• 提出3种加气站设计方案通过经济分析,确定了进口关键设备辅助设备国产化加气站设计方案。

    The authors present 3 design methods of CNG injection station and make a decision of importing the key equipment and self-made auxiliary equipment based on economic analysis.


  • 霸王条款公平判断可以通过经济分析方法进行分析成因旨在铲除霸王条款提供决策上的依据

    The unfair judgement of overbearing clause can be carried on by way of economic analysis. And we analyse its reason in order to provide strategic basis for eradicating overbearing clause.


  • 通过经济分析得到可以加装低压煤器静态动态条件实例说明具体计算方法及所取得的收益。

    Through economic analysis, the static and dynamic conditions to install low pressure economizer were obtained and the concrete calculation method and the incoming were provided by an example.


  • 计算住院分娩率,通过回归调整其他因素分析不同社会经济地区不同收入家庭的趋势

    Crude and adjusted annual rates were calculated by means of Poisson regression and were used to define trends across socioeconomic regions and households in different income quintiles.


  • 经济通过复杂回归分析,筛选出两种个性特征神经质以及外向性

    Two personality traits shine through the complexity of economists' regression analyses: neuroticism and extroversion.


  • 理论研究外,本文通过实证定量分析,论证虚拟电信运营模式经济合理性

    Except for the theory research, it also argues the economic rationality of the virtual network operation mode by some quantitative demonstration analysis.


  • 通过分析技术指标经济性能验证了该方案的有效性

    The analysis of its technical specification and economic performance validates its effectiveness and feasibility.


  • 通过分析试图找出所有制结构经济效益之间动态变化关系

    Through the analysis, tries to find the dynamic relationship between the ownership structure and economic benefits.


  • 通过环境质量分析健康效应评价经济效益估算初步论证了集中供热措施环境干预作用

    Through environmental quality analysis, health effect evaluation and economic efficiency assessment, initially proved interfering effects of centralized heat suPPly measures on the environment.


  • 10年前,获得统计资料和进行分析归纳耗费大量时间经验主义经济学家只能通过整理分析大量数据成名

    A decade ago, organising statistics and running regressions was enormously time-consuming and empirical economists could make a name simply by collating and analysing large data-sets.


  • 本文通过国际航运中心理论构建、核心要素构成内在逻辑关系分析,构建了“港口经济腹地—中心城市”的系统结构框架。

    This article constructs a systematic structure of "Port, Hinterland Economy and Central City" by analysis of key elements and internal logical relations of International Shipping Center.


  • 规定公司经济度量质量体系有效性范围方法确保通过质量成本分析改进质量,进而达到提高经济效益

    Provisions of company economic measure the effectiveness of the quality management system and method, ensure the quality cost analysis to improve quality, and to improve economic benefit.


  • 通过犯罪机会成本分析,引申犯罪宏观经济分析

    Through an analysis of opportunity cost of the crime, evolve with the macroeconomics analysis of the crime.


  • 本文试图通过分析证明无论经济理论上还是中国社会经济实践中民营银行都有存在必要性合理性

    This article tried to through analyzing to prove, whether in economy theories or the Chinese social economy practices, that the privately owned bank has its existent necessity and rationality.


  • 本文的便是这样一种尝试通过合同违约责任问题进行经济分析了解经济方法法学研究中的运用

    This paper will take an attempt to comprehend the economic method exercising in law research by analyzing the question of contact breach.


  • 首先通过技术经济分析认为卤水丰富地区提高烧碱生产中的液体用量能为氯碱生产企业带来可观经济效益。

    Firstly, with technical and economic analysis, it found that increasing the amount of the liquid salt in the rich brine area could bring a considerable economic benefits to a enterprise.


  • 通过建立经济关系模型现有数据经济行为进行测试经济学家们提供分析以上问题主要特点方式

    Economics provides the means of analysing the key features of problems by formally modelling economic relationships and testing beliefs about economic behaviour against the available data.


  • 通过投入产出变动模型分析经济系统各个部门之间的投入产出相互依存关系

    This article, by means of the model of input output alternations, analyzes the interdependent input output relationships with various branches in economic system.


  • 经济通过国内市场分析预测通货膨胀

    The economists predict the rate of inflation from the analysis of the domestic market.


  • 通过实证分析考察我国目前存在地区差距整体经济增长影响

    Testing the influence which the regional disparity at present has on whole economy in China through the demonstration.


  • 结论通过分析说明药物经济成本效果分析方法优化治疗方案指导合理用药提高经济效益方面具有重要作用

    Coclusion: the cost effectiveness analysis of pharmacoeconomics have a important effect in optimization of therapy regimen, direction of rational drug used, and increase of economic effect.


  • 有些人可以通过证券行情分析预测经济趋势

    Someone could figure out the economic trend by the analysis of security quotation.


  • 本文通过理论分析实证研究揭示我国区域之间信贷资金流动特征是从农村流向城市经济落后地区流向经济发达地区。

    Based on a theoretical analysis and empirical research, the paper finds that China's credit flow is characterized from poverty regions to developed regions or from rural regions to urban regions.


  • 汽轮机功率方程和锅炉吸热量方程为基础,机组整个系统视为闭口热力系统,通过热平衡分析,得到了高加切除对机组经济影响计算模型

    By heat balance analysis of the whole regenerative system, which is regarded as a closed thermodynamic system, the calculation model on the influence of HPs removal on heat economy of unit is derived.


  • 通过科研合同契约经济分析指出了科研合同不清晰契约特征不完全契约性质

    Through the discussion, the paper points out its characteristics of ambiguous contract, and its nature of incomplete contract.


  • 通过分析西德hydac公司产品特点,指导用户如何经济合理地选择使用蓄能器产品。

    According to the characteristics of the product manufactured by HYDAC company (West Germany), we advise consumers how to select and use the accumulator more economically and reasonably.


  • 本文通过这些缺点分析,提出了供热系统经济运行应采取的措施建议

    By the analysis of these disadvantages, the author puts forward some measures and advice for the heating system.


  • 通过经济效益分析比较,与对照组比较,试验组提高了10.58%。

    According analysis of economic benefits, compare with control group, test group raise 10.58% respectively.


  • 通过经济效益分析比较,与对照组比较,试验组提高了10.58%。

    According analysis of economic benefits, compare with control group, test group raise 10.58% respectively.


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