• 旅游业现在主要产业

    Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City.


  • 城里挤满了失望他们没有兴趣安定下来他们听说阿拉斯加新的金矿时,他们当初到来一样迅速地离开了

    The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come.


  • 奥运村以南温哥华北方赛普瑞斯建设了滑雪但是总的来说积雪远远不够

    South of the Olympic Village, just north of the city of Vancouver, Cypress Mountain also holds snowy ski trails, but overall has far less snow.


  • 韩国名网友日前互联网上发布了一个神秘麦田图片(),并称该麦田圈发现于忠清南保宁附近地面。

    A South Korean netizen recently published a picture of a crop circle (see photo) on the Internet, claiming it was found near the country's Chungnam Boryoung City.


  • 号上一个厨师,跟岸上一样那个感恩节上午我们忙着在准备以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。

    I was one of the Murzim's several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast Turkey.


  • 莫比尔北部蜿蜒曲折的乡村公路汤比格比之间坐落着簇密集的利旺卡色调的建筑群蓝绿色的海泡石图形,淡黄蓝色的沙灰。

    TUCKED between the Tombigbee river and a rural highway meandering north from Mobile sits a warren of huge buildings in Willy Wonka-colours: sea-foam blue and green, desert beige and mauve.


  • 两条翻越山顶都在英属哥伦比亚的班尼特湖附近终止,发现金矿还有九百公里的水路,他们必须乘船空河走,这里没有提供船运服务

    From there it was almost nine hundred kilometers by boat down the Yukon River to the town of Dawson were gold had been discovered. But there was no boat service.


  • 但是心脏病突发,如果只是身边个人没什么两样,圣地亚哥克里普斯健康中心的艾瑞克·托波尔博士补充

    But simply having another person around may not make a difference when it comes to surviving a serious heart attack, said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist at Scripps Health in San Diego.


  • 就客流量结构设计而言纽约第五苹果商店苹果公司旗舰之一。

    The Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York City is one of the company's flagship stores in terms of both customer traffic and architecture and design.


  • 很喜欢藜麦再也买不起了,”50奥尔街头摊贩Micaela Huan ca感慨是一座贫民数量较首都巴斯更多的

    "I adore quinoa, but I can't afford it anymore," said Micaela Huanca, 50, a street vendor in el Alto, a city of slums above the capital, la Paz.


  • 农场看来要玩完了,”60岁的Kono先生感慨北海日本北的大岛)岩见泽17英亩田地种植水稻小麦红豆卷心菜

    “This is the end of the road for my farm,” said Mr. Kono, 60, who grows rice, wheat, red beans and cabbage on 17 acres of farmland here in Iwamizawa, on Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island.


  • 先生(武汉少工委负责人)表示,“五杠”队章武汉少工委在12年前设立的,但并未透露黄艺博责任什么

    Yu said the five-stroke armband is an innovation that was adopted by the Wuhan committee a dozen years ago. He declined to say what Huang's responsibilities are.


  • 最后幸存下来淘金者到达在没有发现金矿之前还只是村庄,在发现金矿后很短时间内它就成了一座大城,店铺和旅馆很快就建起来了,物价飞涨。

    At last, the remaining gold seekers reached the city of Dawson. Dawson had been a small village before the discovery of gold.


  • 纽约人行横很多步行按钮之前曾经作用如今只是安慰按钮。

    Many walk buttons at pedestrian crossings were once functional in New York City, but now serve as placebo buttons.


  • 座落唐山建设路长虹交叉口(唐山宾馆对面)。

    Is located in the Tangshan construction road and a rainbow road intersection (Tangshan guesthouse opposite).


  • 关于中国大陆浙江省金华武义县茭山村姓何邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Jiao Dao Zhen Luo Shan Cun Xing he Lu, Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 关于中国大陆浙江省金华武义县茭沙溪村校邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Jiao Dao Zhen Sha Xi Cun Xiao Qian Xiang , Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 关于中国大陆浙江省金华武义县茭山村姓章邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Jiao Dao Zhen Luo Shan Cun Xing Zhang Lu , Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 然而不止是电梯——纽约人行横的过马路按键标志同样骗我们。

    However, elevators aren't the only deceitful devices - crosswalk signals in New York City are also on the list.


  • 韩国名网友日前互联网上发布了一个神秘麦田图片(),并称该麦田圈发现于忠清南保宁附近地面。

    South Korean netizen recently published a picture of a crop circle (see photo) on the Internet, claiming it was found near the country's Chungnam Boryoung City.


  • 目的研究南京儿童过敏性鼻炎AR相关呼吸疾病流行病学特征

    Objective To explore epidemic features of allergic rhinitis (AR) and related inferior airway diseases in children in Nanjing.


  • 布莱克艾西维尔之间马路拓宽成

    The road between Black Mountain and Asheville was being widened from two lanes to four.


  • 布莱克艾西维尔之间马路拓宽成

    The road between Black Mountain and Asheville was being widened from two lanes to four.


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