• 目的探讨彩色多普勒速度能量肾脏血流测定高血压损害诊断价值

    Objective: to explore the diagnostic value in different stages of renal damage due to hypertension with color Doppler speed energy graph examination in renal blood flow.


  • 51房间隔缺损ASD患者术前进行彩色多普勒速度图(CDV)和彩色多普勒速度能量图(CCD检查,对水平分流的方向、分流束的边界连续性及彩色充填进行观察对比分析。

    To exlore the dignostic validation of CCD on atrium level shunt and compare it with CDV, 51 patients of atrial septal defect( ASD) received CDV and CCD examination before operation.


  • 新陈代谢就是身体食物转换能量速度

    Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.


  • 它们轨道半径系统能量以及电子速度接下来你们展示解法

    They are the radius of the orbit, the energy of the system and the velocity of the electron, and I am just going to present you the solutions.


  • 生态学主要关注流经某一生态系统物质能量以及它们速度

    The ecologist is concerned primarily with the quantities of matter and energy that pass through a given ecosystem, and with the rates at which they do so.


  • 他们巨大的容量能够时间段消化食物较慢的速度将食物转化为能量以后储存

    They had enormous stomach capacity, the ability to digest food over a long period, converting it to energy at a slower pace, saving it for later.


  • 有了更大消化速度需要这么能量了。

    With larger stomachs and slower digestion, you don't need as much energy.


  • 可以知道其它机器人距离方位方向速度能量等级

    It can see the distance, bearing, heading, velocity, and energy level of other robots.


  • 他们认为,如果驾驶员前方车体部分尺寸能够达到英尺长,就消散碰撞产生能量,降低速度变化的突然性

    With several feet of car body in front of the driver, the energy of a crash can be dissipated and the suddenness of the change in velocity can be reduced, they say.


  • 这些称为重子声学振荡东西测量时间变化宇宙膨胀速度能量的值施加限制提供另一尺码

    These so-called baryon acoustic oscillations offer another yardstick for measuring the expansion rate of the universe over time and putting limits on the value of dark energy.


  • 这项广受赞誉发现显示出,股神秘的、看不见能量形式和重力抗衡,以更快速度物质分开

    The widely celebrated discovery indicated that a mysterious and invisible form of energy is counteracting the force of gravity, pushing matter apart at an ever faster rate.


  • 关键之处就在于速度太阳能传递几乎就在瞬间完成,所以很少能量的形式耗散掉。

    Speed is the key –the transfer of the solar energy takes place almost instantaneously so little energy is wasted as heat.


  • 已经故意这个箭头弄短用来象征了,因为我们证明质量没有变,只有它的能量改变了,也就是它的速度变了。

    And I have purposely made the arrow shorter to indicate that it has been slowed because we are going to argue its mass didn't change, so the only way to change its energy is to change its velocity.


  • 只是存在两个问题储能氧化物,而且导电率也较低,这限制电池释放存储能量速度

    There were just two problems: it had a lower energy-density than cobalt oxide and suffered from low conductivity, limiting the rate at which energy could be delivered and stored by the battery.


  • 考虑能量问题,发现功以及,逃逸速度之间关系,使它们,在内部统一

    So by looking at the energy considerations, you can find the connection between total energy, escape velocity, and make the whole picture internally consistent.


  • 能量量子化速度被量子化。

    Energy is quantized. Velocity is quantized.


  • 航天器重量轨道不同,所需火箭提供能量速度也各不相同各种轨道速度之间一定对应关系

    And the weight of the spacecraft orbit, the rocket needed to provide energy and speed varies, with a variety of track between the speed of a certain relationship.


  • 就是PCR呈现负值出现情况。因为PCR负值反应堆会自动限制穿越反应堆的中子所以会在短暂能量增加减慢增长速度

    This is where having a negative PCR is handy, because it automatically limits the number of neutrons flying through the reactor, so it damps itself down after a momentary power increase.


  • 一兆相当于个一吨重的物体160公里/小时的速度撞一面墙产生能量

    A megajoule is equivalent to the energy released when a one-tonne vehicle slams into a wall at 160kmh.


  • 通常来说正常睡眠食欲能量以及注意力更快速度恢复

    But typically sleep, appetite, energy, concentration come back to normal more quickly than that.


  • 消耗能量(与鸟飞机速度相加的平方成正比)大约的重物落下英尺

    The energy to be dissipated (proportional to the square of the combined speed of bird and plane) would be more like half a ton being dropped ten feet.


  • 由于物理定律规定能量守恒其它恒星获得同等巨大能量的推动,惊人的速度飞走

    Since the laws of physics dictate that energy be conserved, the other star would gain an equally large energy boost, flying away at tremendous speed.


  • 甲状腺位于颈部腺体控制新陈代谢以及身体将食物转化能量速度

    The thyroid is a small gland at the base of your neck. It controls your metabolism, the speed at which your body converts fuel into energy.


  • 甲状腺位于颈部腺体控制新陈代谢以及身体将食物转化能量速度

    The thyroid is a small gland at the base of your neck.It controls your metabolism, the speed at which your body converts fuel into energy.


  • 一旦你身体知道如何快速较低的速度下你需要能量少,这样就减少了能量消耗后续阶段跑步储存能量

    Once the body knows how to run fast, at slower speeds, there is less effort required resulting in reduced energy expenditure which will assist in saving energy for the latter stages of any event.


  • 推动飞船完成50抵达的任务所需速度所耗能量,人们几乎无法想象

    The energy required to push a spacecraft up to the speed needed to get to the star within 50 years was so great as to be barely conceivable.


  • 由于风中可用能量速度不同而变化,速度一点能量一点。

    Because the power available in the wind varies with the cube of its speed, a bit more speed gets you a lot more power.


  • 上世纪70年代加速器能够增强速度因此也能给粒子增强能量使粒子撞击一个固定目标上

    In the 1970s accelerators were capable of ramping up the speed and thus the energy of particles, but could only smash them into a stationary target.


  • 上世纪70年代加速器能够增强速度因此也能给粒子增强能量使粒子撞击一个固定目标上

    In the 1970s accelerators were capable of ramping up the speed and thus the energy of particles, but could only smash them into a stationary target.


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