• 据说佛教创始人释迦牟尼十二月初八因此腊八也是佛教徒称为”。

    It is said, the day of enlightenment of Buddha who was the founder of Buddhism was the eighth day of December, so Laba is also the Buddhist festival, and is known as "Buddha into the Road Festival."


  • 复活快乐,”

    "Happy Easter," he yelled.


  • 们喊:“母亲,母亲!你要出多少钱离开?”

    They shout, "Mother's Day, Mother's Day! What will you pay to get away?"


  • 沙漠中间电话亭,上面有一标牌写着“与上帝通话”,即使是上,这也是一超现实主义的风景

    A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said "Talk to God" was a surreal sight even at Burning Man.


  • 记忆增量分发数兆字内存泄漏微不足的,但是连续操作小时后,即使如此的泄漏会削弱应用程序。

    This is tiny in a time when megabytes are given away in memory sticks as promotional items but, over hours of continuous operation, even such small losses can cripple an application.


  • 补充尽管许多卡片父亲这天被送出,但霍尔·马克这个起源并无关系。

    Despite all the CARDS given on Father's day, Hallmark didn't have anything to do with the origins of the holiday, Mize added.


  • 诗篇第13大卫,“耶和华啊,忘记到几时呢?”

    In Psalm 13, David calls out, "How long, o Lord?" Will you forget me forever?


  • 军市号上一个厨师,跟岸上一样那个感恩上午我们忙着在准备以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。

    I was one of the Murzim's several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast Turkey.


  • 充满希望的补充:“山核桃只是小小的奢侈品但它会让人们感到生活的舒适开心,而且当然了,不论是感恩还是其它所有日,他们必不可少的。”

    Pecans are "just a small luxury. It's a comfort item. And of course," he said hopefully, "Thanksgiving and all, they'd be a staple they'll have to have.


  • 坐在后面我们开到了36,”他回忆

    "He's sitting on the back and we're doing 36 knots," he recalled.


  • 跳过一点,看第14,“成了肉身我们中间。”

    You skip down a bit, verse 14, "The word became flesh and lived among us."


  • 日前举行威尼斯电影上,希尔顿偕同真人明星格·雷恩哈特一同出席,行状亲密(),高调宣布复合。

    The American socialite looked smitten with Reality TV show star Doug Reinhardt during their appearance at the Venice film festival (see photo).


  • 这些具有纪念碑意义事件发生同时,一年一度狂欢如火如荼地举行着,似乎是一合适的背景

    To those monumental happenings the annual bacchanal of Carnival, now in full swing, seemed an appropriate backdrop.


  • 认为老子第一没有言语可以表述”。

    From the first stanza, I get the sense that Lao Tzu is saying that there is no real language that can truly describe the Way, as the Tao translates to.


  • 三四年前的圣诞礼物Tim回忆说并补充Marshall媳妇儿sara一个小屋作为生日礼物除雪机放到里面。

    "I bought it for him for Christmas three or four years ago," Tim recalled, adding that Marshall's wife, Sara, said she would buy Marshall a shed for his birthday so he could put the snow blower in it.


  • 没有,没有使欢喜”(诗四十六篇四)干涸。

    No heat, no drought can parch that river, "the streams whereof make glad the city of God."


  • 音乐混合本土西方音乐会歌剧盛宴,它指导过三个大型管弦乐队的YuLong指挥

    Its mixed diet of native and western concerts and operas is curated by the charismatic conductor Yu Long, who leads three of China's major orchestras.


  • 三明治里面点缀着一些甜味辣椒,这MannaOne面包房卖的叉烧包里面的甜味洋葱有几分相像,这家面包房位于凯瑟琳,是他们最喜欢中式面食店。同时,他们也三明治中融入了对猪肉炒辣椒的模仿,猪肉炒辣椒是圣吉纳罗上人们常吃的菜。

    A garnish of sweet roasted peppers echoes the sweet, mushy Onions in the char siu bao from Manna One bakery on Catherine Street, his favorite Chinese bakery, and they also turned it into a.


  • 烤羊肉复活重要

    Roasted lamb was the most important dish in Easter.


  • 那样的话,吃不了兜着走特别是圣诞很快到了,可是一年中中国产品大行其的时候。

    In that case, I may have bitten off more than I can chew, especially as we zoom toward Christmas, the high-water mark of the Chinese sales year.


  • 但是笔一画学会写字所以这里信息教师快乐

    Holding a but you teach I learned to write, so here I want to use short message to say to you: happy teachers' day!


  • 教皇十六世圣诞致辞中警告世人如果贫富国家正经受经济考验时,自私的心里还大行其的话,世界将会导向毁灭

    Pope Benedict XVI warned in his Christmas message that the world was headed toward ruin if selfishness prevails over solidarity during tough economic times for rich and poor nations.


  • 为此这座双层建筑中的每一间房屋完全重塑但是每个空间又保留着原始的痕迹,例如复活彩蛋。”补充

    "To this end, every room in the double-storey building was totally reimagined, but each space retained hints of the original, Easter eggs pointing to what came before, " he added.


  • 本文分析模型中,分为一定数量的

    In the present analysis model, the channel is divided into a number of nodes.


  • 本文分析模型中,分为一定数量的

    In the present analysis model, the channel is divided into a number of nodes.


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