• 预测:“婚利尤其受到皇室婚礼的影响,而且这个完了之后还有一个等着呢。”

    Weddings in particular were all heavily influenced after that royal wedding, and they will be again after this one, ” she predicts.


  • 相比之下为了满足显示屏市场需求增长现在2012年间,每年大概需要量子尔德曼先生预测

    In order to meet the growing demands of the display market, by contrast, around three tonnes of quantum dots will be needed each year by 2012, Mr Edelman predicts.


  • 然而这些恐惧将会褪去预测

    Yet those fears will fade, he predicted.


  • 莫尔恰诺夫预测这个项目潜在利润说服大多数股东公司形象的担心暂时抛在一边

    But Molchanov predicts that the potential money coming out of this project will convince most shareholders to put concerns over image aside.


  • 预测行动付费需要有自己独特环境,因为从点击转换行动要依赖各种各样因素比如广告客户网站的使用方便度

    Pay-per-action will be a niche, he predicts, since converting a click into an action depends on a variety of factors such as the ease of use of the advertiser's website.


  • 可能结果欧洲美国隐私体制搭,电子前沿基金会提扎罗德里格斯预测

    The likely outcome is a mix of European and American privacy frameworks, predicts Katitza Rodriguez of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy group.


  • 全都科技有关切丽·科尔一位公关关系专家,“依照社会媒体说法,时尚人就是皇室里的时尚先锋,”预测

    It's all about the tech, says Cherie Kerr, a public relations expert. "Whomever is the most hip in terms of social media will become the trendsetter among the royals," she predicts.


  • 这些2409变化预测可能因为一些微不足的事情而不会出现,诸如一项学校的建成计划

    Those changes we predict for 2409 could be wiped out by something as simple as a new school-lunch program.


  • 1986年,Bodmer预测人类基因允许表征为“…一万个左右的基本遗传功能…”。

    In 1986 Bodmer predicted: the human genome would allow the characterization of "... 10, 000 or so basic genetic functions..."


  • 据蒙大拿大学Paul Polzin预测继连续经济增长率增长超过4%后,2008年的数字为4.1%。

    Paul Polzin of the University of Montana forecasts that the state's economy will grow by 4.1% this year, the fifth consecutive year of growth above 4%.


  • 英格兰银行改变看法辩解:“世界自从8月份开始就出现了改变因此我们相应地改变了预测。”

    Defending the Bank's change of heart, King said: "the world has changed since August, and so we have changed our forecasts."


  • 调查报告主要作者里斯托夫·弗雷泽现在预测墨西哥以外地区死亡率为时太早,“我觉得其它地方的死亡率会比墨西哥小,因为墨西哥对呼吸传染疾病的处理有些问题。”

    The report's lead author, Christophe Fraser, said it was too early to predict what the death rate was likely to be outside Mexico.


  • Palombi希望“治疗加速项目”的数据帮助揭示需要第二第三甚至第四抗逆转录病毒治疗的病人增长速度帮助预测未来艾滋病病人群体需求

    Palombi expects TAP data to help reveal the rate at which people will need second, third, or even fourth-line ARV treatment, and so aid in forecasting the needs of future cohorts of AIDS patients.


  • 气象预测使用十年预测系统,英文缩写DePreSys”,发音“depresses(令人沮丧)”一样。这一系统有时的确令使用·史密斯同事们沮丧。

    The met Office's forecast was made using the Decadal Prediction System, or DePreSys (pronounced "depresses", which is what it sometimes does to Doug Smith and his colleagues, who run it).


  • 影响虽然细微非常关键他们补充 - 100年前爱因斯坦伟大重力理论-广义相对论中已经有了这样的预测

    The effect is tiny but crucial, they added – and was predicted almost 100 years ago by Albert Einstein in his great theory of gravity, general relativity.


  • 下一个想法完全可以预测:“记得自己想,我发财了!”

    His next thought was utterly predictable: "I remember thinking, I'm gonna be rich!"


  • 过多呵欠症状经常是癫痫病人病情发作的先兆,而且可以预测头痛病人偏头痛发作,”补充

    "Bouts of excessive yawning often precede the onset of seizures in epileptic patients, and predict the onset of headaches in people who suffer from migraines," he added.


  • :“天体运行,无法预测人类疯狂。”

    He lamented: “I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.


  • 预计日本最大的汽车厂商将会一直关闭星期三有些分析人士预测更进一步破坏将持续数月之久。

    Japan's largest auto producers are now expected to remain shut down through Wednesday, and some analysts foresee further disruptions lasting months.


  • 随后,不禁预测:“人们地球上,只要地方有生生不息的生命体存在。”

    But then he couldn't resist speculating: "That being said, on the Earth, anywhere you find liquid water you find life in abundance."


  • 这些家庭正要寻找便宜货他们认同这个节日会继续他们节俭方式”,预测

    Such households "are going to hunt for bargains, recognise the holiday, but continue their frugal ways," he predicts.


  • 过去年里信用卡额度已经12500亿美元。分析师M.D预测,另外还有15000亿美元在2010年底裁去。

    In the past two years credit-card lines have been cut by a whopping $1.25 trillion and another $1.5 trillion will disappear by the end of 2010, estimates Meredith Whitney, an analyst.


  • 针对焦炉温度在线检测问题,分析焦炉温度特性的基础建立一种基于误差预测高精度焦炉火温度测量模型

    The features of coke oven flue temperature are analyzed, and a highly accurate soft-sensing model based on error forecasting is established to measure the coke oven flue temperature on-line.


  • 补充提前研究潜在雇主公司尽量预测面试问题同时提前想出一些比较有技巧的问题,这样便可以平静下来

    Researching the company thoroughly ahead of time, doing your best to anticipate questions, and thinking up some smart questions of your own can help calm you down, he adds.


  • 全球病毒预测行动创始人主任弥敦沃尔夫预计,新技术出现有助于疫情传播全球之前发现阻止它。

    Technology will help to spot and stop epidemics before they go global, predicts Nathan Wolfe, founder and director of the global Viral Forecasting Initiative.


  • 全球病毒预测行动创始人主任弥敦沃尔夫预计,新技术出现有助于疫情传播全球之前发现阻止它。

    Technology will help to spot and stop epidemics before they go global, predicts Nathan Wolfe, founder and director of the global Viral Forecasting Initiative.


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