• 他们一下饼干吃光了。

    They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.


  • 一下栋房以及邻近地区产生了反感

    She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood.


  • 一下弄得头晕脑胀

    That glass of wine has gone straight to my head.


  • 1940年出版的《失业男人家庭》一书中提到的一家里,丈夫失去工作后的第一反应是“不知疲倦工作”。

    In a 1940 book, "The Unemployed Man and His Family", described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job "with tireless search for work".


  • 班杰踏重重的步走进屋里站在脸严肃地只动物

    The Badger strode heavily into the room, and stood looking at the two animals with an expression full of seriousness.


  • 仙水真是愚蠢的法

    Talk about trying to cure warts with spunk-water such a blame fool way as that!


  • 如果整个团队对于一个特别小组或者委员会信心,应该授权团队自己进行大多数决策

    If the whole group is confident in a task force or committee it should empower the subgroup to make most decisions on its own.


  • 并且他们必须在某个方面涉及告诉自己定的极限同一个作用例如每天限制50个人事或者5邮件或者3项重要任务

    I told her that the limits I set for myself have the same function: limiting myself to 50 personal things, or 5 sentence emails, or 3 Most Important Tasks each day, for example.


  • 随后金龟到了这块风水宝地,坐着三个年轻金龟因为知道说啥好而在傻笑。

    Then the beetle stepped down into the rich mud, where sat three young lady beetles, who tittered, because they did not know what to say.


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“我养宠物”,“我带着孩”,“我有满满一柜”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist,” “I havepets,” “I have kids,” “I have a closet full of shoes,” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“我养宠物”,“我带着孩”,“我有满满一柜”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist, ” “I havepets, ” “I have kids, ” “I have a closet full of shoes, ” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 倘若害怕一下见到太多陌生人,可以先从一些让自己感到舒适的场所下手,对于来说可能大学里教室;对于其他人来说可能是他们所熟悉的某个酒吧。

    If you're afraid of meeting strangers, it helps to find places where you're comfortable - for example, in a college class, for some people, at a bar you're familiar with, for others.


  • 憎恶声的穿布底鞋的长班的儿,我憎恶君鞋声的常常穿着皮鞋的临院搽雪花膏的小东西

    I hated the little wretch next door who used face-cream, often wore new leather shoes, and whose steps sounded all too like those of Zijun.


  • 霏欧纳放下手表捋了捋自己,把它们放在双肩,说“你们是因为学校你们这群书也没事,他们还有一堆假正经的家伙。”

    Fiona lowered her watch, flipping her blazing red hair behind her shoulders. "I picked you because the school could use a little less nerds or nice people, like goody-goods."


  • 我们谈论神经元放电时实际上并没有闪一下电,”莱康博博士注释道

    "When we're talking about neurons firing, there's not any actual lightning," notes Dr Le Comber.


  • 公司——麦肯锡——由亲手造就。

    That firm, McKinsey, was the creation of one man.


  • 季曼提到新泽西州两个家伙时,只说是“几个生意人”。

    Some businessmen” was how Skinny Zyama had described the two gangsters from New Jersey.


  • 悄悄直往卡门·艾尔茜钻的笑声一下消失了取而代之的是剧烈砰砰声声音无疑来自心房的撞击。

    The laughter that had been worming in Carmen Elcira vanished and was replaced by a vigorous thumping that was most definitely emanating from her heart.


  • 因为亚他利雅拆毁殿,又耶和华殿中分别供奉巴力。

    Now the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had broken into the temple of God and had used even its sacred objects for the Baals.


  • 伊莱整个家族必须他们不尊敬付出代价,警告过丝毫没有阻止两个恶劣行为。

    The time will come when I will punish Eli’s whole entire family for their disrespect they have shown me. I warned Eli about it but he didn’t stop his sons from not honouring me.


  • 钢制挣脱铰链,阳光一下进货仓。

    Daylight flooded the cargo area as the steel door broke free.


  • 手指开始戳这个12键界面时,一下找到了我父亲感觉60年代笨重电脑科学家,不能自己无线网络正常运作的感觉。

    As I prodded at the little 12-key interface, I feltlike my father, a 60s-vintage computer scientist who can’t get his wirelessnetwork to work, must feel.


  • 无数责怪自己为什么满足第一次历险收获,足够一辈

    I upbraided myself a hundred times for not being content with the produce of my first voyage, that might have sufficed me all my life.


  • 便是作为部落

    That is, we want to be a member of a tribe.


  • 他们便起行前往。使周围城邑人都惊惧追赶雅各了。

    And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.


  • 出版之后编辑后悔一辈

    But he sent it; and it was published, to the everlasting regret of the editor.


  • 如今中国西北部的三村里满语混合香烟从八十六赵兰凤满布皱纹嘴唇吐出

    Today Manchu mixes with cigarette smoke blown through the wrinkled lips of 86-year-old Zhao Lanfeng in Sanjiazi, a village in China’s north-east.


  • 德黑兰方面没有最后期限之前回应西方国家去年10月提出伊朗停止浓缩活动交换条件一揽激励措施,本次会议以来召开的首次此类会议。

    The meeting was the first of its kind since Tehran missed a deadline to respond to a package of incentives offered in October by western nations in exchange for Iran halting uranium enrichment.


  • 假设昨天地铁车厢里对面一下放下报纸抬起头来,逐个回答道。

    I imagined yesterday the row of people across from me on the train, looking up all of a sudden from their newspaper and answering one after another.


  • 假设昨天地铁车厢里对面一下放下报纸抬起头来,逐个回答道。

    I imagined yesterday the row of people across from me on the train, looking up all of a sudden from their newspaper and answering one after another.


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