• 认为是昂贵佳肴

    Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.


  • 这些印刷机意义不大说明它们微不足不值

    These presses are of little significance, indicating that they are trivial and worthless.


  • 国出生的建筑师罗伯特·图里总结,如果没有做好简约,那这样的设计就没有灵魂。

    The American-born architect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly, the result is soulless design.


  • 监察长同时辩解,这次租赁本身也使纳税人交了几乎10亿美元(已经离开芝市府的收费价格公平合理的)。

    The lease itself, the inspector-general argued, short-changed taxpayers by almost $1 billion. (Mr Levenson, who had already left city government, says the price was fair.)


  • 一位勇敢牧师卡尔·费尔班克肯塔基州关押17记录自己遭受毒打的情况:总共被鞭笞了35,105下。

    One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he kept a log of his beatings: 35, 105 stripes with the whip.


  • 一位勇敢牧师卡尔·费尔班克肯塔基州关押了17记录自己遭受毒打情况:总共被鞭笞了35,105下。

    One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he kept a log of his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip.


  • 为使恋人能够来到英国,茂马修斯表现出了巨大决心,进行微不足但却不屈不挠的抗争。

    Showing great reserves of determination, Mervyn Matthews spent the next five years running a threadbare but relentless campaign to get Lyudmila to Britain.


  • 普罗·总结不可或缺组成部分不是笑话,而是跟这个笑的一起的一个人。

    Provine's conclusion was that the essential ingredient for laughter is not a joke but another person.


  • 届时少数汽笛要是有的话可能展厅会录像机触摸屏,毕竟人流量这么大,不可能每个都能接触到,希斯基先生坚持

    There will be few bells and whistles, Mr. Cywinski insisted, few if any videos or touch-screens in the main galleries, which would be impractical for masses of people.


  • “至若鄙人,其人,人画合一”于传记作家劳伦斯君高如是

    For me the paint is the person, ” Freud explained to Lawrence Gowing, a biographer.


  • 不过是一戒指,’,‘不值。’

    "It is but a ring of lead," he cried, "nor has it any value."


  • 特拉斯提醒虽然模型充满潜力,“沈博模型成功地模拟一个气旋并不意味成功实时模拟未来风暴。”

    As promising as the new model may be, Atlas cautions that "Shen's model worked for one cyclone, but it doesn't mean it'll work in real-time for future storms."


  • 博客中戈斯林简单描述甲骨购买Sun的同时,应该起诉Google前景感到很兴奋的。

    In his blog, Gosling basically told how Oracle was excited about the prospect of suing Google while shopping for Sun.


  • 菲利普斯现年30岁英国王位的第13顺位继承人,但是她已经放弃王室头衔;新郎廷尔现年32岁。 菲利普斯当天身穿斯图尔特·帕(StewartParvin设计象牙白色丝质罗缎锦公爵夫人婚纱

    Phillips, 30, who is 13th in line to the throne but does not use a royal title, married Tindall, 32, in an ivory silk faille and silk duchess satin gown designed by Stewart Parvin.


  • “量化宽松”政策可能可能不是财政保护主义政策(认为是),正像10月份巴里·易臣格瑞·尔雄辩的论述中说的,它似乎使传统的保护主义更加不可能发生。

    QE, which may or may not be monetary protectionism (I don't think it is), seems to make traditional protection even less likely, as Barry Eichengreen and Doug Irwin argued eloquently back in October.


  • 发现篇博一些推广广告,算是胡说八

    You will find I have a few notes of some promotional advertising, be nonsense.


  • 范尼·波特正在第五演出

    Fannie Davenport was just opening at the Fifth Avenue.


  • 庄子独特的言说方式,本质就是说所承应“隐喻”言说。

    "Zhuangzi" the unique way of saying, in essence, is the way that the "Tao" should be invited to a "allegory" the statement said.


  • 且打了毛炳许克祥再西打,恐西面张辉、谭源、公藩三师集中,不易决胜,不能最后解决问题

    Tan Tao-yuan and Kung Ping-fan might join forces, thus making it difficult for us to win victory and impossible to bring the issue to a final solution.


  • 开始大吼大叫,”森特回忆

    "He just started screaming at me," Vincent recalled.


  • 不仅包含、玄、艺术科技等,教育成为重要内容

    Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism Dark learning, literature, history, art, science and technology were all included. The moral culture was also a very important content of education.


  • 用现代就是自然统一这种统一是基于才能达到的。

    Modern critics say is this: is the unity of man and nature, and this unity is based on the road to reach.


  • 主修西班牙所以希望可以在这一些有趣的东西来增进西今年加入了两个社团太极一个是社(日本射箭)。

    I major in Spanish, so i hope i can write something interesting here to improve my Spanish. this year, i joined two clubs, one is Taichi club, and the other is Kyudo club(Japanese archery).


  • 清代殿试在康熙年间存在偏重书法、抑重字弊端,以后情况相似。所谓以书法取士,启于乾、启于嘉、启于诸说,均不确。

    From the Kanghsi years, the malpractice of stressing the calligraphy had already existed in the Qing Dynasty palace examination, it is similar with the situation in Daoguang time later.


  • 制作公司“无影电影”,格玛95下应运而生的,目标运用数码技术拍摄长片。

    Khavn DE la Cruz "production company, Filmless films, was created in reaction to Dogma 95, where the goal was to make feature films made exclusively with digital technology."


  • 制作公司“无影电影”,格玛95下应运而生的,目标运用数码技术拍摄长片。

    Khavn DE la Cruz "production company, Filmless films, was created in reaction to Dogma 95, where the goal was to make feature films made exclusively with digital technology."


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