• 明天我们划船吧?

    Could you come boating with us tomorrow?


  • 埋葬了以后,其他幸存者一离开震区,打算以后回来

    After burying her, he left the quake zone with other survivors, only to return three days later.


  • 许多来自教育阶层的人一样,李先生自己的嘲笑、殴打接着他们被送到乡下在那他们农民辛苦耕作

    Like many from the educated classes, Mr. Li was ridiculed, beaten by classmates and then sent to the countryside, where he toiled alongside farmers for nine years.


  • 诸如建筑业这样迎合国内需求大型闲置产业相比西班牙出口商显得微不足

    And Spain's exporters look puny compared with the large, idle industries, such as construction, that cater to domestic demand.


  • 作为上海合作组织负责任中方本组织成员国观察员有关各方一,为实现阿富汗和平美好未来作出应有贡献

    As a responsible member of the SCO, China is ready to work with other member states, observer states and other related parties to make due contribution to a peaceful and bright future of Afghanistan.


  • 世卫组织正在实验室方面的合作伙伴工作,提供全面的实验室服务,支持卫生部对本次疫情进行控制开展调查

    WHO is working together with laboratory partners to provide comprehensive laboratory services, and to support the MoH in the control and investigation of the outbreak.


  • 我们印尼新的目标指引,共弘扬万隆精神,共开创两国关系更加美好未来

    We are willing to work together with Indonesia to carry forward the Bandung spirit and create a more beautiful future for bilateral relationship under the guidance of new goals.


  • 如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国其他大型新兴市场经济体一,成为全球越来越重要的消费者最后贷款人

    THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world’s consumer as well as lender of last resort.


  • 我们韩方努力,深化各领域交流合作,推动中韩战略合作伙伴关系不断迈上台阶

    China expects to work with South Korea to deepen the bilateral exchanges and cooperation and raise the bilateral strategic partnership to a new level.


  • 他们不再模特电影明星展示自己金制卫浴品、手机时髦跑车

    Goodbye gold commodes, diamond-encrusted phones and sleek sports cars on show amid crowds of models and movies stars.


  • 俄方对双边关系进展感到满意,中方一不断推进俄中战略协作伙伴关系

    He said he was satisfied with the progress made in bilateral ties and would like to advance the strategic cooperative partnership.


  • 我们创造出属于您———生命中永恒

    Let us work together with you to create belong to you — the beauty of eternal life!


  • 这些女孩泰森走上拳击台,一次一次地免费击倒。

    These girls are stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson and getting knocked out for free again and again.


  • 答:军事交往中印关系重要组成部分,中方印方一继续加强两国防务交流合作

    A: Military exchanges are an important part of China-India relations. China is ready to work with India to continue to strengthen bilateral defense exchanges and cooperation.


  • 使团一如既往大家新的一年推动中欧关系迈上新台阶而共努力

    And I promise that in the New Year, we will continue to work with you to further promote the growth of China-EU ties.


  • 宣言签署以来中国东盟国家遵循《宣言》宗旨原则,保持密切沟通积极探讨合作

    Since the signing of the "Declaration", China and ASEAN countries, guided by the purpose and principles of the "Declaration," maintained close communication and have active discussions on cooperation.


  • 中国尊重瑞士中立政策,瑞士一维护世界和平稳定发挥各自积极作用

    China respects the neutral position of Switzerland and is willing to work with Switzerland to play their respective active role in jointly maintaining world peace and stability.


  • 希望

    I wish you to go with me.


  • 如今你们交托恩惠建立你们,叫你们和一切基业

    Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.


  • 韩国率先提议拥有巨额现金邻国创建一个资金库,防止美国不断恶化经济形势东亚地区带来严重后果

    South Korea is taking the lead in creating a prospective pool of money with its cash-rich neighbors to prevent the worst effects of the American economic situation from spilling over in the region.


  • 立陶宛其它波罗的海国家现在正在获得北约正式应变计划今年晚些时候将要在这里举行美国为首的大规模陆上演习

    Lithuania, like the other Baltic states, is now gaining formal contingency plans from NATO and big American land exercises are planned for later this year.


  • 我们澳方平等相互尊重基础上推动对话取得积极成果

    We are ready to work with Australia to push for positive results out of the dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect.


  • 一些毁林成风的热带国家巴西砍伐树木的态度日趋谨慎。

    Even in tropical countries, where most deforestation takes place, Brazil is not alone in becoming more reluctant to chop down trees.


  • 一些毁林成风的热带国家巴西砍伐树木的态度日趋谨慎。

    Even in tropical countries, where most deforestation takes place, Brazil is not alone in becoming more reluctant to chop down trees.


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