• 韩国名网友日前互联网上发布了一个神秘麦田图片(),并称该麦田圈发现于忠清南道保宁市附近地面。

    A South Korean netizen recently published a picture of a crop circle (see photo) on the Internet, claiming it was found near the country's Chungnam Boryoung City.


  • 蔬菜土豆混合做成一道精美的奶油烤菜,可将蔬菜与意大利面和意大利乳清干酪搅拌在一起。

    You can combine them with potatoes for a luxurious gratin, or toss them with pasta and ricotta cheese.


  • 一个很难说得清的概念通常可以翻译成“道路”,也可以翻译为“做法”“方法”“途径”等。

    "Dao" is a difficult concept to define and understand. It is commonly translated as "way."


  • 庄干表示,柿子生津、养阴清燥功效,对于呼吸道疾病来说,理想保健水果之一

    Zhuang said stem of bamboo, persimmon are Moistening Lung Sheng Jin, Yangyinthe effectiveness of the people who have respiratory disease is one of the ideal health fruit.


  • 融化为一道奔流的溪水,在黑夜吟唱自己清曲

    To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.


  • 韩国名网友日前互联网上发布了一个神秘麦田图片(),并称该麦田圈发现于忠清南道保宁市附近地面。

    South Korean netizen recently published a picture of a crop circle (see photo) on the Internet, claiming it was found near the country's Chungnam Boryoung City.


  • 我们家庭生活原本平平淡淡,没有变化,连孩子抽屉袜子他们脸上任何一道不悦神情都一清二楚,现在却迎接他们回家,把他们安置在指定客房里。

    We have gone from family life as everyday, from knowing every sock in our children's drawers and every frown on their faces, to welcoming them home to designated guest rooms.


  • 结论注射液治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染良好治疗效果

    Conclusion: the phlegm hot clear inoculation fluid treats the young child acute upper respiratory tract infection to have the good treatment result.


  • 目的观察注射液治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染临床疗效

    Goal: the observation phlegm hot clear inoculation fluid treats the young child acute upper respiratory tract infection the clinical curative effect.


  • 结论不适当保留体清创很容易导致人工髋关节置换术后感染形成影响感染治疗慎重应用。

    Conclusion: treatment of infection with inadequate debridement and retention of the prosthesis may cause sinus tract formation and affect the latter treatment, it must be careful.


  • 目的观察一清双解胶囊片剂治疗急性上呼吸道感染(风温病肺卫)疗效其安全性作出评价。

    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Yiqing Shuangjie Capsule and Tablet in treating acute upper respiratory tract infection with wind-warm syndrome.


  • 目的观察痰热清注射液治疗急性呼吸道感染中的疗效

    OBJECTIVE: to observe the clinical efficacy of Tanreqing injection in the treatment of acute respiratory infection.


  • 目的观察小鼠哮喘模型气道卜皮内肥大细胞数量进一步阐明肥大细胞清蛋白(OVA)诱导的小鼠哮喘模型中的作用。

    Objective:To investigate the number of mast cells and clarify the possible role of mast cells in the development of ovalbumin(OVA)-induced asthma model in vivo.


  • 中医认为呼吸道病毒感染主要病因为外感风热时基本病机为痰热,清法可以给邪以出路,驱邪外出

    Base pathogenesis of respiratory tract viral infection is phlegm-heat obstruction in the lung, so cooling and dispersing therapy can drive away stagnated exogenous pathogen.


  • 离心道碴机上,离心筛圆弧重要分区段。

    For a centrifugal ballast cleaning machine, the circle section of a centrifugal sieve is an important settling area.


  • 入关前已实行度牒制度康熙限制寺观数量雍正时期,放松僧道管理度牒失去效力。

    During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the number of temples and monks is restricted, while during that of Emperor Yongzheng, the system loses it power due to the negligence of management.


  • 方法流感病毒液鼻接种制造呼吸道流感病毒模型放射免疫分析方法检测血浆ET观察清肺饮对呼吸道流感病毒感染小鼠模型作用

    Methods The model was induced by the intranasal influenza virus inoculation, and the level of ET was measured by radioimmunoassay. The effects of QD were observed in the model.


  • 清蛋白致敏激发给予DNA与卵清蛋白致敏激发组比较差异显著性表明裸DNA难以通过气道内注入活体动物气道表达

    There is no significant difference between OVA group and DNA group, indicating that bare DNA is hard to express in the animals via airway.


  • 前言:目的:评价止咳治疗小儿呼吸道感染临床疗效。

    Objective: to appraise the curative effect of decoction for clearing lung to stop coughing to treat lower respiratory infection children.


  • 目的探讨解毒方治疗流感B病毒上呼吸道感染效果

    Objective : To explore the effect of treating influenza B virus induced upper respiratory tract infection with heat-clearing and detoxifying therapy .


  • 结论表清煎剂可以改善呼吸道病毒感染患者发热咳嗽症状,加快炎症吸收

    Conclusion: TBQFD can improve the symptoms, such as fever and cough, and can promote the absorption of infection and shorten the clinical course of wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome.


  • 承明制,设立科道官员执行重要监察职能

    The Qing Dynasty inherited Ming Dynastys System and established supervising officials to perform the important supervisory function.


  • 安德烈公爵沿着花园的林荫道驶近奥特拉·德诺耶村罗斯托夫家的寓所时,觉得不高兴,忧心忡忡,想到应该首席贵族问清一些事情

    Prince Andrey drove along the avenue leading to the Rostovs' house at Otradnoe, depressed and absorbed in considering what questions he must ask the marshal about his business.


  • 术后伤口发生并发症116例不愈合,4例感染,2例皮肤坏死1窦道形成,均经换药清创处理,其中2例行二期肌皮瓣转移术,均治愈。

    Skin incision complications were noted in 11 cases including non-healing in 6 cases, infection in 4 cases, skin necrosis in 2 cases and sinus formation in 1 case.


  • 结论口服液血清抗病毒作用主要表现呼吸道合胞病毒黏附融合侵入阶段

    Conclusion the antiviral effect of Qingfei oral liquid medicine? Contained serum mainly embodies on the membrane fusion and invasion phases after adhesion process of respiratory syncytial virus.


  • 玄思想对六朝美的审美意识形成具有重要影响

    The Taoist metaphysics takes Qing as beauty and has exerted tremendous impact on the formation of aesthetic consciousness.


  • 玄思想对六朝美的审美意识形成具有重要影响

    The Taoist metaphysics takes Qing as beauty and has exerted tremendous impact on the formation of aesthetic consciousness.


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