• 可以配置通过应用程序设置默认端口

    You can configure the default port via the application Settings.


  • 通过应用程序设置不仅可以存储应用程序数据数据库连接字符串),可以存储特定于用户的数据(工具栏位置最近使用过的列表)。

    With Application Settings, you can store not only application data such as database connection strings, but also user-specific data, such as toolbar positions and most-recently used lists.


  • 如果执行代码某些部分那么您可以通过设置断点重新装入应用程序来单步执行。

    If you want to step through certain areas of the code, you can do so by setting breakpoints and reloading the application.


  • 例如消息优先级可以应用程序代码指定但是可以通过管理对象中的设置覆盖

    For example, message priority can be specified in the application code but may also be overridden through settings in the administered objects.


  • 通过使用适当的缓存设置可以用户提供好的应用程序体验

    By using proper cache Settings, you can give your users a good experience with your application.


  • 基于EJB解决方案中,EJB部署人员必须通过配置EJB部署描述符设置告诉应用程序服务器如何处理事务界定

    In an EJB-based solution, the EJB deployer must tell the application server how transaction demarcation will be handled by configuring EJB deployment descriptor Settings.


  • 通过功能设置这些策略,应用程序不可避免地将增加相应复杂性

    With each step up in capabilities, your application takes an unavoidable corresponding step up in complexity.


  • 另外27%用户通过修改公司设备设置访问被禁止网站或者应用程序

    And another 27% have changed the Settings on a company device to access prohibited sites or applications.


  • 也就是说,请求URL应用程序服务器(处理 URL 请求)设置映射通过XML文件提供

    That is, the mapping between request URLs and the set of application servers that can service those URLs is provided by an XML file (called plugin-cfg.


  • MessageBrokerV6.1中引入的一个功能授权用户通过ConfigurationManagerProxy应用程序远程设置获取这些配置属性

    Also new in Message Broker V6.1 is the ability to set and get these configuration properties remotely by authorized users through configuration Manager Proxy applications.


  • 配置ECMWidgets收文篮小部件通过设置应用程序空间名称显示新的收文篮小部件,如图9所示。

    Configure the ECM Widgets in-basket widget to show the new in-basket widget by setting the application space name, as shown in figure 9.


  • 开发人员通过使用CSS百分比em设置应用程序字体大小避免文本大小问题没有其他选择,也可以使用像素大小

    Developers: Avoid text size problems by using CSS to set the application's font size in either percentages or em unit values. As a last resort, use pixel sizes.


  • 通常通过设置su账户用户可以临时切换另一个账户例如root用户应用程序所有者

    Typically, su accounts are setup so that a user can temporarily switch to another account, for example the root user or an application owner.


  • tcpmon工具设置更多侦听器通过 ROLES.php文件配置它们,您可以分别监视应用程序所有服务

    The tcpmon tool lets you set up additional listeners, and by configuring these in the ROLES.php file, you can separately monitor all of the services in the application.


  • Spring应用程序上下文更改通过lookup - on -startup设置false添加延迟JNDI查询,需要指定proxy - interface属性

    The change to the Spring application context also adds a layer of laziness to the JNDI lookup by setting lookup-on-startup to false, which also requires the proxy-interface attribute to be specified.


  • 现在系统三种不同,所以通过指向应用程序所需要集合,它们可以使用不同的REOPT设置,而且不会影响其他应用程序

    Now that there are three sets of packages in the system, the application can use different REOPT Settings by pointing to the collection it needs without interfering with other applications.


  • 通过应用程序设置,无论是否能够访问因特网,您都可以运行应用程序

    The application is set up so that it can be run with or without access to the Internet.


  • 创建应用程序过程中,我们看到应用程序服务器中通过消息总线发送JMS消息必需的设置

    In creating this application, we will see the setup that is needed to send a JMS message through the message bus in the application server.


  • 所有组件可以通过CSS设置样式这样通过调整样式,就可以轻松重置整个应用程序的皮肤。

    All components can be styled using CSS, making it easy to re-skin an entire application by making adjustments to the style sheet.


  • 下面设置在视图内部使用多个变量通过这种方法即可更好地组织应用程序

    Next, set a number of variables that can be used inside a view-that way, you can keep your application better organized.


  • 可以通过设置筛选器生成所有应用程序、所有应用程序套件某一业务服务类型业务服务事务报告

    We can set a filter to generate the report for business service transactions for all applications, or all application suites, or a type of business service.


  • 需要用户通过SSO机制登录应用程序执行上下文设置,SSO可以帮助无缝地集成应用程序

    SSO can also be useful for seamlessly integrating applications when context setting needs to be performed for applications where users log in via the SSO mechanism.


  • 用户可以设置快速拨号通过下载其它应用程序增添更多功能

    You can also program speed dial Numbers and add more features by downloading other apps.


  • 通过大堆大小设置大于常规操作所需的大小,应用程序能够通过扩大处理额外的工作负载

    By setting the maximum heap size larger than required for normal operations, the application will be able to handle extra workloads by expanding the heap.


  • 例如可以通过VM部署任务设置usr_cfg_app,要求VM系统启动运行一个应用程序自动下载安装软件版本

    For example, you can ask the VM to run an application to download and install the new software build automatically after system start by setting USR_CFG_APP in the VM deployment task.


  • 推荐通过合理增加jvm大小设置来对它进行调整以确定应用程序最佳内存设置

    Recommendation: Adjust the JVM heap size Settings in reasonable increments to determine the optimal memory Settings for the application.


  • 应用程序资源认证设置设置Application 时,可以通过getConnection() getConnection(Stringuserid, Stringpassword) 来获取连接

    When an application's resource authentication setting is set to Application, you can acquire the connections by either getConnection() or getConnection(String userid, String password).


  • 不同角色员工只能看到与之相关的页面可以通过WebSpherePortal部署的应用程序实现,方法为复合应用程序的页面设置权限

    Employees in different roles see only the pages that matter to them, which you achieve in a WebSphere Portal-deployed application by setting permissions on the pages of your composite application.


  • 通过这个文件可以定制如何构建Shalestarter应用程序确保应用程序适合环境设置

    This file allows you to customize how the Shale starter application builds and ensure it is set up for your environment.


  • 通过这个文件可以定制如何构建Shalestarter应用程序确保应用程序适合环境设置

    This file allows you to customize how the Shale starter application builds and ensure it is set up for your environment.


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