• 那个男人无耻遗弃妻儿寻新欢。

    The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman.


  • 小小的山谷遗弃幽暗古老树木中间,孤独而寂寞聆听着那些树木的众多舌头长时间悄声议论着在这里发生为人事情。

    The dell was to be left a solitude among its dark, old trees, which, with their multitudinous tongues, would whisper long of what had passed there, and no mortal be the wiser.


  • 生命要结束时失去了身体控制他的自尊遗弃,而这一切在他的弥留之际,他对这一切依然痛苦清楚

    Toward the end of his life, he lost control of his body and was abandoned by his dignity, something he remained painfully aware of until his final days.


  • 记得具体的细节,但是记得自己孤零零托付给女佣一年感到自己遗弃

    He doesn't specifically remember her dying but does remember being left alone with a maid for a year and feeling abandoned.


  • 34的丹振振有辞:“许多孩子活得很糟糕或者遗弃许多寄养环境长大。”

    Dana, age 34, made this case forcefully. "Many children are treated bad or abandoned." Some live their entire lives in foster care.


  • 然而这些日子里工作着的母亲时常称作乌鸦妈妈,它反映这样一个观念生命早期的幼仔令人悲伤这个种族遗弃

    Yet these days working mothers are sometimes called Rabenmuter or raven-mothers, reflecting the notion that this species abandons chicks pitifully early in life.


  • 这块污染严重垃圾满被人遗弃四周贫民窟破旧临时建筑,它们在我们的设计获准通过之前拆除。

    The site was heavily polluted, littered, deserted, and surrounded by slums and rickety temporary structures that were torn down before the design was commissioned.


  • 巴莱斯特里诺被遗弃区域始终保持原状,五十多年来不许人进入现在这一重新开发的计划

    The derelict part of Balestrino that has stood untouched and inaccessible for fifty plus years is currently undergoing planning for redevelopment.


  • 坦率因为大部分不信任他们冤枉了他们,所以,他们成了被社会遗弃的人。

    In plain words, mistrusted and misjudged by most people they are regarded as social outcasts.


  • 这些风景收录作品集《正在消逝美国》里,作品完美无瑕捕捉到了这些废弃建筑遗弃空间褪却颜色粗造表面

    He documented these landscapes in his series “Vanishing America, ” flawlessly capturing the faded colors and rough surfaces of these obsolete buildings and ignored spaces.


  • 希望那些遗弃现在看到一望无际大海上勇敢朝向危险死亡

    He wished that those whom he had left for ever could see him now, on the stormy sea, facing hardships and death with a courageous heart.


  • 798松下工厂就是摧毁遗弃的一个案例,但是粗犷朴素真实的工业特性当代艺术态度不谋而合

    The Panasonic factory at 798 area is devastated and ruined, but its rough, plain and real industrial building features happen to coincide with the attitude of contemporary art.


  • 通过大多数遗弃物品以及巧妙使用足够生活空间人们可以很容易拥有一个舒适房屋有限资金内,任何未来需求上,都可以在自然灵活性上得到满足

    By making the most of abandoned items and using enough Spaces for living cleverly, people can easily have a comfortable house fulfilled by nature and flexible for any future needs with a limited fund.


  • 黛安娜曾经解释内心深处痛苦感受使得她不断遗弃的人保持联系。

    Diana explained to me once that it was her innermost feelings of suffering that made it possible for her to connect with her constituency of the rejected.


  • 近日猫咪在其被遗弃坚持等待家人回来的的故事深深打动了网友们的

    Thee tale of a cat who sits faithfully waiting for its family to come back to the spot where it wasabandoned has captured the hearts of internet users.


  • 如果一个擅自战用者遗弃连续不受干涉占用12所有人产权将消灭。

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.


  • 因为父母过早遗弃

    My parents left me very very early.


  • 破土虽然不免要凄凄寂寂飘零,但遗弃路旁践踏了的好吧。

    Wouldn't it be better for you to wither away in solitude in this broken earthen wine bottle than to lie abandoned by the roadside and be trodden down upon.


  • 一些私人信件回忆录像中,能很明显感受到遗弃母子的那种失落感。

    In intimate letters and filmed reminiscences, the loss that must have been felt by the abandoned mother and son is palpable.


  • 不过一般说,阳光炎热山谷荒无人烟庄稼遗弃炽热里无人照管了。

    But for the most part the sunny valley was abandoned and desolate and the untended crops stood in parching fields.


  • 可怜的女人丈夫突然遗弃

    Poor woman, she was abandoned abruptly by her husband.


  • 生活在别处》(1999)描绘成都郊外农民占领遗弃豪华公寓大楼

    "Living Elsewhere" (1999) is an investigation into the fate of an abandoned luxury apartment building outside Chengdu that had been taken over by a group of landless peasants.


  • 前者现实中家人遗弃否定,在故事机械第一人称视角记录眼前发生自己正在经历种种事件;

    The former is deserted and denied in reality by his family and becomes a mechanical record of the present event or of his own experience with the first person internal point of view;


  • 它巧妙化用本事抒怀,展现了诗人忠君意识、遗弃意识、反省意识自赎意识相互交织独特心灵世界;

    Through the specific issues, he dexterously express his distinctive idea of loyalty to the emperor, abandoned, self-questioning and self-redeem, which is intertwined with each other;


  • 如果一个擅自占用者占有遗弃连续不受干涉占用12所有人产权将消灭。

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.


  • 34的丹振振有辞:“许多孩子活得很糟糕或者遗弃许多寄养环境长大。”

    Dana, age 34, made this case forcefully. "Many children are treated bad or abandoned. Some live their entire lives in foster care."


  • 流浪乐队那位打着绷带丈夫遗弃天鹅岛上。

    The wandering band abandoned her bandaged husband on Swan Island.


  • 流浪乐队那位打着绷带丈夫遗弃天鹅岛上。

    The wandering band abandoned her bandaged husband on Swan Island.


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