reducing the amount of waste being produced makes a great deal of sense, provided it does not cost more, in either environmental or financial terms, than disposing of it in the usual way.


  • 他们认为这种活动可以调节我们基因生活环境决定了范围幸福感水平

    They see the activities we take part in as moving our happiness levels within the set range determined by our genetics and our life circumstances.


  • 玛丽娜努力适应着环境抵抗疟疾服用喹带来恶梦致命昆虫极端天气,还有充斥着飒飒声的黑暗

    Marina struggles with her new environment: the nightmares from the Larium she has to take against malaria, deadly insects, extreme weather and, always, the whispering darkness.


  • 注意成长环境工作话题产业计划活动

    Note the kind of environment, work, people, topics, industries, schedule, and activities that make you thrive.


  • 如果已经决定创造一个迭代化软件开发环境教育相关利益方非常重要,你必须让他们懂得RUP项目合作特性

    If you do decide to create an iterative software development environment, then it is important to educate stakeholders about the collaborative nature of RUP projects.


  • 随着海洋探索研究越来越深科学家们发现了一些怪异的生物他们已经适应了海底恶劣、严酷的极端环境

    As scientists delve deeper beneath the ocean's surface, they find bizarre creatures that have adapted to harsh and extreme environments.


  • 确实一个可悲结果实现人口平衡换来了自然环境的破坏。

    That really would be a dismal outcome, to reach world population equilibrium only to find we'd destroyed the natural environment in the process.


  • 觉得中国的领导层很明白必须改善环境如果奥运会或者无论什么事件能成为种催化剂,何乐而不为呢。

    'I think the leadership quite genuinely knows the environmental situation has to change -- and if it's the Olympics or whatever that is the catalyst, then so be it.'


  • Rational早期意味着设计建立最初硬件运行ada开发环境

    In Rational's early days, that meant designing and building original hardware to run an Ada development environment.


  • 如果来自一个有着酗酒背景家庭社会环境我就必须别人更加提防自己脆弱

    If I come from a family of alcoholics, then in a social setting I need to be more cognizant of my vulnerabilities than other people do.


  • 现在似乎已经依赖这样一种经济环境,宽厚地允许过度开销而没有要求增加疏远中产阶级税收。

    That now seems to have relied on benign economic conditions that enabled lavish spending without requiring the tax rises that can alienate the middle classes.


  • 因此证据表明特定环境没有发生非常有用的

    Therefore, evidence that tells us this is not happening in particular contexts is enormously useful.


  • 意味着任何人都不剥夺获得适当的住房食品饮水环境卫生以及教育保健权利

    That means that no one should be denied their rights to adequate housing, food, water and sanitation, and to education and health care.


  • 当时精钻一个没有被征服机器人领域——即适应性能力。即机器人可以根据周围环境改变而调整计划能力样。

    But he wanted to try to master an area of robotics that remains unconquered - adaptability, the ability of the robot to rethink its plans as the environment around it changes, as would a human.


  • 因此不容易收集太阳光环境进行斐波布局测试

    So I was testing the Fibonacci pattern under the most difficult circumstances for collecting sunlight.


  • 假如说,特别孤立社会环境阻止了我进入人世生活的中心,正确

    It is not true that my peculiarly isolated social condition was the bar to my plunging into the midst of the world-life.


  • 如果申请职位需要处理压力较大工作,面试时对方可能会刻意设计一个压力较大的面试环境

    If the position you are applying for involves a lot of stress the interviewer might deliberately set up a stressful situation.


  • 好消息如果科学家诸如多发性硬化症的疾病并非遗传决定的,混合了遗传环境的双重作用,斯说

    The good news is thatif the scientists are rightdiseases such as MS are not genetically predetermined but a mixture of nature and nurture, says Ebers.


  • 今天你们一瞥极致简约的工作环境------假如知道个究竟,这里就是魔力之源。

    Today I thought I'd give you a peek at my minimalist workspacein case you've ever wondered, this is where the magic happens.


  • 今天你们一瞥极致简约的工作环境------假如知道个究竟,这里就是魔力之源。

    Today I thought I'd give you a peek at my minimalist workspacein case you've ever wondered, this is where the magic happens.


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