• 然而银行家们辩解说,完全抛开慈善活动不管,他们声誉、利益或是它们之中剩下的,造成极大的损害。

    Yet bankers argue that scrapping such activities altogether would be extremely damaging to their reputations and profits-or, at least, what's left of them.


  • 听着老兄学术研究机构声誉造成破坏可能已经无法挽回了发现目前为止回答与此无关

    Listen, man, the damage you have done to the reputation of this institution of learning and research is probably already quite irreparable, and I find your answers so far have been quite irrelevant.


  • 由于一系列损害了品牌品质声誉汽车召回事件美国这一丰田最大市场造成的影响尤为恶劣,丰田章男先生受到了美国国会议员们的连番质询。

    Toyoda was grilled by U.S. lawmakers for a series of recalls that have tarnished the carmaker's brand and reputation for quality, particularly in the United States, its largest market.


  • 相较财务损失而言,这一事件对瑞银声誉与其扭转经营局面的努力造成破坏更为严重

    The damage to the reputation of UBS and its attempted turnaround is much more serious, however, than the financial loss.


  • 由于一系列损害了品牌品质声誉汽车召回事件,美国这一丰田最大市场造成的影响尤为恶劣,丰田章男先生受到了美国国会议员们的连番质询。

    Toyoda was grilled by U.S. lawmakers for a series of recalls that havetarnished the carmaker's brand and reputation for quality, particularly in the United States, its largest market.


  • CPO不是一个被动职位而是主动配合CEO做出决策之前决策进行评估,确定它们公司声誉可能造成的影响。

    It is not a reactive role, but a proactive one, in which the CPO works with the CEO to assess decisions before they're made, to see how they may affect the company's reputation.


  • 首先阿赫罗梅耶夫担心开诚布公苏联声誉造成损害继续撒谎要大

    First, Akhromeev feared that honesty would do more damage to Soviet credibility than continuing to lie.


  • 广告时代肯德基惨败”,引用营销专家预测公司声誉受到损害,因其拙劣宣传造成

    Advertising age called it a "Kentucky Fried fiasco" and quoted marketing experts who predicted that the company's reputation would be damaged as a result of the botched promotion.


  • 在线信誉管理-评价一份关于纠正程序建议可能造成损害的具体重点参考网上声誉

    Online Reputation Management - Reviews your online reputation with a specific focus on potentially damaging references with recommendations for corrective procedures.


  • 就说明,在目前看来,忽视安全问题公司声誉利润都还未造成冲击

    This means getting security wrong has-for the moment-no impact on a firm's reputation or its profits.


  • 况且,不是公司仅有德清理成本,同时,也对声誉造成损害

    It is not just the cost to the companies of clean up, but the reputational damage that it causes.


  • 有一部分人指责官方媒体散播视频的行为,认为这种行为在接受正确审判对林的声誉造成一定的损害。

    Many also criticise state media for sharing the video, saying that it "discredits" Mr Lin before he has faced trial.


  • 近些年来,中国银行业爆出操作风险大案,不仅银行业造成重大的经济损失更是对银行的声誉产生无法估量的损失。

    In recent years, many cases about operation risk happened in domestic Banks, the loss is inestimable, and the loss is not only about money, it is also about reputation.


  • 上周末上海交通大学发表声明否认复旦大学的说法,并称言论对自己声誉造成了损害

    Over last weekend SJTU issued a statement denying what Fudan University said, which it said damaged its reputation.


  • 同时因为企业作为微观经济运行的主体,如果产品安全危机处理不当海外营销中带来巨大经济损失,给企业声誉品牌造成更为巨大损失,甚至灭顶之灾。

    If the safety crisis can't be overcome properly, it will cause huge lost. Because the oversea consumer has more safety sense compare with the domestic end user.


  • 但是损害已经造成英特尔当时不得不挽回自己声誉

    But the damage was done, and Intel had to work hard to repair its reputation.


  • 许可方必须保证方案(计划不会Infinity荣誉声誉或者该方案作者造成任何影响。

    The Licensee must ensure that the Plans are not subjected to any treatment, which is prejudicial to the honour or reputation of Infinity, or the author of the Plans.


  • 声誉好的企业参与无条件捐赠不一定能提升其形象,但是参与事业关联捐赠则企业造成负面影响;

    Consumer perception of the positive reputation firms was little change after unconditional donation, but a positive reputation firm would suffer a loss of favor by pursuing CRM.


  • 讽刺是,瑞士银行(ubs)发生巨额亏损造成瑞士央行声誉受损后,央行为挽回声誉采取的行动可能令以上问题更加复杂化。

    Ironically, the tough action the SNB has taken to repair the damage to the reputation of Swiss banking from huge losses at UBS may have compounded the problem.


  • 讽刺是,瑞士银行(ubs)发生巨额亏损造成瑞士央行声誉受损后,央行为挽回声誉采取的行动可能令以上问题更加复杂化。

    Ironically, the tough action the SNB has taken to repair the damage to the reputation of Swiss banking from huge losses at UBS may have compounded the problem.


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