• 通过连通分支的大小以及结构进行探讨,得到若干新的结果

    In this paper, the size and the structure of component of graphs are studied, and some results are obtained.


  • 通过面积物理意义讨论初步探讨如何利用象面积解决热学问题

    This article explores how to use picture area to solve the heat problems through the discussion on physical significance of picture area.


  • 通过伊·曼斯的绘画作品解读研究更多能更好地了解的绘画。

    Through the research of Luc Tuymans's painting, I want to let more people learn better his painting.


  • 通过概念理解阐述指出在《机械课程感培养基本方法技巧

    By understanding and relating the sense of drawing, the paper points out that the basic ways and skills of fostering sense of drawing is important in the course of mechanical drawing.


  • 本文通过客体形心主轴进行正规化处理而得到其标准线性四元树表示方法。

    In This paper, a normalized linear quadtree representation is obtained by normalizing an object with respect to its centroid and principal axes.


  • 文章通过误差来源具体分析阐述了利用数字方法象误差进行几何纠正方法

    Through concrete analysis on the source of image errors, this paper expounds the ways of making geometrical correction for image errors by using digital method.


  • 模式识别处理等领域往往通过对图象施以细化获得象特征的有效数字化信息

    In the areas of pattern recognition and image processing, an image is often thinned to get its most valid digital information.


  • 通过对图密度矩阵简单组合条件(“度数条件”)判断的密度矩阵的可分性。这个条件直接PPT判据相联系

    We test the separability of the density matrix by researching the simple combinatorial condition (the "degree condition"), the condition is directly related to the PPT-criterion.


  • 2 中的表示通过完整功能集合进行划分得到相关业务活动

    The columns in Figure 2 represent groups of related business activities that are obtained by partitioning the complete collection of functions.


  • 序列通过描述事件执行用例进行实现

    Sequence diagrams realize the use cases by describing the flow of events in the use cases when they are executed.


  • 总是如实即刻地UML标记描述代码,将变更映射代码,并且通过进行编辑时,可以马上代码进行更新。

    Depictions of code in UML notation always faithfully, and instantly, reflect changes to code and code is updated immediately when edited via diagrams.


  • Tom这个Puchase流程导入到BPMNEditor通过添加一些适合于他的俱乐部的额外步骤流程进行定制(3)。

    Tom imports this Puchase process into his BPMN Editor and customizes it (Figure 3) by adding some additional steps that are applicable for his club.


  • 2通过基于MOF的仓库工具进行整合

    Figure 2: Tool integration via an MOF-based repository.


  • 通过Portlet配置使用向导(4),可以选择Portlet类型API

    By using the new wizard for portlet configuration (Figure 4), you can select the portlet type and the API.


  • 现在装配进行设置通过接口映射组件测试这个关系

    Now set up the assembly diagram to test the relationship via the interface map component.


  • 通过利用原型系统功能部分建模系统静态结构进行描述

    Class diagrams describe the static structure of the system by using stereotypes to model the functional parts of the system.


  • 序列通过代码反向工程可以展示方法发生一切,还能以可视化的形式展示交换消息

    The sequence diagram shows what happens inside of a method by reverse engineering the code and visually displaying which objects and messages are exchanged.


  • 通过本文可以评估1中所述很多属性获得其相关描述,并将看到一些有助于说明这些因素整体粒度影响示例

    Here, you can evaluate and get descriptions of many of the attributes from Figure 1, and get examples that help describe the impact these factors have on overall granularity.


  • 利用嵌的通过每周进展情况测试用例成功或者失败进行报告36)。

    Report of successful and failed test cases by weekly progress, using the built-in chart (Figure 36).


  • 可以通过各个拓扑提供者拖放到关系中来关系进行填充。

    You populate the Diagram View by dragging-and-dropping individual topology objects from the Providers View into the Diagram View.


  • 华盛顿特区身穿葡萄服胡萝卜姐妹参议员分发盘子传递督促他们通过营养议案信息

    Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D.C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.


  • 华盛顿特区身穿葡萄服胡萝卜姐妹参议员分发盘子传递督促他们通过营养议案信息

    Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D. C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.


  • 通过一些腹滨鹬的捕捉标记称重生物学家已经能够美国特拉华州湾里,拼凑出一幅令人担忧趋势

    By trapping, marking, and weighing the knots, biologists have been able to piece together some alarming trends in Delaware Bay.


  • 服务器通过访问者浏览器(3 - 1中的步骤1)发送响应页面前述的请求进行响应。

    The server responds by sending the requested page back to the visitor's browser (step1 in Figure 3-1).


  • 缺省情况下,CommunityEdition通过属性文件使用名为geronimo - properties -realm(4)安全用户进行身份验证

    By default, Community Edition USES the security realm called geronimo-properties-realm (Figure 4) to authenticate users via the properties file.


  • 这个行动第六个年头希望通过人们夜空观察的大量资源建立起准确夜晚地球

    The program, in its sixth year, hopes crowd-sourced night-sky observations will yield the most accurate Earth-at-night maps.


  • 由于Wilby公司了解更多可以通过添加一些自定义关系其他文档分组,以便显示组织其他部分通过功能透视看起来什么样子。

    As Wilby gets to know the company better, he can group other documents by adding some custom relationships to see how other parts of the organization are seen through the lens of the capability map.


  • 采用空间滤波技术通过辅助通道干扰方向上形成波束零点实现干扰信号的抑制

    Beam pattern null in the direction of the jamming is formed by a space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.


  • 通过需求分析总体设计整个应用方案数据算法分析详细地给出了应用设计,新的应用领域进行了探讨研究

    Through the analysis of demand and general design, It introduces the application from data stream to arithmetic analysis detailedly, discusses and researches this in a new applied field.


  • 它采用空间滤波技术通过辅助接收通道干扰方向形成波束零点,实现干扰信号抑制。

    Beam pattern null in the direction of jamming is formed by space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.


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