• 读读那些一直以来最爱的段落

    Read some of your all-time favorite passages.


  • 特别对于那些一直以来都过于复杂的生产团队管理方面的应用程序

    This is especially true among productivity and team management apps which have been traditionally over-complicated.


  • 这一数据并没有使得那些一直以来母乳哺育率归因于缺乏支持专家惊讶

    The data doesn't surprise breast-feeding experts, who attribute the low breast-feeding numbers over time to a lack of support. When breast-feeding proves difficult — it's not as easy as it looks!


  • 突然间变得欢迎了,开始认识朋友那些一直以来称为敌人那里听到很多故事

    Suddenly I was being welcomed, developing friendships, and hearing stories from people I had called enemies all my life.


  • 看来四十准备就是我们将来准备,就是实现那些一直以来浮动在我们心中的梦想

    In my opinion, preparing for fourty years old means preparing for our future and achieving our dreams which are always floating in our hearts.


  • 我们希望看到道路充分清理干净,系统那些一直以来错误拒绝提供你们的好处所取代

    We want to see the way cleared sufficiently for old system to replaced, by all that has wrongly been denied to you.


  • 不是那些理论英语教授信口胡诌的,而是那些一直以来探讨着成功秘诀、精明而又计求实际学者们发现的。

    Not by theoretical English professors, but by practical, hard-headed scholars who have been searching for the secrets of success.


  • 不是那些理论英语教授信口胡诌而是那些一直以来就在探讨着成功斩秘诀、精明而又计求实际学者发现的。

    This discovery has been made in the word laboratories of the world. Not by theoretical English professors, but by practical, hard-headed scholars who have been searching for the secrets of success.


  • 补充说:“我们一直以来建议人们不要再车内吸烟尤其是那些用来接送儿童。”

    He added: "We would always strongly recommend that people do not smoke in cars, especially those used to transport children."


  • 如果一直以来总是嫉妒那些得到所有女孩子,那么现在与别人能够打平手并且获得好运机会了。

    If you have always envied the guy who gets all the girls. Nows your chance to get even and get lucky.


  • 那些认为全球化一直以来不论在哪儿都是坏事的人的想法错误的。

    No. Those who think that globalization is always and everywhere a bad thing are wrong.


  • 相比那些数字欧洲初创企业更应该部分感谢劳动法新创企业的制约。欧洲一直以来视为是风险抗拒型的。

    Compare those Numbers to start-ups in Europe, a continent that has long been characterized as risk-adverse, thanks in part to labor laws that work against start-ups.


  • 一直以来,这些算是(Geek)荣誉勋章那些吱吱嘎嘎的笔与墨时代恐龙不一样,我在成长阅读,很早适应了摩登时代的技术现实。

    This has always been a badge of geek pride: unlike the creakingpen-and-ink dinosaurs that I grew up reading, I’m well adapted to the modernreality of technology.


  • 知道吗,他们剽窃了我们信息。” 他说道,“Google微软、Ask.com以及其他所有一直以来应该免费获得那些内容!

    That's Google, that's Microsoft, that's Ask.com, a whole lot of people ... they shouldn't have had it free all the time, and I think we've been asleep.


  • 1930年以来美国通讯服务提供商一直以来都遵守联邦通讯委员会的有关规定,对客户流量不采取歧视定价,同时还不得不捐资给那些扶持乡村连接的基金。

    Since the 1930s providers of telecommunications services in America have been obliged to agree on rates with the FCC.


  • 一直以来工作就是帮助那些年轻人离开校园以后能够应付外面世界

    As always, my job is to help prepare young people to cope with the outside world after they leave campus.


  • 事实上经常看看导航一直以来是个主意那些可以展开的项目点开看看经常发现以前从不知道的很多选项

    In fact, looking at the navigation bar is always a good idea; check to see what can be expanded and you'll often find options that you didn't know existed.


  • 一直以来我们只是制作那些我们自己游戏希望这种方法今后继续很好地帮助我们

    We've always simply made the games that we wanted to play ourselves, and I hop that approach will continue to serve us well in the years to come.


  • 一直以来都对该在那些零散块的时间里些什么感到手足无措。

    I've been struggling with squishing what needs to get done into an uncomfortably small timeline.


  • 一直以来,探索宇宙奥秘以及发现银河陌生的星系,这些工作被认为只有那些装备昂贵望远镜文学家才可以胜任。

    THE task of peering into the cosmos and discovering strange new galaxies sounds like a job for astronomers armed with big and very expensive telescopes.


  • 然而一直以来大众媒体肮脏秘密就是大部分的版权属于那些发行公司而并非创作者。

    The dirty secret of mass media, though, was — and still is — that a great deal of it belongs to the companies that distribute it, rather than to the people who make it.


  • 然而一直以来大众媒体一个肮脏秘密就是大部分的版权属于那些发行公司而并非创作者。

    The dirty secret of mass media, though, was -and still is -that a great deal of it belongs to the companies that distribute it, rather than to the people who make it.


  • 名人名牌之间一直以来都有着层互惠互利融洽关系那些名牌厂商总是一窝蜂地扑向明星,博取他们的认可,使其成为自己的品牌代言人。

    Celebrities and brand names have long had a cozy, mutually beneficial relationship, with designers rushing to snag seals of approval from stars.


  • 负责欧洲事务部长FransTimmermans认为荷兰一直以来但是那些欧盟机构并不总是能博得荷兰人的欢心。

    Frans Timmermans, the Europe minister, says that the Netherlands was always pro-European, but not always in favour of European institutions.


  • 被称为奥马哈圣人Buffett一直以来警告那些无人能衍生品危险性。他经常华尔街的人们收入过高

    Dubbed the Sage of Omaha, Buffett had long warned about the dangers of dodgy derivatives that no one understood and said often that Wall Street's finest were grossly overpaid.


  • 一些留言看后无语相信那些一定不是真实表达不是最在乎一直以来支持我的朋友们、不是最可爱的畅迷们写下的话。

    There are also some messages which really have made me speechless. I don't think that is true expression, not from my friends who have been consistently supporting me, not from my lovely fans.


  • 一些留言看后无语相信那些一定不是真实表达不是最在乎一直以来支持我的朋友们、不是最可爱的畅迷们写下的话。

    There are also some messages which really have made me speechless. I don't think that is true expression, not from my friends who have been consistently supporting me, not from my lovely fans.


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