• PTSD症状包括创伤事件记忆重现任何象征类似创伤事件的事物极度反应行为麻木以及易怒

    The symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks of a traumatic event, intense reactions to anything symbolizing or resembling the event, avoidance behaviors, emotional numbing, and irritability.


  • 分析水道船舶碰撞事故发生行为基础上应用模糊集理论提出了船舶狭水道航行的碰撞危险性评价模型

    On the basis of analysis of Ship's collision accident and anti collision actions, an evaluation model is presented for ship's collision risk in narrow channel by applying fuzzy mathematics theory.


  • 齿动物通讯行为可能新型灭鼠剂的研制提供一条新效途。

    New type rodenticide and repellent may be developed according to the communication behavior of rodents.


  • 通过能见度不良行为船舶碰撞之间关系进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the relation between the action of avoiding collision and ship's collision during poor visibility.


  • 表明旺盛生长的植株能诱导飞虱的产卵行为由于某些因素使整个产卵过程不能完成

    It suggested that oviposition behavior itself was normally induced on the fully-grown rice, but the entire process was not completed due to some deterring factors.


  • 通过交叉相遇局面拖网渔船行为实际调查应用信息熵理论,建立了行为不确定性模型

    Based on the investigation of single-trawling vessel collision avoidance action, the uncertainty models of action are set up by using entropy theory.


  • 介绍行为决策基于神经网络机器人过程中的运动控制等。

    This article presents the decision of obstacle avoidance behavior, robot moving control based on neural network during obstacle avoidance process.


  • 看起来失踪去了本能悟性,年夜的这种硬毗连使得我们没有法子省失踪做一些较着对自己有危险行为

    She also seems to have lost the instinctual alarm, hardwired into our brains, which stops us from taking obviously harmful actions.


  • 并结合模糊控制理论,对机器人行走行为进行研究

    According to the theory of fuzzy control, we research the stepped and avoiding obstruction of the robot.


  • 海上行为统计研究改善和提高广大海员技术探求修改国际海上规则有效途径之一

    Statistical study of behaviors of collision avoidance at sea is one of the effective methods to improve seamen's skill of collision avoidance and to search for amendment to collision Regulations.


  • 规划过程机器人两种行为目标运动碰,行为具有优先权

    The robot has two behaviors in the course of planning: moving to the goal and collision avoidance, and the collision avoidance behavior has the higher priority.


  • 为了克服传统机器人设计方法存在局限性 ,提高机器人的自适应能力 ,采用神经网络方法实现了进化机器人碰、趋近及其组合行为学习

    Obstacle avoidance, target approach and their combination behavior learning of evolutionary robot are realized by the use of artificial neural network in this paper.


  • 结果表明NE加快被动行为建立趋势行为保持的作用明显。

    The experiment results show that NE has the tendency to accelerate the establishment of passive avoiding behavior, but has no effect on the maintenance of the behavior.


  • 通过体重测试蔗糖偏好百分比、强迫游泳试验暗试验等方法观察动物行为改变。

    We detected body weight and studied the behavioral determination by using method of calculation the preference of 1%sucrose, forced swimming test and step through test.


  • 采用实时模糊决策算法设计基于传感器信息复合模糊控制器,决策微型仿生机器行为

    Based on the information of multiple sensors, a composite fuzzy controller using real time fuzzy control algorithm was designed to decide the avoidance behavior of micro robotic fish.


  • 针对以往机器人行为控制过程存在问题,并依据割草机器人的智能化工作要求及障碍物特点,提出了基于测距传感器系统及模糊控制技术的割草机器人行为控制方法

    In order to solve the problems in control of the mowing robot in its avoiding stumbling bock, The method of fuzzy control with path layout is used based on the distance measure sensors .


  • 但是这种基于识别主机完整性信息网络用户行为管理技术不能识别出具有绕主机完整性检查攻击行为

    However, the network user behavior management technology based on the identifying of host integrity could not identify the attacks that can avoid the host integrity checking.


  • 电机闭环驱动控制模块控制电机完成障动作行为采用速度单环反馈式驱动、PWM调速。

    The things about it are as follow: velocity feedback, H-bridge drive and speed control system using PWM technique.


  • 方法行为抑制法作为系统的行为选择机制,机器人障碍物可以队形保持障碍物时可以自我变换队形

    By using this approach, three Amigobot robots can maintain the formation while there is no obstacle, and avoid by themselves or change formation in obstacles.


  • 行为实验发现胸窗萤血液蚂蚁具有非常有效作用。

    Behavioral experiments confirmed that the blood of P. pectoralis is very effectively repellent to ants.


  • 方法以昆明小鼠材料,行为学角度,利用跳台、暗及迷宫计算机自动分析处理系统检测小鼠学习记忆能力

    Methods:The effects of alcoholic extract and watery extract of Renru on the memory of mice were evaluated by step down test.


  • 方法以昆明小鼠材料,行为学角度,利用跳台、暗及迷宫计算机自动分析处理系统检测小鼠学习记忆能力

    Methods:The effects of alcoholic extract and watery extract of Renru on the memory of mice were evaluated by step down test.


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