• 自动化部署可以受益可靠且可重复流程提高准确性速度控制能力。

    Automated deployments reap the benefits of a reliable, repeatable process: improved accuracy, speed, and control.


  • 然后,在7个城市连胜1赛车电路模拟测试速度控制

    Then streak across 7 cities and 1 circuit in a racing simulation that tests your speed and control.


  • 当不计飞行器响应时间纵向速度控制溢出时,蜕化常规比例导引

    Neglecting the time canstants, axial accelerations and the control overflow, the optimal strategy is reduced to the conventional proportional navigation guidance law.


  • 反馈系统包含跟踪误差未来信息,以便改善发电机跟踪速度控制效果

    To improve the tracking speed and control effects of the generator, the feedback system includes indirectly the future information of the tracking errors.


  • 太空中,计算机用来控制宇宙飞船速度方向

    In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship.


  • 艾尔金德认为学业上成功很大程度上取决于父母无法控制因素比如遗传能力孩子成熟速度

    Elkind argues that academic success is largely dependent upon factors out of parents' control, such as inherited abilities and a child's rate of maturation.


  • 这个驱动器是 AB 电动技术的代表产品,它是一个定向控制可以分别控制速度扭矩

    The drive features AB's Force Technology, a field-oriented control that permits independent control of speed and torque.


  • 司机可以利用操纵杆之类控制方向速度这样车辆可以原地旋转加速得相当

    Drivers use a joystick of sorts to steer and throttle the vehicle, which can spin in place and accelerates rather quickly.


  • 现在已经了解了两个参数——快门速度光圈大小他们从本质上来说有同一个功能控制进入相机光线总量。

    So you have these two parameters, shutter speed and aperture size, both of which do essentially the same thing: control how much light gets in.


  • 得到了使用便利,失却了对程序的控制速度

    You trade in control and speed, for ease of use.


  • 这种变形可能通过外部控制自发产生,例如,对温度压力速度改变做出反应

    The change can be instigated by an external control or it can be automatic, for instance in response to variations in heat, pressure or velocity.


  • 基于发动机感应性能测试结论速度控制保护而工作硬件实现本文中阐述。

    Also, the implementation of the hardware and software for speed control and protection with the results obtained from tests on induction motor performance is provided.


  • 英格兰队可能更多企图速度他们无法控制个边锋则他们得到支持而失望

    England may have had more purpose and speed but they were unable to command the ball and the wingers would have been disappointed with the service to them.


  • 传感器主动控制用于侦测危险震颤先兆迹象,而这种危险震颤会限制直升机速度

    Sensors and active controls are used to detect the onset of dangerous vibrations, which also limit the forward speed of a helicopter.


  • 项目正在寻找方法使不同机器人基于处环境选择出入口移动速度动态控制稳定性身体质量

    The program is looking for new ways for machines to vary and select their gate or movement rate based on the environment they're in and to dynamically control their stability and body mass.


  • 此外,研究还发现,食用牛奶巧克力巧克力有助于增强冲动控制能力,提高反应速度

    And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time, according to the research.


  • Httperf工具可以控制发出请求速度连接超时限制

    The Httperf tool can control the rate at which requests are issued, the total connection number, and the time-out limit.


  • WS - Polling可以作为端点控制SOAP引擎传递处理消息速度方法

    WS-Polling can be used as a means for an endpoint to control the rate at which messages are delivered and processed by its SOAP engine.


  • Office WordExcel文件在服务器处理速度快了TFS版本控制命令处理经过重写后,能够在需要绑定内存到服务器上的情况下,支持无限量关键命令操作

    TFS Version Control command processing was re-written to support unlimited sized operations on key commands without being memory bound on the server.


  • 保持一个易控制速度可以使你集中注意力。可惜的是,人们竟然会吧这个“坚持工作直到自己倒下也不休息混淆起来。

    Unfortunately, people can confuse this withWork till you drop without breaks”.


  • 大规模传播技术前所未有速度效率影响大量但是它却信息流动控制交给少数被选拨出来的人手里

    The new technologies of mass dissemination could reach large numbers of people with unprecedented speed and efficiency, but put control of the flow of information into the hands of a select few.


  • 允许单位进行战斗中更快速度更好大局意识管理以及单位活动规划执行各种控制操作

    It also allows for the management of a unit in battle faster and with a better situation awareness, as well as unit activity planning and the execution of various control operations.


  • 这场生化芭蕾总指挥蛋白质、纳米大小的结构模块动力设备,它们控制一步反应速度时机

    The conductors of this biochemical ballet are the proteins, nano-size building blocks and machines that control the speed and timing of every reaction.


  • 虽然全球结核负担可能下降,但是下降速度并未快足以实现控制结核伙伴关系确定的效果指标−到2015年将1990年患病率死亡率减半

    Although the TB burden may be falling globally, the decline is not fast enough to meet the impact targets set by the Stop TB Partnership - to halve the 1990 prevalence and death rates by 2015.


  • 这种衰退累积意味着我们生命长度由细胞受损速度损伤修复的效率之间的平衡控制的。

    This degenerative buildup means that the length of our lives is regulated by the balance between how fast new damage strikes our cells and how efficiently this damage is corrected.


  • 循环影响山脉海洋速度,海水深度循环有助于控制冰川消逝流动,诸如此类。

    The carbon cycle influences the rate at which mountains weather down into seas, the deep circulation of ocean waters helps govern the ebb and flow of ice sheets, and so on.


  • 飞荡时,玩家可以控制速度方向以及何时怎样结束这个动作。

    In the swing, you have control over the speed and direction - and when and how you want to let go.


  • 飞荡时,玩家可以控制速度方向以及何时怎样结束这个动作。

    In the swing, you have control over the speed and direction - and when and how you want to let go.


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