• 国王墓室位于金字塔中心只有通过走廊一个上升通道可以到达

    The King's chamber is located at the heart of the pyramid, only accessible through the Great Gallery and an ascending corridor.


  • 到了6以后,门锁上,灯关掉然后穿过走廊东边楼梯,再从上往下把这边的通道口也上。

    Once you reached the 6th floor, you were to lock yourself in, turn off the lights and proceed across the floor to the East stairwell, where you would lock those doors working your way down.


  • 走廊建筑物火车内的长长的通道一边或两边有门房间

    A corridor is a long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both side.


  • 广泛用于楼梯走廊通道浴室车库场所

    Widely used in staircases, corridors, passageways, bathrooms, garages and other places.


  • 狭窄百叶窗覆盖弯曲立面通道微风吹教室穿过位于大楼边沿走廊

    Narrow louvres covering the curving facades channel breezes towards the classrooms and through corridors located along the building's edges.


  • 德里克公园提供大象安全通道野生动物走廊支持者

    Derek is a proponent of wildlife corridors that offer elephants safe passage between parks.


  • 任何单位个人不得非法占用变电设施用地输电线路走廊电缆通道

    No unit or individual may illegally occupy or utilize the land designated to substation facilities, transmission line corridors, and cable channels.


  • 卡梅隆在基地走廊通道寻找约翰忽略了人们注目,大概是因为艾莉森一模一样吧

    Cameron wandered down the passageways of the camp, searching for John. She barely noticed the stares she got, presumably because of her resemblance to Allison.


  • 蜿蜒的宽阔走廊连接中心区分布进入卧室通道,卧室森林

    A broad winding corridor connected to the central area and the intermediate patios distribute the access to the bedrooms that are open to the forest.


  • 不同语言环境,用专业术语相关概念如何表达通道”或“走廊之类的概念?

    What can one say in regard to the terminology and related terms such as "channel", "passage", etc. (which vary from one language to the next)?


  • 离开会议室左边走廊右侧楼梯下去一道维修通道在里面房间找到武器实验室密码

    Leave the conference room to the left of the corridor go, go on the right side of the staircase has to join the maintenance access to the door, inside the room to find weapons laboratories password.


  • 走廊回廊一种的门厅,通道游廊,通常通向房间或套间。

    A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.


  • 适用范围:办公室超级市场工厂走廊通道学校会议室医院图书馆其他室内公共空间照明。

    Applicable usage: Office, supermarket, factory, aisle, school, meeting room, hospital, library and other indoor public place.


  • 方法主要区域交通走廊的主要通道上设置调查点,以获得城际出行需求的出行OD情况。

    This method can obtain the effective od data because the people who are be asked in transportation channel have the demand to travel.


  • 应用外墙内外保温分户保温以及屋面、地下室、车库、楼梯、走廊消防通道等隔热保温节能工程。

    Suitable for all kinds of inside and outside wall insulation and household wall, basement insulation, ground, garage, corridor and fire escape heating insulation.


  • 我们楼上走廊屋子里,走廊还有床铺. 我们住在一条走廊通道的楼上卧室。

    We live in this house that upstairs had a hallway with bedrooms coming off of it.


  • 沿着公寓表面,设计师实现了一系列走廊增加体量跳跃,最后每个房间都达到大的视野享有好的出入口通道

    Along the main facade, we have realized a passage in series increasing the sensation of volume. Each room, therefore, offers a bigger visual perspective and a more pleasant way in and out.


  • 哈尔滨地处东北亚中心位置,欧亚大陆桥空中走廊重要枢纽和交通大通道

    Located at the center of Northeast Asian, Harbin is the important transporting hub of a major thoroughfare of Eurasia continental bridge and air corridors.


  • 过道走廊电梯紧急通道保持通常,不堆放杂物。

    (passages, corridors, lifts, emergency exit, keep clear of) all exits must be kept clear of baggage.


  • 工厂也设有宽阔走廊黄色通道出口标识可以紧急情况下实现安全撤离

    Also, the facility maintains wide aisles, yellow lines, exit signs, which allow easy access to emergency exit.


  • 上层部分的走廊就像是城市门户一样,人们提供美丽非凡的全景。走廊自行车通道分隔开来

    As a response to the ocean, a water-table and a garden mark the entrance to the city and separate the promenade and bike path from the traffic.


  • 本房型外伸通道,既可作房间,又走廊居住面积大于建筑面积可节省建筑面积30%。

    The house type has an outward-extending passageway which can be used as a room or an aisle, and the living space is larger than the building area to save 30 percent of the building area.


  • 本房型外伸通道,既可作房间,又走廊居住面积大于建筑面积可节省建筑面积30%。

    The house type has an outward-extending passageway which can be used as a room or an aisle, and the living space is larger than the building area to save 30 percent of the building area.


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