• 1944年的墨西哥许多专家警告发展国家人口增长速度粮食生产,会出现大规模饥荒

    In Mexico in 1944, many experts warned of mass starvation in developing nations where populations were expanding faster than crop production.


  • 12月的警告信中写道:“只有当我们讨论生物物理极限的后果时,我们才有希望降低其速度、严重性和危害。”

    "Only if we discuss the consequences of our biophysical limits," the December warning letter says, "can we have the hope to reduce their speed, severity and harm."


  • 韦伯警告尽管岛屿现在还能应付但海平面上升速度任何加快都将吞噬掉沉积物的累积。

    Webb and Kench warn that while the islands are coping for now, any acceleration in the rate of sea-level rise could overtake the sediment build up.


  • 专家警告说,过滤器大幅度地降低互联网速度同时却并不能有效地阻止那些真正不良网站

    Experts warned that the filter would slow Internet speeds down massively while affording no guarantee of effectively blocking genuinely malicious sites.


  • 不过报告警告说,许多世界上贫困国家尤其是经历战乱非洲国家未能跟上这种增长速度

    However, the report warns that many of the world's poorest countries, especially those torn by conflict in Africa, have not kept pace.


  • 盖博蔓延速度令各资深网络安全机构发出一系列警告

    The speed of the Gumblar infection has already led to a series of warnings from senior security figures.


  • 报告警告说,这种现象有可能导致长期利率以远超过预期速度攀升,对增长前景产生不利影响。

    This, the report cautions, could cause long-term interest rates to rise much faster than expected, and dampen growth prospects.


  • 由于机队扩张速度继续超出需求航空公司加剧中国一些机场拥堵问题徐勇警告:“我们现在飞机数量实在太多了。”

    As fleet expansion continues to outpace demand, carriers are adding to congestion problems at some Chinese airports. "We have just far too many planes now," Mr Xu warns.


  • 如果连接速度很慢,XML网关将发出一个警告或者采取补救措施,比如使用缓存进行响应

    If the connection is slow, then the XML gateway raises an alert, or takes remedial action such as using a response from its cache.


  • 组织预测全球经济增长速度2011年会放缓至4.2个百分点,警告说,经济复苏依然脆弱

    The fund forecast that global growth would slow to 4.2% in 2011, and warned that recovery remained fragile.


  • 其他人则警告称,全世界增长速度可能表面预计数字要低。

    Others warn that growth worldwide may be slower than the glitzy Numbers forecast.


  • 很多软件产品都附带了pick - two警告表示速度灵活性可读性之间只能选择其中两种

    Many software products come with the pick-two caveat, meaning that you must choose only two: speed, flexibility, or readability.


  • 警察警告司机的驾驶速度太快。

    The policeman cautioned the driver about his speed.


  • 之间快门速度光圈显示相关性彩色编码警告提醒用户设置,在适当的范围内没有

    The correlation between shutter speed and aperture is shown, with a colour-coded warning that alerts users when the Settings are not in the proper range.


  • 提出如何调整失速警告安装位置安装角指导性原则,论述表速计量失速预警速度理由

    It presents the guidelines on how to adjust the installation location and incidence of stall warning device, and also discusses the reasons for metering of stall warning speed with indicated airspeed.


  • 如果解答难题速度快得令人生疑,或者两个考生答案异乎寻常地相近软件警告考生。

    And the software also alerts them if difficult questions are being answered suspiciously quickly, or if two test-takers' answers match too closely for comfort.


  • 如果使用者狼吞虎咽地进食,红线就会偏离线警告使用者减慢进食速度

    If the user guzzles, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning them to ease off.


  • 今天英国又确诊流感病例,科学家们警告如果猪流感继续现在速度传播将会最终影响全世界三分之一人口

    The swine flu virus will infect a third of the world's population if it continues to spread at its current rate, scientists warned today, as three more cases were confirmed in the UK.


  • 关于世界海洋状况新的报告警告海洋生命可能正在人类历史上前所未有的速度灭绝

    A new report on the state of the world's oceans warns Marine life is likely to go extinct at a rate unprecedented in human history.


  • 一个更聪明速度过快警告余地

    There's room for a smarter excessive-speed warning.


  • 研究人员水中蜗牛发现蜗牛的繁殖速度极快——这是一个警告信号化学物质活跃

    When the researchers raised snails in the water, they bred with extreme rapidity - a warning sign that the chemicals were active.


  • Radardroid pro会提供视觉听觉警告应用程序数据库方法任何固定移动速度相机

    Radardroid will give a visual and audible warning when you approach any fixed or mobile speed camera in the application database.


  • 某些模块无法其他模块相比。其他一些模块对于较小集来说速度已经很缓慢了。这里给出一些警告

    Some modules don't scale as well as others. Others are already slow for small photo collections. Here are some warnings.


  • 由于机队扩张速度继续超出需求航空公司加剧中国一些机场拥堵问题。徐勇警告称:“我们现在飞机数量实在太多了。”

    As fleet expansion continues to outpace demand, carriers are adding to congestion problems at some Chinese airports. "We have just far too many planes now" Mr Xu warns.


  • 监狱巡视员发出警告现在审判速度监狱九月之前就住满犯人。

    At current rates of sentencing, the inspector of prisons warns, jails will be full by September.


  • 有名皮肤病学家以及光生物学家警告人们,常常暴露紫外线意味着皮肤老化速度保护时要两倍

    Leading dermatologists and photobiologists warn that daily exposure to ultraviolet rays means the skin can age more than twice as quickly as skin that is protected.


  • 我们不能更清晰的表述“具体时间”,因为我们不得不以快速速度做出自己的决定,如果有必要短暂警告不断改变我们方式

    We cannot be clearer about the timing as we have to make our decisions quite quickly, and be able to change our approach at short notice if necessary.


  • 我们不能更清晰的表述“具体时间”,因为我们不得不以快速速度做出自己的决定,如果有必要短暂警告不断改变我们方式

    We cannot be clearer about the timing as we have to make our decisions quite quickly, and be able to change our approach at short notice if necessary.


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