• 最后次事件造成了深远社会影响研究报告,1982),康熙地震”。

    The last one left profound and far-reaching social impacts, and there was research reports on it ( Deng Zhongmian, 1982). It is now called "Kangxi Earthquake".


  • 理查德·伍迪职业赛马冠军赛处于领先位置。

    Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys' title race.


  • 波儿比尔·罗宾逊合作了电影他们上校楼梯舞蹈至今仍然电影里的传奇时刻

    Temple teamed with Bill Robinson in four movies, and their dance on the stairs in The Little Colonel is still a legendary film moment.


  • 不错传记作者,所关注一定服从看待世界方式如果仅仅听取对这个人物的批评我们将会错过故事许多其他内容。

    To be sure, there is good reason for a biographer to focus on the way his subject saw the world; we would miss much of Deng's story if we only listened to his critics.


  • 哈利波特的盟友老师布利多教授一个神奇石头叫做沉思盆。可以让虚拟现实回顾回忆场景

    Professor Dumbledore, Harry's ally and mentor, has a magical stone basin called a Pensieve that allows the characters to review memories in a sort of virtual reality scenario.


  • 然而一个真正的惊喜出现牛津大学的苏珊妮·舒尔茨罗宾·最近所提供一些数据

    However a real surprise occurs in some recent data provided by Suzanne Shultz and Robin Dunbar at Oxford University.


  • 乔治亚州立大学克里斯托弗报道说,鸡粪制造生物碳也可以使蒂夫顿的沙土肥沃起来。

    Christoph Steiner, of the University of Georgia, reported that biochar produced from chicken litter could do the same in the sandy soil of Tifton in that state.


  • 布利多将银色记忆从脑拉出放入以便哈利可以再次回顾过去的某些细节

    Dumbledore pours silvery memories into the basin so that he and Harry can revisit the detailed past with fresh eyes.


  • 罗宾·教授,这项研究者之一说道:“这第一将基因进化时间深度应用脑部进化研究。”

    Prof Robin Dunbar, co-author of the study, said: ‘For the first time, it has been possible to provide a genuine evolutionary time depth to the study of brain evolution.


  • 台·琼斯名球员变数最大,也是掘金最难留下的一员大将。

    Jones is the greatest uncertainty among the three Denver will fight hardest to keep.


  • 测验博士搭档发现直觉和预感之间联系使那些更加关注自己内心想法的坚强。

    In tests, Dr Dunn and his co-authors found the link between gut feelings and intuitive decision-making to be stronger in people who were more aware of their own heartbeat.


  • 届时,游客们公园亲眼目睹罗琳魔法世界的诸多著名地点霍格·沃茨魔法学校里布利多的办公室、霍格·莫德村的店铺等。

    The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowling's magical world, like Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade.


  • 所有报刊报道此事时都只字未提布莱尔出席,只有默多克夫人文迪罕见采访透露了这个事实,那场采访将刊发于即将出版的新一期《时尚》。

    But no mention was made of Blair's participation, which was revealed only in a rare interview by Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng, in a forthcoming edition of Vogue.


  • 俄亥俄州托莱多市贝尤维公园剧场的拳赛,“马纳萨的击鼓者”杰克·西经回合激战, 粗暴地击倒了6英尺6英寸的卫冕者杰斯·威拉德,将他拉拳王宝座。

    The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 上周日对阵锡耶纳的比赛上演帽子戏法;过去轮联赛打进一切都表示,曾两度荣膺世界足球先生小罗正在米兰找回自己的巅峰状态。 人们纷纷预测,巴西队主帅加会将召回国家队

    Ronaldinho has scored five goals in his last two games going into this Sunday's Derby della Madonnina and many expect Dunga to call him back up for the Brazil squad.


  • 爱上这部强大的剧集《如血很多原因同事格蕾丝.(GraceDent)文章已经列举出了一些

    There are many reasons to love the mighty True Blood and my colleague Grace Dent has already nailed many of them in this brilliant piece.


  • 葡萄牙语Dopey”的意思,如果足球玩不转了,他可以到迪斯尼世界混个临时演员当当。

    Dunga means "Dopey" in Portuguese and work as an extra at Disney World is a possibility should the football not work out.


  • 没有迈克有资格回答这个问题了。新书美国车,路:通用汽车的国故事》(AmericanWheels, Chinese Roads:The story of General MotorsinChina给出了答案。

    No one is better qualified to answer this question than Michael Dunne in his new book, American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The story of General Motors in China.


  • Dumbledorebumblebee”的J.K.罗琳给这个人物取名布利多是因为想象布利多是个“会常常自言自语的人”。

    JK Rowling apparently chose the name Dumbledore, which is an old word for "bumblebee", because she "imagined him walking around humming to himself" .


  • 看过克里斯汀·斯特电影《伊丽莎白镇》扮演的角色后,聪明幽默作家内森·拉宾创造了“精灵”(MPDG)这个词,用以描摹该类人物原型

    The smart and funny writer Nathan Rabin coined the term Manic Pixie Dream Girl to describe this archetype after seeing Kirsten Dunst in the movie “Elizabethtown.”


  • 1950年,21秀兰·波儿退出电影界,再次回到人们视线,她被共和党推举竞选美国国会议员,还成为了美国大使

    After retiring from films in 1950 at the age of 21, Temple returned to the public eye as a Republican candidate for Congress and as a US diplomat.


  • 问题《哈利·波特混血王子不利多宣布哈利只须再回一次女贞路的家,佩妮姨妈奇怪地胀红了脸

    And my question is, in Half-Blood Prince, Aunt Petunia is said to be "oddly flushed" when Dumbledore announces that Harry will be returning only once more to Privet Drive.


  • 骗局伪装贝尔·安蒂列斯描写很像阿德里安·巴,暗示才是最终扮演的角色

    In Cloak of Deception, the description of Bail Antilles closely matches Adrian Dunbar, suggesting that's ultimately what his character became.


  • 1999年,美国电影学会评选出50大银幕传奇人物榜单的25位女演员波儿第18位。

    In 1999, the American Film Institute ranking of the top 50 screen legends ranked Temple at No. 18 among the 25 actresses.


  • 1999年,美国电影学会评选出50大银幕传奇人物榜单的25位女演员波儿第18位。

    In 1999, the American Film Institute ranking of the top 50 screen legends ranked Temple at No. 18 among the 25 actresses.


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