• 新石器时代村落,罗马军团中队,许多机构似乎围绕巴人数来组建。

    Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number.


  • 所有报刊报道此事时只字未提布莱尔出席,只有默多克夫人文迪罕见采访透露了这个事实,那场采访将刊发于即将出版的新一期《时尚》。

    But no mention was made of Blair's participation, which was revealed only in a rare interview by Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng, in a forthcoming edition of Vogue.


  • 上周日对阵锡耶纳的比赛中上演帽子戏法;过去轮联赛中打进一切表示,曾两度荣膺世界足球先生小罗正在米兰找回自己的巅峰状态。 人们纷纷预测,巴西队主帅加会将召回国家队

    Ronaldinho has scored five goals in his last two games going into this Sunday's Derby della Madonnina and many expect Dunga to call him back up for the Brazil squad.


  • Linpack基准测试很有趣现象之一——几乎所有知道和实用性根本不沾边,”

    "The Linpack benchmark is one of those interesting phenomena -- almost anyone who knows about it will deride its utility," says Dunning.


  • 的“地铁活动世界各地媒体纷纷报道瑞典巴西英国相关电视采访不计其数网站报纸杂志报道了此事。

    Dunne and his "Tube chat" campaign have since featured in media across the world, seeing TV interviews in Sweden, Brazil and the UK, as well as countless website, newspaper and magazine appearances.


  • 我们无能为力一种东西。”布利多说。

    "Something that is beyond either of our help," said Dumbledore.


  • 布尔多当然你们意识到了过去几个小时里,你们也许破坏学校的好几条校规

    Dumbledore: you both realize, of course, that in the last few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?


  • 显然使用神取念没有法律限制因为斯内普教授哈利时,布利多在紧急情况询问别人毫不犹豫的使用了摄神取念。

    Using Legilimency is apparently not legally restricted, as neither Snape nor Dumbledore appears to have qualms about doing so in teaching Harry or in questioning people in emergencies.


  • 或者巴斯一切交给吉姆然后看着托马斯安德烈纳姆带领着湖人空荡荡的球场中向着季后赛冲击。

    Or Buss could turn things over to Jim and watch the place empty as the young Lakers with Deng, Tyrus Thomas, Andres Nocioni and Andrew Bynum try to make the playoffs.


  • 每个人敬仰

    Everybody adores Deng.


  • 许多特许商品包括布娃娃餐盘衣服利用波儿健康的形象而大卖特卖。

    Licensed merchandise including dolls, dishes, and clothing also capitalized on her wholesome image.


  • 不利多地下室奎洛教授之间发生的事情完全是个秘密所以很自然地整个学校知道了。

    Dumbledore: What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.


  • 不想太多——写着呢——可是霍格沃茨城堡里目击者看到,在布利多失足跌落、或自己跳楼、或人推下去片刻之后波特匆匆现场逃离

    Well, I don't want to say too much — it's all in the bookbut eyewitnesses inside Hogwarts castle saw Potter running away from the scene moments after Dumbledore fell, jumped, or was pushed.


  • 全是一派胡言,如果布利工作需要完成整个凤凰社他调遣

    It's utter nonsense, if Dumbledore needed work doing, he had the whole Order at his command!


  • 然后,看见前面布利多水里了起来,银白色头发黑色长袍闪烁着水光

    Then he saw Dumbledore rising out of the water ahead, his silver hair and dark robes gleaming.


  • 其他教师不会容忍麦格、弗立维和斯普劳特知道真相,知道布利多怎么的。

    The other teachers won't stand for this. McGonagall and Flitwick and Sprout all know the truth, they know how Dumbledore died.


  • 如果这个世界拥有更多布利多会任何人高兴。

    Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world.


  • 斯莱先生解释说,自从保密布利,凡是布利多向透露格里莫广场位置人,统统变成了保密人。

    Weasley had explained that after the death of Dumbledore, their Secret-Keeper, each of the people to whom Dumbledore had confided Grimmauld Place's location had become a Secret-Keeper in turn.


  • 不过上周里皮警告说,他们考虑渴望入选哪个国家队球员

    However, last week both Marcello Lippi and Carlos Dunga warned that they would only consider players who were determined and eager to choose their team.


  • 布利多浑身透湿,瑟瑟发抖,全身的重量仍然哈利身上。 哈利全神贯注,所有的意念集中目的地——霍格莫德村。

    Sodden and shivering, Dumbledore's weight still upon him, Harry concentrated harder than he had ever done upon his destination: Hogsmeade.


  • 克利斯蒂无论工作还是在生活中尼斯看作是最好朋友之一,有事情经常向征询意见。

    'I consider him one of my best friends and a sounding board' on both work and personal life, Ms. Serrano says. Mr.


  • 红色酒馆主要街道上彼此几个街区产生满足葡萄酒爱好者烹饪需求

    Tina's, Red Hills Provincial, and the Dundee Bistro, all on the main street within a few blocks of each other, arose to meet the culinary demands of the wine lovers.


  • 张杰棋就是很好的例子他们节目中的出色表现他们赢得了掌声赞许,这些具体表现在他们演唱会所获得收益上。

    Zhang Jie and Deng Ziqi serve as perfect examples. Their brilliant performances earned them applause and accolade, which were then externalized as profits they gain in their concert.


  • 张杰棋就是很好的例子他们节目中的出色表现他们赢得了掌声赞许,这些具体表现在他们演唱会所获得收益上。

    Zhang Jie and Deng Ziqi serve as perfect examples. Their brilliant performances earned them applause and accolade, which were then externalized as profits they gain in their concert.


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