• 展示关于所有信息包括可能造成泄漏重要的数据结构

    It shows you overall information about the heap including leak suspects and significant data structures.


  • 管理员利用工具详细分析功能可以查看详细的流程度量包括泄漏检测分析,指出造成泄漏代码

    The detailed analysis functions of this tool enable the administrator to see detailed flows and metrics, including a leak detection analysis that points out the line of code responsible for the leak.


  • 这次石油泄漏环境造成难以估计损害

    The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.


  • 泄漏究竟是怎么造成关键问题未得到答案

    The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered.


  • 输送石油管道可能断层山体滑坡而破坏造成严重的石油泄漏

    Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides,causing serious oil spills.


  • 如果忘记的内存在哪里实际上那就是造成内存泄漏的原因。

    If you forget where the memory is that you asked for, in fact, that is how you make a memory leak.


  • 化学品泄漏造成难以估量损失

    Chemical seepage has caused untold damage.


  • 输送石油管道可能断层山体滑坡而断裂从而造成严重的石油泄漏

    Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides, causing serious oil spills.


  • 即使英国石油公司,检查战斗墨西哥湾石油泄漏造成损害印度正在显示有多大自己最严重工业意外康复的。

    EVEN AS BP battles to check the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, India is showing how far it is from recovering from its own worst industrial accident.


  • 这些泄漏是因为疏于维护蓄意破坏造成

    The leaks are the result of bad maintenance of pipes as well as sabotage.


  • 墨西哥湾在以最高速度自行分解原油但是过去泄漏造成影响估计可能残留达数十年。

    The Gulf itself is breaking down the oil at top speed, but past spills indicate the effects could linger for decades.


  • 本机内存泄漏本机内存过度使用造成各种问题,这取决于耗尽地址空间还是完了物理内存。

    A native memory leak or excessive native memory use will cause different problems depending on whether you exhaust the address space or run out of physical memory.


  • 英国石油(BP)昨日表示尽管墨西哥湾大规模原油泄漏公司财务造成压力,但公司计划发行新股

    BP is not planning to issue new shares, the company said yesterday, in spite of the pressure on its finances caused by its huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 尽管如此石油泄漏造成后续副作用持续长的一段时间

    Regardless, the aftereffects of an oil spill are likely to last for a long time.


  • 搞清楚造成爆炸泄漏各种因素帮助业界人士确保类似问题未来不要发生

    Understanding the factors that caused the explosion and the leak will help people in the industry to ensure that similar problems do not happen again in the future.


  • 保留从未使用内存造成泄漏已分配内存的泄漏同样严重

    A leak caused by reserving memory that is never used is just as serious as leaking allocated memory.


  • 泄漏候选视图确定最有可能造成内存泄漏对象

    Leak Candidates view: Identifies the objects most likely responsible for memory leaks.


  • 一个突出趋势是:人为灾难石油泄漏辐射泄漏造成心理疾病自然灾害,像飓风,导致的精神压力持续时间更长。

    One clear trend stands out: Mental distress tends to linger longer after man-made disasters, like an oil spill or radiation leak, than after purely natural ones, like a hurricane.


  • 一个得到很多关于石油泄漏环境造成影响结果

    One got a lot of results about the environmental consequences of what was happening and the spill.


  • 墨西哥湾石油泄漏造成重大生态灾难,自此,人们的话题再次清洁能源上。

    WITH the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf, talk has once again turned to clean energy.


  • POSIX线程编程诸多优势但是如果明确一些基本规则有可能编写一些难以调试代码造成内存泄漏

    POSIX thread programming has many benefits, but if you're not clear about some basic rules, you run the risk of writing hard-to-debug code and creating memory leaks.


  • 我们知道泄漏没有得到及时报告,报告造成很大的反响当地居民里。

    And the leakage was known, not reported on time, and when reported created a huge stir in the local population.


  • 隶属于美国国家海洋与大气管理局,拥有三十六船队现在正在工作追踪油污并且大型科考船一起研究BP公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏造成影响

    Three dozen NOAA vessels are currently working to track the oil spill and major research cruises are being put together to study the effects of the BP oil spill in the Gulf.


  • 科学家认为路易斯安娜州湿地的污染石油泄漏环境造成最大危害之一

    One of the spill's greatest environmental threats is to Louisiana's wetlands, scientists believe.


  • 那次爆炸造成泄漏持续了停止最终估计多达1亿4千万加仑石油排入海湾

    That spill took more than a year to stop, spewing an estimated 140 million gallons of oil into the Gulf.


  • 美国科学家估计将近500万石油受损油井泄漏出来,造成历史上最大海上漏油事故

    U.S. scientists estimate nearly 5 million barrels of oil leaked from the damaged well, making it the largest accidental release of oil into the seas in history.


  • 但是日本发生2007年地震造成泄漏(当地一个核电站引起的),现在我们就身临其境

    But a 2007 earthquake in Japan caused a radioactive leak [at one plant there], and now we're in the midst of this catastrophe.


  • 资源泄漏造成DB2服务器负载过大,应用程序出现异常行为或者甚至造成 DB2 服务器崩溃

    Resource leaks can result in the DB2 server being overload, abnormal behavior within the application, or even in a crash of the DB2 server.


  • 由于我们生产服务器中运行尝试检测内存泄漏(而不是造成内存泄漏),所以我们只能存储非常有限数据量。

    Since we are running within a production server, and are trying to detect memory leaks (not create them), we have to store a very limited amount of data.


  • 由于我们生产服务器中运行尝试检测内存泄漏(而不是造成内存泄漏),所以我们只能存储非常有限数据量。

    Since we are running within a production server, and are trying to detect memory leaks (not create them), we have to store a very limited amount of data.


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