• 然后能量光环中消逝不见了。

    And then he vanishes in a nimbus of energy.


  • 接通可得道能量中,扩展融合状态八度音阶中,会启迪觉知

    Attune to the Tao flow available and expand into octaves of light infused states of being that shall enlighten your awareness.


  • 光速可达秒钟186,000而且传播不但是固体粒子,又是一能量

    It travels at 186,000 miles per second and behaves as if it were both a solid particle and a wave of energy.


  • 那些希望原子转化中获得能量人都胡说八

    Anyone who expects a source of power in the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine.


  • 理查德·金斯:椅子是个虚空阻碍我们穿过原因在于振动能量,这种想法的确很奇妙

    RD: it's intriguing that the chair is mostly empty space and the thing that stops you going through it is vibrations or energy fields.


  • 绿豆珍珠红豆无花果放到一起煮,就做成了一美味甜点可以提供丰富能量同时有助消化

    Boil together mung beans, pearl barley, adzuki beans, and figs. This makes a delicious desert that will sustain good energy and help digestion.


  • 同事正在建造据称是世界最大的低能量反电子捕捉设备,这套设备据说同时储存上万亿个反粒子

    He and his colleagues are building what they call the world's largest trap for low-energy positrons - a device they say will be able to store more than a trillion antimatter particles at once.


  • 经过冥想会获得大量本源能量因为这些能量之间建立很深的联系

    During meditation you receive large amounts of source energy because you establish a deeper connection with the source.


  • AID发射不可见毫米级波长能量束,渗透深度正好足够目标皮肤疼痛受体受到刺激

    The AID directs an energy beam, which is in the invisible millimeter wavelength, that penetrates just deep enough beneath the skin to make the target's pain receptors shout.


  • 建议,总觉得有什么不对劲感觉已经弥漫开来,这种感觉也许可以引起新生代带来惊人能量革新

    The sense that something has gone wrong, he suggests, has become so pervasive that it may well give rise to a surprising renewal of energy in the rising generation.


  • 红树林很多海洋生物生殖繁衍场所,通过驱散海浪海风能量扮演着抵挡台风海啸防线

    They are fertile nurseries for many marine species, and also serve as a first line of defense against hurricanes and tsunamis by dissipating wave and wind energy.


  • 如果外出饭店的饭,之后时间段你依然能量保持清醒

    If you go out to a restaurant and eat a three-course meal, you'll struggle to stay awake later in the day.


  • 补充:“搜索时候自己电脑消耗能量要比我们回复你的答案所消耗的能量多了。”

    It adds: ""In the time it takes to do a Google search, your own personal computer will use more energy than we will use to answer your query."


  • 一旦了解能量如何运作那么就会意识你们所认知时间’对于‘宇宙运动势头来讲是微不足的。

    Once you understand how energy works then you will realise that 'time' as you know it is of little consequence in the momentum of 'cosmic movement'.


  • 不过他们工作——试图解释进化生物学家迈克尔·所谓海洋能量”——则非寻常。

    But the work they'll do-trying to explain what the lab's namesake, evolutionary biologist Michael Dawson, calls "the dark energy of the oceans" -is far from trivial.


  • 由于液体通过液体撞击传递能量

    As the flow of liquid through the liquid transfer impact energy.


  • 一些越野车安装混合动力发动机这意味着它们利用电池储存能量汽油帮助车辆行驶

    Some SUVs have hybrid engines - meaning they use battery power and stored energy along with gas to help move the car.


  • 思想形态一个优美能量协同序列过去现在未来统一融合状态

    Tao thought form is a beautiful sequence of synergies of flow that unite past present and future a state of fusion.


  • 灵魂一个非物质的沸腾,能量基于的金色八度音阶而融合。

    Soul is a nonphysical effervescence that infuses the field with golden octaves that are Tao based.


  • 校正后的声波测井资料制作合成地震记录实际地震相位能量具有良好对应关系

    The corrected information shows a good relationship on phase and energy between the synthesized seismic record and the practical seismic information of nearby the well.


  • 有部分温度升高由于这些能量阻止冻结地区重新流动能量的“技巧自由能量而发生的。

    Some of the increasing temperatures are occurring due to "Tao Technology" and free energy systems that are allowing those regions that are stuck or frozen in energy flow to begin to move again.


  • 地震结束了,就劫后余生人们无助地哭喊,乞求上天时候。第二黑色能量异界出现。

    Now the earthquake has gone, leaving desperation in it's path. The few survivors will probably be praying for salvation. Now another black wave erupts from the portal.


  • 虽然微不足只有若干个一米,才能煮成给饱受饥饿的人增加一些能量

    Although one grain of rice is hardly worth noticing, it is only by combining many grains of rice that there may be a bowl of porridge, bringing strength to those suffering from harsh starvation.


  • 错觉因为能量运动只能通过肉身以及正在学习语言打开心灵身体来培育

    Well this is a delusion as the love movement can only be fostered through physicality and an open heart and vessel that is learning Tao language.


  • 应用有限元方法对液压锥进行数值预报,分析能量损失噪声流场结构关系,并在此基础上对结构进行优化设计

    After calculating the flow field of the pyramidal, the relationship between energy loss, noise and the structure of the valve has been analyzed; the flow channel has been optimized.


  • 气温将会持续上升,并由于此刻进入我们能量自由能量机制的缘故,从而两极消融更快很可能超过最初预计

    The temperatures will continue to rise melting your poles and possibly more rapidly than originally anticipated due to the Tao free energy dynamics that are entering the flow at this time.


  • 气温将会持续上升,并由于此刻进入我们能量自由能量机制的缘故,从而两极消融更快很可能超过最初预计

    The temperatures will continue to rise melting your poles and possibly more rapidly than originally anticipated due to the Tao free energy dynamics that are entering the flow at this time.


- 来自原声例句

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