• 地球上人们认为,表明太阳黑子周期可靠的迹象之一树木生长速度,就树干截面上可见年轮一样。

    On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.


  • 除了这个,还得到半径大小,速度以及周期假设地球上这些恒星环绕轨道同处一个平面

    And out of this information you get the radius, the velocity and the period, assuming that you are on Earth in the plane of the orbit of the stars.


  • 既然根据这个比例,知道发射机速度,既然你们知道了周期就是这个,知道半径

    Since you know the velocity of the transmitter from this ratio since you know the period, R which is this, you now also find the radius R.


  • 所以原则上来说你们可以决定任何,恒星轨道中的速度,轨道半径以及当然二元体系周期

    So, in principle, you can determine for each one of those stars the velocity in orbit, the radius of their orbit and, of course, the period of the binary system.


  • 除了处理器时钟速度外,另一个重要的处理器性能度量条指令的时钟周期(CPI)。

    In addition to processor clock speed, another important processor performance metric is clock cycles per instruction (CPI).


  • 上次冰河时代,白令海峡这种周期闭,影响洋流,进而影响冰盖融化速度

    The strait’s status in turn affected ocean currents, which affected the rate of ice sheet melting during the last glacial period.


  • 但是如果我们只是单纯地把注意力放在商业周期上,那么货币供求震动(包括货币未来变化期望)就是决定经济复苏速度的主导因素。

    But if we are focusing purely on the business cycle, then shocks to the supply and demand for money (including expectations of future changes) are the primary determinant of the pace of recovery.


  • 测量法得到,速度半径:,周期以及这些物体质量,如果作为观察者。

    All this comes out of Doppler shift measurements: the velocities, the radii, the periods and even the masses of these objects.


  • 曲线记住这条曲线,So, from, that, curve—,因为接下来重要,从中你们推导出3:,半径自转周期,已经旋转物体速度

    And keep that with you, because it's going to be important in what follows we can derive three things: the radius, the period of rotation and the speed of the object as I twirl it around.


  • 把握速度节奏关键性运转周期新创企业取得成功

    Startups that master speed, tempo and pivot cycle time will win.


  • 下降最低点、截止824星期周期里,M2年率12%速度下降。

    At the worst point in the decline, the four weeks ending Aug. 24, M2 was dropping at an annualized rate of 12%.


  • 这种震动以前诟病60周期变化原因,研究发现自转速度表明不是罪魁祸首,英国利兹大学乔恩芒德

    The twisting had previously been blamed for a 60-year cycle in day length, but the rate of rotation found in this study suggests it is not the culprit, says Jon Mound at the University of Leeds, UK.


  • 不仅仅商业周期到了生产率增长速度减慢一点还有加剧暂时生产率波动几个特征

    Not only has the business cycle reached the point at which productivity growth usually slows, it also has several characteristics that may have exacerbated temporary productivity swings.


  • 如果速度周期就是你们看到的。

    If I have a high acceleration, the period will be short, and that's exactly what you see.


  • 如果速度减小振荡周期变大。

    If the acceleration goes down, the period of oscillation goes up.


  • 所以现在回复加倍物体质量加倍,加速度不变周期不变。

    So now the restoring force doubles and the mass doubles, the acceleration remains the same, the period remains the same.


  • 全球变暖加快地球水循环速度降雨周期拉长,强度增大,导致洪水泛滥,也会促成连日无雨的旱情。

    Global warming also seems to be speeding up the earth's hydrologic cycle, causing both floods and droughts (more rains fall in shorter periods, with longer gaps between).


  • 9%增长速度现在视为周期性的峰值非能长久保持的成绩经济内部处处可见瓶颈意味着增长速度再高就会有引发通货膨胀的风险。

    Growth of 9% now looks more like a cyclical peak than apermanent achievement: bottlenecks throughout the economy mean it cannot gofaster without setting off inflation.


  • 无论结构空间时间速度这一切迹象都表明,周期二浪调整结束

    No matter from the wave type structure, space, time, speed, all the signs are that, large periodic wave two adjustment will end.


  • 同样,这里会出现内存速度之间传统折衷因为压缩减少了内存消耗压缩需要消耗CPU周期

    Again, the classic trade-off between memory and speed arises, as compression reduces memory consumption but that compression requires cycles.


  • 制图过程实现了土壤制图的自动化减少了人为主观性提高了制图速度效率缩短了制图周期

    In the process of drawing, it realized automatism cartography, reduced subjectivity, heightened the speed and efficiency, and shortened mapping period.


  • 尽管经济增长有可能今年年中开始恢复,然而实际增长率有所阻滞,也许只有之前周期速度一半

    While economic growth is likely to resume from the middle of this year, the actual rate of growth will be subdued, perhaps at only half the pace of the previous cycle.


  • 商业周期青睐欧元区经济正在复苏的速度美国复苏比较先进的。

    Business cycles favour it: the euro-area economy is picking up speed again, but America's recovery is more advanced.


  • 结果挤压周期开始时铝锭难以被挤压通过模具铝锭后部挤压速度必须降低防止挤压出废品

    The result is the aluminum is difficult to push through the die at the beginning of the cycle and the extrusion speed must be reduced at the back of the billet to prevent defects.


  • QC代理运行大型DSS查询浪费CPU周期从而降低其他查询的速度

    A large DSS query by the QC agent will just waste cycles and slow everyone else down.


  • 精度最大进给速度机床系统脉冲当量、插补周期以及脉冲发生器输出脉冲频率有关

    The interpolation precision is correlated with Max feed rate pulse equivalent of CNC cyc of interpolation and output impulse frequency of pulse generator.


  • 速度同时,拉幅越小,拉坯频率成分均匀,合金铜管的成分呈周期分布

    The component distribution is more even when drawing extent is smaller and frequency is more rapid at the same casting speed.


  • 完成认知测验时,受损害个体相比正常个体步态规则周期、抬速度更快并且头部躯体运动迅速。

    Healthy individuals demonstrated a more periodic gait with regular and higher velocity foot kicks and faster torso and head movement than impaired individuals when completing a cognitive task.


  • 因此评价物流管理业绩效果准则,多半是以处理订单周期时间速度供货完成质量量度

    Therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the speed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure.


  • 因此评价物流管理业绩效果准则,多半是以处理订单周期时间速度供货完成质量量度

    Therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the speed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure.


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