• 相较于里拉来说,加入欧元体系或许可以意大利更低利率借贷,同样对罗马通过出口旅游业增加收入通货紧缩政策表示拒绝

    Joining the euro may have allowed Italy to borrow at lower rates than under the lira, but it also denied Rome the deflationary options to raise earnings though exports and tourism.


  • 许多经济学家担心恰恰相反假如政策通货紧缩通过削减利率促进消费更加困难。

    Many economists fear the opposite: if policy is kept too tight and deflation takes hold it will become harder to induce spending by cutting rates.


  • 出于通货紧缩过度担忧,美联储正在执行会导致通胀政策

    The Federal Reserve is pursuing a policy of inflation out of an erroneous fear of deflation.


  • 财务大臣谴责日本银行未能解决通货紧缩央行怪罪针对国家负债宽松财政政策

    The finance ministry blames the bank of Japan for failing to tackle deflation. The central bank blames lax fiscal policy for the country's debt.


  • 已经实施了几十年的遏制燃料消耗政策日本遭受了长期通货紧缩它们几乎已没有进一步削减的余地了。

    Having enacted policies to curb fuel consumption for decades — and suffered long-running deflation in Japan's case — they have little fat left to cut.


  • 具体来说,要实现通货紧缩日本经济其居民价格指数增长维持在0%-2%之间非官方目标为1%),零利率政策才有可能改变。

    Until deflationary Japan sees consumer prices rise by between 0% and 2% a year (with an unofficial aim of 1%), the long-standing near-zero policy rate will remain.


  • 通货紧缩日本能够目睹消费者价格上升比率在0%到2%之间(非官方目标1%)之前,接近零利率的政策不会有所松动(就像一直以来一样)。

    Until deflationary Japan sees consumer prices rise between 0% and 2% (with an unofficial aim of 1%), the near-zero policy rate will remain (as it has done for ages).


  • 它们可能面对政策压力或是一个明确的决定时犹豫这个决定错误倒向通货膨胀这边而不是通货紧缩

    They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision to err on the side of inflation rather than deflation.


  • 通货紧缩已经变成通货膨胀危险敌人随着很多国家利率达到接近零,各国央行已经不得不寻其它政策工具

    Deflation has become a more dangerous enemy than inflation; with interest rates in many countries at or close to zero, central Banks have had to reach for other tools.


  • 央行新政策支持者认为,利率保持接近于零保持信贷流动性抑制通货紧缩明智方法

    Proponents argue that with interest rates at or near zero, it is a sensible way of keeping credit flowing and preventing deflation.


  • 日本在2001年2006年期间面临着通货紧缩——即价格普遍下跌——时候使用过量化宽松政策

    Quantitative easing was used by Japan when it faced deflation - a period of falling prices - from 2001 until 2006.


  • 他们的政策总是关于控制通货膨胀防止通货紧缩然而最后的结果总是通货膨胀。

    Their policy is always talking about controlling inflation or preventing deflation, but it is always inflationary.


  • 2006年物价上涨时候日本政策决定曾经表示通货紧缩威胁似乎消退

    When prices rose in 2006, Japanese policy makers had signaled that deflation appeared to be tamed.


  • 银行可能会选择抱住自己准备金不放,从而削弱了政策效力——如同八九年前日本实行定量宽松政策对抗通货紧缩遇到的情况。

    Banks may choose to cling on to their reserves, thus undermining the effectiveness of the policy-as happened when Japan used quantitative easing earlier this decade to fight deflation.


  • 政策可能牵动人们对通货膨胀的担心事实上用来抵御通货紧缩的,通货紧缩是一个新的威胁

    The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman.


  • 财政紧缩政策会剥夺政策制定者应对大规模通货紧缩剂猛药并行的财政货币扩张政策

    Fiscal austerity robs policymakers of a potent antidote to a deflationary slump: simultaneous fiscal and monetary expansion.


  • 7月以来随着美国日益严重的财政拖累,预期的经济增速放缓美联储表示采取更简易定量宽松政策平稳遏止通货紧缩

    Since July, as the US growth outlook slowed with a more intense fiscal drag, the Fed has signalled easier policy with quantitative easing proposed to stem steady disinflation.


  • 1998开始,为了应对亚洲金融危机冲击和国内出现通货紧缩趋势,我国实行了积极财政政策

    It has been five years from the just beginning of the Asian finance Crisis in 1998 till now, while China has tried the active financial policy to fight against the deflation.


  • 扩张性财政政策为主扩大内需了一定的积极作用,但没有从根本上改变通货紧缩局面

    Though enlarging domestic demand mainly dependent on the expansive fiscal policy plays a positive role. if does not change the deflation situation fundamentally.


  • 2006年物价上涨时候日本政策决定曾经表示通货紧缩威胁似乎消退现在看来,当时日本物价上涨很大程度上受到大宗商品价格不断上扬的推动。

    When prices rose in 2006, Japanese policy makers had signaled that deflation appeared to be tamed. Much of that growth is now attributed to then-rising commodities prices.


  • 政策制定者担心可能会到来。他们知道通货紧缩这种削弱经济的情况种顽疾

    But policy makers fear that it could set in, knowing that deflation is a debilitating condition that is hard to cure.


  • 此外,如果不采取大规模货币宽松政策防止英镑升值35%,我们就会看到英国陷入通货紧缩使还债变得更加困难。

    Moreover in the absence of massive monetary easing to prevent sterling from rising by upwards of 35%, we see the UK slipping into deflation, which would make servicing its debt even harder.


  • 通货膨胀通货紧缩环境宏观经济政策具有不同作用效果

    Under the environment of inflation or deflation, the macroeconomic policies will have different effects.


  • 因此 ,忽视通货紧缩微观基础完全依赖凯恩斯主义宏观经济政策的做法是不能持续的。

    This reveals that it cannot be sustainable to rely completely upon Keynesian Macro-Economic Policy while ignoring micro-basis for deflation.


  • 从来没见过一个政客干涉央行政策导致通货紧缩的。

    I've never known a politician who's meddled in central bank policy to cause deflation.


  • 因此通货紧缩情况下选择合适预算政策显得尤为重要迫切

    As a result, deflation in the circumstances, to choose the right budget policy is particularly important and urgent.


  • 一些专家建议:中国正在摆脱通货紧缩压力,因此,决策者创造更好政策搭配应对新的经济环境

    China is shrugging off deflationary pressure and the country's policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment, some experts suggest.


  • 一些专家建议:中国正在摆脱通货紧缩压力,因此,决策者创造更好政策搭配应对新的经济环境

    China is shrugging off deflationary pressure and the country's policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment, some experts suggest.


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