• 通过这个部分可以本文思路一个大概了解

    Through this part of the thinking in this paper can have a rough understanding.


  • 通过这种方式来设计这个应用程序使体系结构中的各个部分发挥各自的优势减轻弱点

    By designing the application in this way, you enable each part of your architecture to play to its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses.


  • 可以通过信号处理程序代码设置一个全局标志完成关键部分代码之后检查这个标志来实现

    This can be achieved by setting a global flag in the handler code and checking for the flag after completion of the critical part.


  • 通过列出soa上下文中的重要抽象级别这个部分描述了抽象的含义以及如何SOA相关联。

    This section describes what abstraction means and how it relates to SOA by listing levels that are important in an SOA context.


  • 涉及一个名称语法,文档部分文档(锚)都通过这个名称语法世界各地引用

    It concerns the syntax of a name by which a document or part of a document (an anchor) is referenced from anywhere else in the world.


  • 最后可以通过扩展这个命令部分(请参见清单10),创建一个新的目录作为复制这些文件目标。

    Finally, you can also create a new directory for the files to be copied into, by extending the second half of the command (see Listing 10).


  • 现在应该熟悉这个代码最后部分了:生成头部获取放置生成的ODS文件内容然后通过删除额外的文件进行清理

    The final part of the code should be familiar by now: put out headers, get and put the contents of the produced ODS file, and clean up by deleting the extra files.


  • 通过转变成更小部分这个任务易于处理

    By turning it into a series of smaller pieces, the task becomes more manageable.


  • 刚才通过这个这个相加得到的一个非常特殊右侧部分现在这个新的右侧部分情况,答案什么

    There is a very special right hand side, I just cook it up by adding this one to this one, now what's the solution with this new right hand side?


  • 接下来,让我们一下这个通过转移部分基础设施实现混合应用程序

    Take a look at the application that you will hybridize by moving part of its infrastructure.


  • 可以通过查看已经控制Web服务部分(具有特殊功效代码)来达到这个目标

    You can achieve this goal by looking at the part of web services you have control over: the bit of code that does all the magic.


  • 配置部署管理程序部分时,通过Incloudgroup字段选择希望这个虚拟部署哪个

    In configuring the deployment manager part, select a cloud group to which you want to deploy this virtual machine via the in cloud group field.


  • 首先,我们来看看这个简单应用程序主要部分通过Internet使用XML

    First, look at the essential parts of the simple application that will use XML from the Internet.


  • 这个主题超出本文范围参考DerbyDeveloper'sGuide可以通过本文的参考资料 部分 Derby在线手册链接找到这个文档)。

    This topic is beyond the scope of this article; consult the Derby Developer's Guide, which is available via the link to the Derby online manuals in the Resources section of this article.


  • 通过这个向导创建PersonbeanEJBLocalreference正如上面部分Usingan EJB reference

    Walk through this wizard to create an EJB Local reference to the Person bean, as outlined in the above section Using an EJB reference.


  • 通过DEBUG级别启用这个日志程序发现Rampart处理各个部分所需时钟时间

    By enabling this logger at DEBUG level, you can find out the amount of clock time required for various parts of the Rampart processing.


  • 这个部分描述定义WebSphereMQ WebSphere MQ JMS资源过程然后可以通过Web服务SOAPover JMS 绑定的导入或者导出使用它们。

    This section describes a procedure for defining WebSphere MQ and WebSphere MQ JMS resources that can then be used by an import or export with a Web service SOAP over JMS binding.


  • Steinitz表示,支持这个项目作者通过内容推广网站其他部分自然可以上升流量中得益

    Steinitz says writers which embrace the programme by pushing the content into other areas of the web will naturally benefit from increased traffic.


  • 这个wiki现在几个通过示例学习”的部分这些例子可以实现特定任务(请参看参考资料中的链接)。

    The wiki now has a few "learn by example" pieces up that walk through a particular task (see Resources for a link).


  • 部分我们通过开发一个现实电话界面应用程序熟悉这个平台实践细节

    In this section, we will acquaint ourselves with the practical details of the platform through development of a real-world application on a phone interface.


  • 无论如何可以通过这个任务获得巨大收益 —— 不仅对于组织规划有好处,对于迁移过程的其余部分直至操作维护,都很有好处。

    Nevertheless, you can realize huge benefits from this task â “ not only for the organizational planning, but also for the rest of the migration, down to operation and maintenance.


  • 全世界或者宇宙一个完整整体时间展开就是绝对通过这个谢林认为虚无不是自然部分

    The Universe or cosmos is a complete entity unfolding in time, and it is Absolute, by which Schelling means nothingness is not part of its nature.


  • 这个部分系列第一中,重点介绍通过索引添加DB 2数据库来减少查询次数优势缺点

    In the first installment of this two-part column, I focused on the pros and cons of reducing query times by adding indexes to a DB2 database.


  • 一个大循环部分:水蒸发空气中最终通过雨雪等降水方式回到地表,在进入这个循环之前,水通过河湖流过陆地,进入海洋

    Water is part of a large cycle: it travels over land via rivers and lakes and through the oceans before evaporating \ into \ the atmosphere and eventually returning to the surface by precipitation.


  • 对于正如同他人一样网络成为一个环球媒介部分信息通过这个渠道流向我们,进而进入我们的头脑

    For me, as for others, the Net is becoming a universal medium, the conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my mind.


  • 程序其他部分可以随后调用这个方法一般会通过参数的形式传递给这个方法一些信息然后获取方法返回结果

    Other parts of the program can then call that method, possibly passing it information in the form of arguments and receiving a result returned by that method.


  • 通过定制模式实现这个目标必须创建新的脚本构成模式部分

    To achieve this objective with a custom pattern, you must create a new script package that will be part of the pattern.


  • 部分应用内容通过标准浏览器来访问这个浏览器也许将运行HTML5,因此应用设备的特殊性被隔离的。

    Most applications and content would be accessed through a standard browser-perhaps running html5-so that the application is isolated from the idiosyncrasies of the devices.


  • 大多数研究这个问题调查者得出结论部分益处(如果那儿确实有益处)能够通过每周一个或者两次巧克力得到

    Most investigators who have studied this question have concluded that most of the benefit (if there indeed is a benefit) can be obtained by eating chocolate once or twice per week.


  • 所以某人信息所淹没的时候,一个补充识别系统试图通过转移部分注意力来帮助这个解决问题

    So when someone is overwhelmed with information, an augmented cognition system would try to help him cope by diverting some of it.


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