• 下一步就是调动人机合作探索那些未知蛋白质结构形状

    The next step will be to deploy such man-machine collaboration to discover the structures of proteins whose shape is unknown.


  • 世界上许多地方孩子害怕那些未知、不真实的东西。

    In many places in the world children are afraid of the unknown, of the unreal.


  • 那些未知地域地图上都缩小了,西方人所到达世界边缘档案遗忘了

    As those unknown territories shrunk on maps, a record was left of the limits of western man's world.


  • 那些未知旅人们也许只是因为此地幽暗或者易于发现选择了这个埋藏点。

    Our unknown travelers may have chosen the burial spot because it was obscureor because it was conspicuous.


  • 所以个星期注意到所有那些未知照片打上标签,我耸耸肩然后过去

    So this week when I noticed all those undiscovered pictures were set to be tagged, I shrugged and rolled over.


  • 只是需要时间思考,平静,深呼吸继续探索那些未知旅途最终找到方向

    She just needs time to think, and be, and breathe... and continue to explore the undirected journeys that will eventually help her find her direction.


  • 我们接受这种传统为了追求卓越,去开拓那些未知的领域,没有人能够预言我们能达到怎样的成就。

    When we add to that the traditional quests for excellence for which we are known, there is no telling what we can accomplish.


  • 对于发现的星球还有很多未知的地方。可能一旦人们更多了解后便会发现,那些未知的地方将不适应生命生存。

    There's still a lot that is unknown about the new planet, which could be deemed inhospitable to life once more is known about it.


  • 之中,整个电脑动画视频仿佛闪烁起了未知恒星未知的行星,串联起了那些未知的星际气体未知的区域。

    Past that, the entire computer animated video seems to sparkle with unknown stars, unknown planets, and sequences where unknown gas is flowing toward unknown places.


  • 久之渐渐领悟其实所有恐惧大脑出于保护自己本能产生的,而且你也会领悟那些未知的恐惧没有你潜意识中认为的那样危险

    With time you will start understanding that all those fears are just crap that your brain creates to protect you from the unknown but you’ll also know that this unknown is not THAT dangerous.


  • 久之渐渐领悟其实所有恐惧大脑出于保护自己本能产生的,而且你也领悟那些未知的恐惧没有你潜意识中认为的那样危险

    With time you will start understanding that all those fears are just crap that your brain creates to protect you from the unknown but you'll also know that this unknown is not that dangerous.


  • 这种援助对于查明潜在危险——有毒物种不可预测河流未知领域——至关重要,那些危险可能意味着生死差。

    Such assistance was essential in identifying potential dangerspoisonous species, unpredictable rivers, uncharted territories—which could mean the difference between life and death.


  • 到目前为止人类记录下了火星地球上日出但是猜想那些已知未知的行星的日出一件非常有趣的事情。

    So far, humanity has only recorded sunrises on Mars and Earth, but it is fun to wonder what they would look like on planets known and yet unknown.


  • 是个英雄那么那些走向未知人们各个都英雄。

    He has said that if he is a hero then everyone who goes into the unknown is a hero.


  • 这种算法非常适合于寻找接近一个未知据点的那些数据使用来自这些已知输出预测未知输出。

    This algorithm is ideal for finding data points that are close to an unknown data point and using the known output from those values to predict the output for the unknown.


  • 然而为何他们声音就像那些探索未知黑暗洞穴男孩们呼喊对方名字时那样越来越,越来越明显?

    But why, then, are their voices like the voices of boys calling to each other as they explore a dark unknown cave, growing ever louder and louder, bolder and bolder?


  • 但是还有未知未知那些我们知道我们不知道的事情。

    But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.


  • 如果模仿父母的任何行为(即使那些无意义的行为),你会愿意假定有些行为是基于未知目的

    If you copied everything your parents did even if it didn't make sense, you developed a willingness to assume that actions have some "unknown" purpose.


  • 这个软件可以用来解决那些模型已知,详细结果未知问题滚动允许用户设置他们希望解决问题的参数值

    The software works for problems whose form is know but whose particulars aren't; slider bars allow users to set the values for which they want the problems solved.


  • 世界上有已知未知也就是说我们知道我们还不知道的那些事情。

    There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know.


  • 初次约会建议分成户外室内无害”三个方面,最后的“无害”方面尤其是针对那些要去会面完全未知约会对象的

    I've decided to split the list of first date ideas into outdoor, indoor, and "safe." the last section is especially for those of you going on blind dates who have no idea what you're getting into!


  • 太忙于例行事情而去尝试那些扰乱你生活非例行的事情.如果你不注意说过的话也许不会意识到你做过此事.这样恐惧未知事物快速找到借口甚至没有意识到你变的没有了生气.

    If you aren’t sensitive to the words you use, you might not even realize you do this. The fear of unknown gets excused so quickly, you don’t even realize your just being gutless.


  • 对于那些未能利用XQuery全部威力公司真正原因害怕未知事物

    The real reason that businesses fail to take advantage of the full power of XQuery is fear of the unknown.


  • 经过六个月辛苦工作以后,我们终于搞清楚了如何去除多余的杂质——甚至包括那些木乃伊制作过程使用的未知物质,获得了可靠的DNA样品准备进行扩增测序

    Six months of hard work were required to figure out how to remove the contaminant-some still unidentified product of the mummification process-and obtain a sample ready for amplifying and sequencing.


  • 布拉德利教授指出新石器时代的会制造木板著称这些木板可以帮助他们通过沼泽, “虽然该试验还不能证明当时确实采用了球轴承的方式,但是至少在概念上行得通的”,他说,“这是个全新的看法,因为之前的那些看法并不能有效解释巨石是如何运输的,同时还遗留下许多考古方面的未知问题。”

    Neolithic people were known to cut long timber planks, which they used as walkways across bogs, Prof Bradley pointed out.


  • 如果我们接受只要应用程序运行那些存在未知风险网络上,公共网络就可能是安全事实的话,那么我们就应该了解如何测量管理这些风险。

    If we accept that corporate networks can't be secure as long as the applications running on those networks have an unknown risk profile, it behooves us to learn how to measure and manage that risk.


  • 鉴于此时很多还是未知那些过这些确认受感染地区人们就成为主要风险因素

    Because so much is still unknown at this point, the main risk factor is people traveling to areas where cases have already been identified.


  • 尽管原理未知,但是一些研究已经表明那些冥想者控制情绪大脑区域更加活跃灵活

    Though the mechanism isn't known, some research has shown that those who meditate have more activity or flexibility in the areas of the brain involved in regulating emotion.


  • 房子家具拥有一切给拍卖掉,用来偿还那些存在过的债款。

    My house, furniture and everything I'd owned was auctioned off to pay debts I didn't even know existed.


  • 房子家具拥有一切给拍卖掉,用来偿还那些存在过的债款。

    My house, furniture and everything I'd owned was auctioned off to pay debts I didn't even know existed.


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