• 只是现在争论重点在于是否应该各个攀岩场地产生大量的运动攀登路线

    A universal debate that now takes place in climbing areas around the world is the discussion about bolting sport climbing routes.


  • 大攀岩队于日前参加中国澳门攀山总会主办第二届澳门运动攀登公开赛

    The UM Rock Climbing Team participated in the 2nd Macau Sport Climbing Open held by the Mountaineering Federation Macau China.


  • petzl的攀岩之旅还有几天,现在回顾一下多段结组运动攀登基本绳索操作技术正是时候

    With only a few days left until the Petzl Roc Trip, we thought it would be a good time to go over some basic rope handling techniques for multi-pitch sport climbing.


  • 大多数运动攀登上方都有先锋撤退的确保站,确保站两个片,可能还有连接扁带所组成。

    The vast majority of sports climbs have a 'lower off' point at the top, which may consist of two bolts and possibly a linking chain or sling.


  • 然而这种简单造成自满骗人以为运动攀登安全-尤其是第一参加冬季运动攀登旅行传统攀登会这样认为。

    However, this simplicity can lead to complacency and fool people into thinking that sport climbing is safe - especially those 'trad' climbers going on a winter sport-climbing trip for the first time.


  • 除了运动生涯徒手攀登上了10座悬崖峭壁Honnold作为一个不所畏惧山地男人赢得好的声誉

    Despite having already made solo free climbs of 10 cliffs during his career, Mr Honnold is modest about the reputation he has earned as a fearless mountain man.


  • 人们可以身体运动静止通过坐下随着呼吸或者其他,人们可以将身体置入,持续积极的动作中,通过行走,跑步攀登,游泳。

    One can still the body's locomotion's by sitting and following the breath or else one can put it into energetically sustained movement by walking or running or climbing or swimming.


  • 徒手攀岩一项唯有的专业运动没有教练、没有教规、每个攀登运筹帷幄全凭自己

    It was the only professional sport with no coaches or rule-books, where each climber planned his tactics himself.


  • 徒手攀岩一项唯有的专业运动没有教练、没有教规、每个攀登运筹帷幄全凭自己谦和话语来说,就是考验自我真本事的运动

    It was the only professional sport with no coaches or rule-books, where each climber planned his tactics himself. It was, in his own soft words, the real deal.


  • 固定摄像机运动使用一个攀登梯子固定。

    Fixed camera movement being clamped after using a raft while still climbing the ladder.


  • 最后介绍的登山运动阿尔卑斯攀登

    Finally there's Mountain climbing and the alpine climbing games.


  • 其他冒险运动一样攀登者为了他们要攀登美景纯粹的生理和心理的挑战,要面对潜在危险

    As much adventure as sport, climbers face the inherent dangers because of the beauty of the places they climb in and the pure physical and emotional challenge in these climbs.


  • 现代登山运动员总想找条路线攀登山峰

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route.


  • 开始攀登主要躲开那些编排好的运动循规蹈矩一成不变

    I began climbing to escape from the rehearsal and certainty of organized sport.


  • 登山运动员在攀登悬崖峭壁时摔断了条腿住院治疗了一个月。"。

    The mountaineer broke a leg whi le climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.


  • 现代登山运动员力图沿那些带来运动路线攀登山峰

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route that will give them good sport.


  • 现代登山运动员总想找能够他们带来运动乐趣的路线攀登山峰

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport.


  • 也许都不知道喜欢这种运动。等我们完成了峡谷蹦极,我们可能还尝试攀登

    Ryan: You never know. You might like it. After cave diving, we'll probably try climbing.


  • 如果滑雪运动热爱着,那么你就会机会参加攀登滑冰滑雪打雪仗、冰高尔夫冰射箭等活动。

    If you are a fan of snow sports, then there is also the chance to participate in activities such as ice rock climbing, skating, skiing, sliding, snow fights, ice golf, and ice archery.


  • 现代登山运动员力图沿那些带来运动路线攀登山峰

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded.


  • 现代登山运动员力图沿着那些带来运动量的路线攀登山峰

    Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport.


  • 攀登冒险可以开辟一种全新享受户外运动方式

    The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors.


  • 试图攀登顶峰运动需要耐力母亲这个角色需要无限精力商人需要自信艺术家需要灵感

    Athletes attempting to achieve peak performance need endurance. Mother's require boundless energy. Business and sales people need confidence and artists, inspiration.


  • 一项危险运动正确的攀登技巧专业登山装备安全完成攀岩运动关键

    It can be a dangerous sport and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and usage of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.


  • 如果滑雪运动热爱那么你就会机会参加攀登滑冰滑雪打雪仗、冰高尔夫冰射箭等活动。

    If you are a fan of snow sports, then there is also the chance to participate in activities such as ice rock-climbing, skating, skiing, snow fights, ice golf, and ice archery.


  • 现代登山运动员总想找能够他们带来运动乐趣的路线攀登山峰他们认为,道路艰险越带劲儿

    Modern alpinist try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded.


  • 蹦极曾经只是飞行员攀登运动从事的运动

    Bungee jumping was once done by only sky divers, mountain climbers and so on.


  • 女孩残奥会金牌冠军写信说,“看到克服生活种种困难运动争取新的胜利攀登新的高度,从中获得力量,受到了鼓舞”。

    One girl wrote to a Paralympic gold-medal champion, "Watching as you overcome the difficulties of life, reaching for new victories and new heights in sports, I derive strength and inspiration."


  • 攀登不是一项肌肉型运动,(话说攀岩运动都挺瘦的说)需要坚韧的意志意愿,从而通过练习掌握一系列技巧

    Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills.


  • 攀登不是一项肌肉型运动,(话说攀岩运动都挺瘦的说)需要坚韧的意志意愿,从而通过练习掌握一系列技巧

    Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills.


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