• MySpace精准目标”战略通地扫描这些网页关键词来在销售这些网页上的之相关的广告

    MySpace's new "hypertargeting" strategy scans profile pages for keywords and sells ads against them.


  • 他们气愤抱怨了一

    I wrote them a stinking letter to complain.


  • 刚才劈头盖脸给了臭骂

    She has just given him a good scolding right to his face.


  • 拥有最纯洁灵魂,他慈爱本质最为纯粹力量,深深撼动和影响了其他所有的人:在威灵顿大学授予女皇殿下一年一度奖项,他这样描述获得这个荣耀的条件:不是最聪明的孩子,而是最好读书的孩子;

    sheer force of his own benevolent nature--when drawing up the conditions of the annual prize to be given by Her Majesty at Wellington College


  • 他们一家7 - 11宵店前经过看到朋友无所事事在一起年轻人擅长的一件事。

    They drive past a 7-11 and she notices a group of her friends, clustered together, doing nothing the way young people are so good at.


  • 如果确实这种论点存在,迫不及待一听,因为这个论点无论怎么看,似乎都不会说

    But if there is another argument for that claim, I'm eager to hear it, because this argument, at any rate, seems to me to be unsuccessful.


  • 假如笔记本,成功说服了你,让你笔记本拆开,然后我拿钳子,笔记本里乱,那笔记本肯定就坏掉了,但是大脑具有更好的弹性

    If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient.


  • 正如一位专家所说:“我们必须记住技术本身不是答案明智应用技术才会引导我们成功。”

    As one telecommunication expert says, “We must remember that technology alone is not the answer…It is the intelligent application of technology that will lead us to success.


  • 一个好消息则,主流媒体常常歇斯底里发泄一而后才原原本本事情出来。

    The other good news is that the mainstream media usually recovers from its hysterias and tries belatedly to get the story right.


  • 组织会员国决定立即自愿开始实施2005年过的国际卫生条例》某些部分

    WHO Member States decided to begin immediate and voluntary implementation of certain parts of the International Health Regulations, which were adopted in 2005.


  • 意味着未来几十技术减少各种各样的温室气体排放不是依赖单一产生的巨大变化

    This means reducing GHG emissions from a variety of sources with technologies available in the next few decades, rather than relying on an enormous change in a single area.


  • 如果就是目标的话,那么参议院议案以及以412比12的众议院版本的议案就似乎显得反常。

    But if that is our goal, the Senate bill, and a House version that passed 412 to 12, seem almost diabolically perverse.


  • 随便舒梅切尔范德萨纳或鲁尼、罗布森或维迪奇,弗格森一直更换麾下战将,不断改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 欧文又是轻蔑又是惊奇胡说。

    Owen was listening to this farrago with feeling of contempt and wonder.


  • 比如如果无爱夫妻生病了,他或她的配偶不能医院酣畅淋漓骂上一——抱怨医疗费该有高了。

    For instance, if one member of a loveless couple got sick their spouse could no longer visit them in the hospital to berate them about how much that medical bill is going to cost.


  • 可是小薇却没有那么好的RP(人品,网络火星文中运气意思)——老板根本看不懂她的是什么,并把她狠狠批了一

    But she was out of “RP” (renpin), which meansluckin online slang-speak: Her boss confused at reading her notes, gave her a real dressing down.


  • 软件一系列e Q滤波器非常干净消除令人讨厌波段,终于比赛不再受到呜呜祖啦的滋扰。

    A series of bandpass eq filters in the software neatly excise the offensive frequencies, leaving the game blissfully vuvuzela-free.


  • 保持着耐心,把这个指令详细解释了一

    Maintaining patience, I explained the instruction more thoroughly.


  • 没有喜欢万事皆的人,成功就要甘心情愿别人寻求帮助反馈信息建议等等,你自己不可能完成所有的事。

    To be successful you need to be willing ask for help, feedback, advice etc. you cannot do it alone.


  • 阿里巴巴电子商务所衔接的广大客户群,成功阿里贸易淘宝旺旺打造成在线商家和买家必备客户端,并将两者整合阿里旺旺。

    Alibaba, on the other hand, integrated Alitalk and TaoBao WangWang into AliWangWang, a client interface essential to any seller/buyer on its e-commerce platform.


  • 本能恩佐第六

    Instinctively, Enzo looked over to Aisle 6.


  • Afek等人研发的这个算法是否精确反映生物学系统,这个问题未有定论,但是计算机科学角度来说关键这个方法行得

    The jury is still out on whether the algorithm derived by Afek et al. accurately mirrors the biological system, but what matters from a computer science perspective is that it works.


  • 而且这些技能可以培训与实践获得,因此从正真意义上持续改变自己行为

    What’s more, these competencies can be learned through trainingand practice so you can change your behaviour


  • 思考问题时有不同思路,并且它们能够很好应用不同的解决方案 过钻研函数式编程最近不少)。

    There are different ways of thinking about problems that can lend themselves well to different solutions (I’ve recently learned a lot from diving into functional programming).


  • 格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck),这个福克斯新闻台保守主义电视评论员就费劲力气说了一,表示说为了拯救,“我”得被迫吃豆腐

    Glenn Beck, a conservative television commentator on Fox News, wound himself into a sweaty rant about being forced to eat tofu in order to save the planet.


  • 格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck),这个福克斯新闻台保守主义电视评论员就费劲力气说了一,表示说为了拯救,“我”得被迫吃豆腐

    Glenn Beck, a conservative television commentator on Fox News, wound himself into a sweaty rant about being forced to eat tofu in order to save the planet.


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