• 研制开发出操作简单规范实用水利水电工程造价系统成了当前非常紧迫的任务。

    It is emergent for us to develop the cost system of WCHE which has wide applications and is operated simply and in standard.


  • 因此水利水电工程造价系统研制与开发项具有重要意义的工作同时也是一项非常艰难的工作。

    Therefore, development of the cost system of WCHE is of great significance, at the same time, it is a quite hard job.


  • 世界上电力系统电网带来了大量可再生能源这种电网要求解决方案不仅造价而且还得具有创造性

    Around the world, electric power systems that have added significant amounts of renewable energy to the grid require both costly and creative solutions.


  • 一举措同时需要造价高昂电网系统使电力输送远方城市

    But this also requires costly power grids to carry the electricity to the distant cities.


  • 灌水器滴灌系统关键设备性能优劣直接决定灌溉质量滴灌工程的造价

    Emitter is the most important equipment in drip irrigation system. Its capability directly influences the quality and cost of drip irrigation.


  • 开发这项技术的团队工程师,线路的造价大约国外系统一半左右

    The chief engineer on the team developing the technology says it will cost about half what foreign systems do.


  • 建设项目工程造价控制一个贯穿项目建设全过程复杂系统工程。

    The control of engineering cost of construction item is a complex system engineering that penetrates the whole process of construction.


  • 微带阵列实现智能天线能够满足系统小型化造价要求,这现代通信中有着广泛地应用前景。

    Microstrip antenna arrays can meet smart antenna's demands of miniaturization and low cost and will be used widely in modern communication systems.


  • 长大公路隧道通风系统工程造价、运营能耗,通风系统设计合理与否,对长大隧道工程建设有重要影响

    Whether the ventilation system is designed reasonable or not can significantly affects the construction of long highway tunnel for its high cost in economy and energy.


  • 而且更为重要是,整个系统造价相当经济

    But more importantly, the total cost of the entire system is economic.


  • 系统结构简单、使用方便造价低廉便于维护适合实验教学应用

    It is simple in structure, convenient to operate, low cost, easy to maintain and suitable for experiment and teaching.


  • 为了保证保温性能节约造价我们没有设置过多玻璃立面采用了高性能的天窗保证室内明亮,同时采用光伏屋面系统提供照明

    To ensure the thermal performance, we didn't use too much glass openings, but introducesskylight to make the interior brighter, and a solar system for lighting.


  • 直线电机轮轨交通系统造价、线路适用性强、养护维修简单噪声低等优点,业内普遍认为一种先进交通方式

    The LIM wheel-rail system has the advantages of low costs, great applicability, low noise and simple maintenance, and is widely believed to be an advanced traffic mode in urban rail transit field.


  • 给出了一复杂系统造价约束下的可靠度余数并发优化设计结果

    A numerical result of an optimization design based on reliability and redundancy subject to cost in complex system is provided in the paper.


  • 工程造价分析一个系统的工程,鉴于学识有限存在许多不足之处专家们谅解

    Project cost analysis is a systematic project, in view of limited knowledge, there are many inadequacies and hope the understanding from the experts.


  • 然而指出这种系统软件测试验证造价很高而且很难实现

    However, it goes on to say that the software testing and certification of such a system would be expensive and difficult.


  • 通过采暖管道热量计算经济分析建议在采暖系统设计考虑管道的散热量,降低工程造价

    According to he calculation and economy analyses of heating pipe, this paper suggests that heating system design should consider the pipe heat dissipating capacity to reduce engineering cost.


  • 通过固化处理进行优化设计可以解决力学性质二次污染以及造价三者之间存在的矛盾建立系统的固化理论奠定基础

    The contradiction between mechanical characters, secondary pollution and cost by optimal design can be solved, which will lay a base to establish systemic solidification theory.


  • 系统结构简单造价

    The system has simple construction and lower final cost.


  • 财务效益审计系统工程造价审计子系统系统了详细系统分析设计编制出财务效益审计部分子模块演示程序。

    Make detailed system analysis and design to the finance benefit auditing and cost auditing and system, and program to demonstrate the former.


  • 使用位置差分减少目标位置监测系统造价,使目标用户设备简单造价低,而且重量轻(因为在军事上对于目标携带设备重量要求往往很苛刻)

    This method will reduce the cost of target monitoring DGPS system, and simplify the target borne equipment to reduce the weight of the equipment.


  • 本文就基于造价分析水利水电工程招标管理信息系统系统分析、设计应用问题进行了研究

    This paper studied on the system analysis, design and application of water and electricity project bid management information system based on cost analysis.


  • 通过建立造价指数灰色系统预测模型可以出未来造价指数的和进行短期、中期和长期的预测。

    The grey element value of cost index would be figured out by way of establishing cost index′s presumption model that is a grey system.


  • 系统介绍了施工阶段影响公路工程造价各种因素阐明了工程造价管理控制方法及措施。

    It systematically presents the influencing factors of the engineering cost during the stage of construction, and illuminates the management and control methods of the engineering cost.


  • 根据多项典型燃气太阳能联合供热系统工程实例得到太阳能集热器面积与太阳能系统造价关系。

    Based on many typical engineering examples of gas and solar heating system, the relationship between the solar collector area and the fabrication cost of solar collection system is gained.


  • 为了降低卫星系统造价提高卫星系统性能需要对卫星系统进行设计优化

    Design optimization is necessary to satellite system for the sake of reducing its cost and improving its performance.


  • 监控系统通过互联网实现监控中心连接无需专用的远动信道,降低了系统造价,实现了各系统之间无缝连接

    The system, connected with substation and monitoring center by Internet, doesn t need special communication, reduced system costs and realized seamless connection between sub-systems.


  • 本文利用模糊数学灰色系统理论,对建筑工程造价估测系统进行了研究,在此基础,研制成实用软件

    In this paper, the cost estimate system of constructional engineering has been studied based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Grey system, and a practical computer software has been worked out.


  • 生命周期工程造价统一计算为全生命周期工程造价管理提供模型支持系统

    The fourth is that, The uniform calculation of the whole lifecycle engineering cost, its aim is to supply model supporting system to whole lifecycle engineering cost management.


  • 方法简单可行显著提高系统精度降低系统造价使用维修费用

    This method is workable as well as simple, which can remarkably improve the system precision and decrease cost of system and maintenance.


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