• 然而实验为基础并且通过心理学辅助的经济学研究表明,事情并不所显现那样简单

    However, empirical economic research enriched with inputs from psychology reveals that the case is not as straightforward as it seems.


  • 通过不同电流波形实验研究结果表明采用电流波形控制可以有效改善焊缝成形

    Through the experiments of the different current waveform, the results show that the current waveform control is an effective method to improve the quality of the weld formation.


  • 通过研究实验表明干部监督管理信息系统具有分布性开放性跨平台松散耦合的特点。

    According to the research and experiment results, this cadre supervise MIS has qualities of distribution, open, cross-platform, and loose-coupling.


  • 通过样机的实验研究表明综合应用现代优化设计方法一种非常有效方法。

    With many experiments, it has been shown that, comprehensive optimum method is a effective method for designing advanced machine.


  • 通过实验研究表明方法收敛速度快,学习能力强,提高系统棒性,证实了其电机速度控制中的有效性。

    It is shown in the experiment that this object function converges rapidly, and could improve both the learning speed and robustness of such speed servo control system.


  • 我们的研究结果表明完全可以通过多次实验,全面整合家蚕经典连锁分子连锁图的各连锁群。

    The results showed that it is entirely possible to integrate the classic linkage map with molecular linkage map in silkworm through repeated experiments.


  • 通过媒体实验往往艺术电脑重点研究工作表明各种形式计算可以任何人使用

    The work by researchers at the Media Lab, which often focuses on art and computers, has shown that computing in various forms can be used by anyone, he said.


  • 定容燃烧实验研究表明通过调节感剂加入、钝感时间因素可以有效实现球扁药燃烧渐增性。

    The closed bomb burning experiments indicated that the burning progression could realize when the factors of deterrent quantity and deterring time were regulated.


  • 等离子体点火密闭爆发器定容实验研究表明通过电能释放规律控制有效调节火药的点火燃烧过程

    Experimental results show, the ignition and combustion process of propellant can be effectively modulated by controlling the electric discharge behavior of pulsed power supply.


  • 通过紫外可见光谱研究硬脂焦性没食子酸在溶液中的相互作用实验结果表明硬脂酸镍与焦性没食子酸按1:1形成配合物

    The interaction of nickel stearate with pyrogallic acid inn-Amyl alcohol solution were studied by uv-vis spectra. The result showed that nickel stearate with pyrogallic acid formed 1:1 complex.


  • 通过以上研究实验表明利用数据挖掘技术对语音合成中的韵律规则进行提取学习可行有效的。

    Depending on all above studies and experiments, we can conclude that using data mining distill prosodic rules in speech synthesis is viable.


  • 实验研究表明已经成了机翼一项功能也是通过适形机翼后表面增强层流控制技术的功能。

    Looking at that in the lab, it becomes a function of airfoil shape, and also of the flow control technologies you use to enhance the laminar flow with conformal trailing edge surfaces.


  • 通过教学实验研究结果表明教法教学总体效果优于传统常规教法。

    Reaching. Results of experiments show that new teaching method is much better.


  • 通过实验所提出方法结果进行了对比分析,结果表明研究结果天气变化很好的适应能力

    Comparison and analysis of the experiment results indicates that the proposed method has good adaptive capability to weather variations.


  • 通过理论研究实验表明硬件平台选择实验关键

    Through theoretic research and experiments, we've known that the key point of the method is the chose of the hardware platform.


  • 最近研究表明奥曲肽能够抑制实验血管生成,可以通过抑制肿瘤血管生成控制肿瘤生长

    Octreotide has been recently suggested to inhibit experiment angiogenesis and suppress tumor growth through inhibition of angiogenesis.


  • 以苯并噻唑原料,通过工艺研究合成生产化学除草剂苯草胺的中间体2 -氯代苯并噻唑,分析实验结果表明,反应收率高,产物纯度

    The synthesis of 2_Chlorobenzolthiazole, which can be used as intermediate in the manufacture of herbicide named as Mefenacet with high yield and purity, was reported in this paper.


  • 美国布朗大学研究人员上周公布实验表明,一指甲大小植入物可以使猴子只需通过思维活动就控制电脑光标

    An experimental brain implant the size of a fingernail has allowed a monkey to control a computer cursor by thought alone, researchers at Brown University in the US announced last week.


  • 通过网格实验研究等截面侧向挤压过程中材料变形情况,结果表明塑性变形仅位于模具通道拐点连线附近。

    The deformation pattern of ECSLE was investigated with grid experiment. The experiment result shows that the plastic deformation zone is a linear area between the two corners of die channel.


  • 通过对普通高校体育特长生运动员进行短跑速度牵引训练实验研究研究结果表明一定时期对运动员进行牵引训练,有利于短跑速度的提高。

    Through research the short distance running athletes reaction time of start and part competition results, who take part in the ninth national sports meething.


  • 作者通过研究实验方案实际应用中表明可行的。

    Having been investigated by the author, the method turned out to be feasible for practical applications.


  • 理论实验研究表明:叶片机械如风机之类通过多参量特征监测早期严重裂纹故障进行诊断

    The diagnosing sensitivity and reliability are very high. So it can be used for condition monitoring and diagnosing early or serious cracks in fan or something alike.


  • 最后,本文通过仿真实验表明改进后算法相比已有DV-Hop算法能够进一步达到准确定位目的无线传感器网络研究应用提供了一种可供参考的定位算法。

    The simulation results confirm our algorithm can accurately localize the target faster than the DV-HOP. Our algorithm provides a reasonable reference mechanism for WSN research and application.


  • 最后,本文通过仿真实验表明改进后算法相比已有DV-Hop算法能够进一步达到准确定位目的无线传感器网络研究应用提供了一种可供参考的定位算法。

    The simulation results confirm our algorithm can accurately localize the target faster than the DV-HOP. Our algorithm provides a reasonable reference mechanism for WSN research and application.


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