• 举行室内购物车速度比赛

    Hold indoor shopping cart RACES.


  • 古希腊裁判凭借肉眼做出判断,现在奥运会速度比赛必须精确百分之一

    Ancient Greek judges made their decision with the help of their eyes. Nowadays, Olympic RACES have to be timed accurately to hundredths of a second.


  • 很早些时候起,速度比赛战车比赛各种马球比赛狩猎、马上长矛比赛以及许多类似体育项目一直依赖马匹诞生存在

    From earliest times, riding RACES, chariot RACES, various polo-type games, hunting, jousting, and similar sports have been dependent on the horse for their very creation and existence.


  • 游泳选手唯一需要通过终点线速度比赛选手取而代之的是安装泳道末端电动计时触,它精确地记录下选手们每次游到终点的时间。

    Swimmers are the only racing competitors who don't cross a finish line. Instead they have electronic touch boards at the end of each pool lane that will accurately record the end of each length.


  • 比赛对一个叫比尔的男孩来说意义更大,因为其他大多数赛跑者的速度都比他快。

    The race meant more to a boy named Bill, because most of the other runners had greater speed.


  • 采访比赛间隙这项工作所需的最快的速度、最熟练的技能最好的创作能力写稿。

    In the intervals between interviews or competitions, I tried to write with as much speed, skill, and creativity as I could bring to the task.


  • 可以更有经验比赛提高速度

    This will give you more experience in preparing for competitions and improve your speed.


  • 赢得比赛得象机器人整个行程保持统一的速度

    She won by running like a robot, with uniform speed through the entire course.


  • 比赛中,突然的加速往返像是速度锻炼这些有助于建立力量信心

    The short spurts of running that you'll do during a soccer match are similar to speed workouts, which will help build your strength and confidence.


  • 例如比赛当晚尼·斯特认为巴贝尔能够自己的速度能力改变场上局势。”

    Babel, for instance - a player "whose pace and ability can change a game", according to benitez last night.


  • 能够比赛速度节奏和进程完全自己的手中。”理查德森

    "He can still speed the game up when he needs to, and slow things down when he needs to," says Richardson.


  • 能够比赛速度节奏和进程完全自己的手中。”理查德森

    He can still speed the game up when he needs to, and slow things down when he needs to,” says Richardson.


  • 2007年英国足球俱乐部阿森纳对阵雷丁正式比赛海报上打出的人物是西奥.沃尔科特一个速度闻名的年轻边锋

    WHEN Arsenal, an English football club, took on Reading in 2007, the cover of the official programme featured Theo Walcott, a stripling winger known for his speed.


  • 但是也是一个严格的速度机器——证据就是欧洲最新的赛车比赛的记录。

    But it's also a serious race machine — as evidenced by the Look-sponsored pros currently racing the bike in Europe.


  • 这个比赛20历史里面,至今为止最快速度2007年的比赛,那时魁北克大学队伍他们的奥马儿5潜艇达到了8.一035海里速度

    The fastest speed so far in the competition's 20-year history came during the 2007 competition, when a University of Quebec team reached 8.035 knots with its Omer 5 sub.


  • 了解比赛的“关门时间”,然后据此调节自己速度

    Know when the cutoff time is for your race so that you can pace yourself accordingly.


  • 刚开始的时候10 - K比赛英里10 -20速度20分钟然后每个星期增加5分钟的时间。

    Start with a 20-minute tempo run at 10 to 20 seconds per mile slower than 10-k race pace, and add 5 minutes to your tempo run every week.


  • 不是超过每个人或者最后一百冲刺而是比赛最后三分之一还能保持速度周围的人开始减速了

    I don't mean outkicking everyone, or sprinting hard for the last 100 meters. Rather, finishing strong means maintaining your pace over the last third of a race while those around you are slowing.


  • 星期天他用英里30速度一次15英里这个速度马拉松比赛速度

    On Sundays, he runs 15 miles at a pace that's 30 seconds per mile slower than his marathon race pace.


  • 比赛早期他们强势,但是我们就是耐心等待冷静思考下半场比赛我们加快了传球速度因而控制比赛

    They started stronger than we did but we needed to be patient, intelligent and I think in the second half we increased the tempo of our passing and controlled the game.


  • 休斯觉得贝拉米阿森纳比赛中发挥相当出色无论是在球员速度上还是反击感觉上都是出色的。

    Hughes thought Bellamy was "outstanding" against Arsenal and, referring to the player's pace, added that "in a counter-attacking sense he is one of the best out there".


  • 等到实际比赛时,球员们才震惊发现,光凭克洛泽身后三个年轻人速度灵性就可以将整个英格兰生吞活剥了去

    There was an element of shock (and awe) in the way that England were taken apart by the pace and agility of the three men playing behind Miroslav Klose.


  • 富裕国家比赛更多带来更快连接同时世界其它国家也在努力加快速度

    Wealthy countries race to bring faster connections to more people, while the rest of the world struggles to get up to speed.


  • 如果参加三项全能比赛,你更多时间提高耐力自己速度然后会坐在长椅分别写下游泳跑步骑自行车时间安排。

    If you were going to run a triathlon, you would spend more time improving your endurance and pacing yourself then sitting on the bench writing out the timing for your swimming, running and biking.


  • 赛季所有19比赛中,为了要获得好的成绩,较之于速度我们注重可靠性,当然速度非常重要的,但同时赛车稳定可靠

    We made up for that by being more reliable than the quickest and, in a 19 race championship, while of course it is important to be fast, you also need to be consistent and reliable.


  • 例如如果想在比赛中跑速度,那么在热身时候必须准备得更长彻底

    For instance, the faster you'll be running or racing, the longer and more thoroughly you should warm up.


  • 例如如果想在比赛中跑速度,那么在热身时候必须准备得更长彻底

    For instance, the faster you'll be running or racing, the longer and more thoroughly you should warm up.


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