• 赞美诗温暖客厅响起,引领我们那丁的琴声。

    And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.


  • 亚伯拉罕本来是计划德克·小镇做生意,立刻自己:“可以那丁工作。”

    Abraham, who'd already decided he wanted "to make a living in a little town in Texas," quickly said to himself, "This can work from Canadian."


  • 可怜斯代尔先生虑及坟墓时候或许一直在扪心自问:既然墓中一个诅咒的东西还会会长青草

    And, all this time, perchance, when poor Mr. Dimmesdale was thinking of his grave, he questioned with himself whether the grass would ever grow on it, because an accursed thing must there be buried!


  • 孩子可能是远远听到了他俩声音因为抬头看着窗户,面带欢快聪明顽皮笑容,朝斯代尔牧师先生扔上带刺牛蒡

    The child probably overheard their voices; for, looking up to the window, with a bright, but naughty smile of mirth and intelligence, she threw one of the prickly burrs at the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale.


  • 阿瑟·斯代尔恰恰心怀恐惧,周身战抖,并且事实上缓慢而勉强伸出死人一般冰冷触摸海丝特·白兰的发的手。

    It was with fear, and tremulously, and, as it were, by a slow, reluctant necessity, that Arthur Dimmesdale put forth his hand, chill as death, and touched the chill hand of Hester Prynne.


  • 关于戈尔聪慧美丽妻子安娜呢?

    And what of Ann, Golding's brilliant and beautiful wife?


  • 引人注目的斯代尔先生不久,叫作罗杰·齐灵渥斯老人容貌举止上发生变化

    Nothing was more remarkable than the change which took place, almost immediately after Mr. Dimmesdale's death, in the appearance and demeanour of the old man known as Roger Chillingworth.


  • 可能《暮光城》中爱德华·库仑无度式的郁郁寡欢刺激了这些人,这种气质让他们以为帕就是出演这位问题歌手的最佳人选

    The far more incendiary possibility is that Pattinson's Edward Cullen is inordinately moody and would therefore be a perfect fit for the troubled singer.


  • 但是今天一旦乐队收拾行囊离去时,伏伊伏的世界主义也被他们带走

    But today, once the bands pack up and leave, they take the cosmopolitanism with them.


  • 斯代尔牧师哆里哆嗦地断然推开了老人胳臂

    The minister tremulously, but decidedly, repelled the old man's arm.


  • 每年夏季欧洲各地区的数万年轻人前往诺维·萨德(伏伊伏的首府),参加位于多瑙河上游的佩特罗瓦城堡举行Exit音乐节

    Every summer tens of thousands of young people from across Europe come to Novi Sad, Vojvodina's capital, for the Exit music festival, held in the Petrovaradin fortress above the Danube.


  • 佛罗里达州圣奥古斯美国古老城市。 其黄金海岸沿着大西洋延绵四十英里之长,轻柔地斜滑湛蓝而慵懒拍岸浪花中

    THE golden beaches at St Augustine in Florida, America’s oldest city, stretch for 40 miles along the Atlantic, sloping gently into the blue, lazy surf.


  • 大加利岛圣奥古斯主题公园苏城只雄性白化鳄鱼

    A male albino crocodile is seen at the theme park Sioux City in San Agustin, Gran canaria.


  • Djurdjev先生表示:“以目前趋势看,本世纪伏伊伏地区90%的人口塞尔维亚人,所剩下10%将大部分匈牙利罗马里亚人构成。”

    On current trends, says Mr Djurdjev, Vojvodina will be 90% Serb by the end of the century. The remaining 10% will consist largely of Hungarians and Roma.


  • 今年一月,一家位于加州巴沙市的被称作EvolutionRobotics公司,已经开始零售店主销售一个名为购物车之鹰的系统

    In January a company called Evolution Robotics, based in Pasadena, California, began selling shopkeepers a system called LaneHawk InCart.


  • 这儿十二康士坦堡镇人——因此他是出过远门、过世面的人——他眼睛见过县上法庭——据说房子的屋顶锡皮做的。

    He was from Constantinople twelve miles awayso he had travelled and seen the world — these very eyes had looked upon the county court -house — which was said to have a tin roof.


  • 朋友如果都不在了,信息有什么呢?

    Friends Ding said that if people do not still living, then what is the use of information then?


  • 封信看看。叫巡伯爵的童呢?喂,主人地方什么

    Give me the letter; I will look on it. where is the county 's page, that raised the watch? Sirrah, what made your master in this place.


  • 详细介绍活性炭西生产中的应用状况。

    The present paper described an application of activated carbon to the phenacetin production in details.


  • 再不理睬听筒中吱吱声音,一手挂上了,就转脸看着医生微微笑着说。

    Disregarding the bewildered twittering from the other end of the line, he hung up and turned a smiling face to Dr. Ting.


  • 试验结果表明分离菌株对新霉素菌必治胺卡庆大霉素环丙沙星高度敏感

    The results of drug sensitivity test and therapeutic effect showed neomycin, ceftriaxon, amikacin, gentamycin and ciprofloxacin should be the chief drugs for treatment of these disease.


  • 结论DEN诱发肝癌鼠,细胞严重受损肝脏体积增大,非西代谢等肝功能试验明显改变

    CONCLUSION liver cells were damaged severely in the rats with DEN induced hepatoma. The liver mass increased without any significant changes in the liver function tests as phenacetin metabolites.


  • 结论耐多药肺结核采用含左氧氟沙星方案治疗MDR-TB效果肯定。

    Conclusion The treatment scheme of combine levofloxacin and amikacine was appropriate to apply on MDR-TB.


  • 就是拣选亚巴郎离开加色乌尔,他起名叫阿贝辣天主。

    Thou, O Lord God, art he who chosest Abram, and broughtest him forth out of the fire of the Chaldeans, and gavest him the name of Abraham.


  • 从奥古斯角度按照他所说去做,我们自然会得到真实终极上帝但是,我们并不知道他说的这个是否引领我们正确路上

    The idea, then, is that in augustine's view we must seek the truth, enlightenment , ultimate reality, god, but we cannot ever know whether this will lead us on a correct path;


  • 《维洛绅士莎士比亚一部以爱情友谊主题浪漫喜剧,以两个朋友在爱情上的波折为主要情节。剧中凡伦的正直朴实和普洛丢斯的狡猾放荡都十分鲜明。

    The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy that many believe was Shakespeare's first play. The play is also notable for its themes of friendship and infidelity.


  • 《维洛绅士莎士比亚一部以爱情友谊主题浪漫喜剧,以两个朋友在爱情上的波折为主要情节。剧中凡伦的正直朴实和普洛丢斯的狡猾放荡都十分鲜明。

    The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy that many believe was Shakespeare's first play. The play is also notable for its themes of friendship and infidelity.


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