• 玻璃后来这种不是一见钟情感情其实才是具杀伤力的,可以无声无息地腐蚀全身每一个细胞那么彻底那么毁灭

    Glass later think, this is not the feelings of love at first sight are in fact the most lethal, it can quietly into the systemic erosion of every cell, then completely, then destroyed.


  • 如果某事必然的,如果技术想要什么,如果毁灭必须发生那么试图保护我们生活我们东西没有用的。

    If something is inevitable, if technologies want things, if destruction must occur, then there is no use in trying to preserve the things about our lives that we love.


  • 希望人类不会那么愚蠢自我毁灭

    I hope man will not prove so retarded as to destroy himself.


  • 因此如果我们毁灭其他物种那么不管是对于我们长期前景还是短期前景都是不利的。

    So, neither our short term nor our long term survival prospects are increased because we're destroying other species.


  • 另一方面如果我们不能信任我们社交网站上看到人和数字那么这些社交网站中体现的社会联系将会毁灭,而这些社会联系正是社交网站之所以对于营销者有价值的关键因素

    On the other, the social fabric of social networksprecisely the element that makes them valuable to marketerswill deteriorate if we can't trust the people and numbers we see there.


  • 知道是否真的但是我知道我不能没有如果地球将要毁灭那么告诉你“你唯一想见”。

    I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot loseyou. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see。


  • 那么,挣断铁链小船摆脱羁绊,无畏冲向毁灭

    Then break your chain, my boat, and be free, and fearlessly rush to your wreck.


  • 如果反应堆外壳结构不够坚固的话,那么燃料就有可能泄露外面环境周围地区产生毁灭结果

    If the containment structure around the reactor is not strong enough, the fuel potentially could be exposed to the outside environment, and can have devastating consequences for nearby communities.


  • 如果这个听上去不算遥远毁灭预言感到不舒服,那么来自加州理工学院的研究人员们将带给你一些好消息

    If visions of this impending heat death disturb you, researchers from the California Institute of Technology have some good news.


  • 每一种好的品质如果不是其他东西结合在一起,那么就是坏的。它就可能会带来接近毁灭边缘危险

    Every good quality if it is not combined with other things, then it is the worst. It may bring danger near the edge of destruction.


  • 发明活动可能一时有用但是如果它们导致最终毁灭那么它们什么

    Your inventions and activities may temporarily help but if they lead him to ultimate destruction then of what use are they?


  • 作为对这一规则的代替他们建议当一个大脑遭受毁灭不可挽回的损伤之前曾经做出了捐赠允诺那么应该允许在仍然活着时候取走有关乎生命器官

    Instead, they propose that someone whose brain is devastatingly and irreversibly damaged, and who has previously given his informed consent, should be able to donate vital organs while still alive.


  • 也许会觉得奇怪蜘蛛怎么竟是我们朋友因为它们毁灭那么昆虫

    Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects.


  • 我们摘要确保那些大规模杀伤性武器没有被使用直到有一天如果它们启动那么我们毁灭它们

    Our brief is to ensure that those of mass destruction are not used, to the point where if they are launched we will destroy them.


  • 假如个人处于毁灭令人无法忍受毫无希望处境那么当然继续下去愚蠢的。

    If one is in a situation that is intolerable or hopeless in its destructiveness then certainly it is foolish to continue.


  • 如果自由代价追求自由者毁灭那么追求自由的事业诚为可笑了。

    The cause of liberty becomes a mockery if the price to be paid is the wholesale destruction of those who are to enjoy liberty.


  • 戴维·琼斯爱情多么可怕的束缚又是那么容易毁灭

    Davy Jones: Ah. Love. A dreadful bond. And yet, so easily severed.


  • 但是原告是因请求法院发出禁令阻止毁灭濒临灭绝物种栖息地大坝建设要求公正补救措施那么没有获得陪审团的权利

    But a plaintiff seeking an injunction to prohibit the construction of a dam that would destroy the habitat of an endangered species is requesting an equitable remedy and is not entitled to a jury.


  • 至于如果毁灭不再来临或者创造不是基于他们教条,那么他们不可能人们自由思考。

    For if destruction does not fall into their scope, and creation is the main base of their doctrine, it is impossible to consider that some people may think differently.


  • 知道是否真的我知道我不能没有如果地球将要毁灭那么我要告诉你:你是我唯一想见的

    I don't know whether I really love you, but I know I can not lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.


  • 不能那么就让我们共同毁灭吧!

    If we cannot manage to win, we will destroy both of us all together!


  • 如果这种情况大规模发生,就1930年代那样那么由此引发的涟漪效应对于整个经济来说毁灭

    If this happens on a large scale, as it did in the 1930s, the ripple effect for the economy as a whole can be devastating.


  • 那么多的毁灭

    There is so much destruction.


  • 如果星球诞生拥有8倍于太阳质量那么毁灭就会发生一次超级大爆炸即我们熟知的超新星

    If a star begins life with more than 8 times the Sun's mass, it will end its life in a Titanic explosion known as a supernova.


  • 惊恐地朝伙伴们了一眼,他们看起来那么魔鬼,正在为一个天使的毁灭兴高采烈,我为他们同伙而感到厌恶

    I darted round a look of horror at my companions, who seemed like so many fiends exulting in the downfall of an angel, and I felt a horror at myself for being their accomplice.


  • 惊恐地朝伙伴们了一眼,他们看起来那么魔鬼,正在为一个天使的毁灭兴高采烈,我为他们同伙而感到厌恶

    I darted round a look of horror at my companions, who seemed like so many fiends exulting in the downfall of an angel, and I felt a horror at myself for being their accomplice.


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