• 他们提供日本通商渠道。

    They have provided a trade artery to Japan.


  • 除此以外,对外部世界求知欲对外通商观念等方面,后期发生很大改变

    Besides, it has great changes in late Qing at the curiosity in the outside world and the views in external trade.


  • 拿破仑征服者姿态进入柏林。在那里颁布了禁止英国欧洲大陆通商的柏林敕令

    Napoleon made a conqueror's entry into berlin. here he issued the berlin decree that barred british goods from europe .


  • 通商虚拟办公室服务宗旨无须花费办公室租金便可拥有最好公司形象

    Lihong Tongshang's virtual offices are designed to give you the best corporate image without expenditure on office rent.


  • 周五丰田通商股价上涨0.2%,达1291日元双日股价仍维持146元,未有变动

    Shares in Toyota Tsusho rose 0.2 percent to 1,291 yen Friday, while those in Sojitsu were unchanged at 146 yen.


  • 周五丰田通商股价上涨0.2%,达1291日元双日股价仍维持146元,未有变动

    Shares in Toyota Tsusho rose 0.2 percent to 1, 291 yen Friday, while those in Sojitsu were unchanged at 146 yen.


  • 古今来,南澳东南沿海一带通商必经中转站,明朝就已有“海上互市”的称号。

    Since the ancient and modern, along the southeast coast of South Australia is the trade must pass through the park and a transit point, as early as the Ming Dynasty have been on the "maritime trade".


  • 20%左右资产现金,放在私人银行里,银行帐户的方式对待它。

    I keep around 20% of my assets in cash at a private bank, but I treat it just like a normal commercial bank account.


  • 沃尔顿观察赚取利润的同时,发现一种完善这种商业模式方法

    Walton saw that general stores were turning a good profit, but he found a way to perfect the business model.


  • 上诉法院后来裁定家公司相对于来说,确实非常紧密竞争者不过那时为时已晚,合并业已完成。

    The appeals court later ruled that the two firms were far closer competitors with each other than with more humdrum stores, but by then the merger had been consummated.


  • 但是实际操作中对于那些仍然只是茶叶当成“懒”茶客来说,这么多信息就显得闹哄哄乱七八糟的了。

    But in practice, all of these messages become muddled and overwhelming in the mind of the casual consumer who simply sees tea as a commodity product.


  • 许多提议之中,组织希望影子银行系统更易受到严格规则监管,而这些规则正是普通商银行必须遵守的。

    Among many other proposals, it wants the shadow banking system to be subjected to the same sorts of prudential requirements that Banks must follow.


  • 海德拉巴以及郊区,21%中产阶层经营,17%经营裁缝店,8.5%经营电话亭, 8%售卖水果蔬菜

    In Hyderabad and its environs, 21% of the middle class run general stores, 17% tailor-shops, 8.5% telephone booths and 8% sell fruit and vegetables.


  • 不是一个经营企业的普,你这些企业贷款的人。

    You're not a regular businessman running a business; you're a lender to the businesses.


  • 对排放碳的商品征税所以这些商品价格一样

    Tax carbon-emitting goods so they cost the same as normal goods.


  • 影子银行体系对于经济来说与业银行体系同样重要却脆弱

    The shadow banking system was as important to the economy as the ordinary kind, but was far more vulnerable.


  • 另外丰田汽车子公司,一家稀土进口公司丰田通商株式会社周五越南公司协作在越开采稀土

    Separately, Toyota Tsusho Corp., a rare earth importer and affiliate of Toyota Motor Corp., said Friday it will team up with Vietnamese companies to mine rare earths there.


  • 同时丰田下属企业负责进口金属原材料的丰田通商公司十月份越南企业合作,越南境内的矿藏提取稀土元素。

    At the same time, Toyota affiliate Toyota Tsusho Corp., which imports metals, said in October it would begin working with Vietnamese companies to extract the rare earth metals from deposits there.


  • 简言之我们需要谈判桌上有更为强硬谈判专家—达成既有利于华尔街有利于普业街协议

    Put simply, we need tougher negotiators on our side of the table-to strike bargains that are good not just for Wall Street, but also for Main Street.


  • 线上打折商品无限的空间,店铺有普通商大的空间,公司有扩充的客户群以及更少原价商品降价销售

    Unlimited space online for discounted merchandise, more space in thestores for regular merchandise, an expanded customer base, and less cannibalizationof regular-price sales.


  • 促进住房消费供给加大中小套型低价位普通商品房建设信贷支持

    We will expand consumption and supply of ordinary commercial housing, and increase credit support for building small and medium-sized condominiums at low and medium price levels.


  • 购物的学生表现相当诚实环保消费者们却过度作弊甚至偷窃多出来将高出其应得收入将近三分之一的部分据为己

    The conventional shoppers played it reasonably straight, whereas the green consumers cheated far more and even stole extra cash, pocketing nearly a third more money than they were entitled to.


  • 日益上涨的过路费同样为不断上涨的日用品价格作出了贡献。 ,因为那些这些费用转嫁到了消费者头上。

    Rising road tolls also contribute to higher commodity prices, since it's quite possible that normal business owners transfer these costs to consumers.


  • 传统情况类似

    And in traditional bricks-and-mortar stores, the story is similar.


  • 多年以前,大公司开始培训员工,目的要把员工培训成为室内急救工作的第一反应者,而且一趋势增长迅速以至于旅行者具备基础救援技巧

    For years, corporations have trained employees as initial responders for in-house emergencies, and the trend is growing to ensure that business travelers also have basic skills.


  • 多年以前,大公司开始培训员工,目的要把员工培训成为室内急救工作的第一反应者,而且一趋势增长迅速以至于旅行者具备基础救援技巧

    For years, corporations have trained employees as initial responders for in-house emergencies, and the trend is growing to ensure that business travelers also have basic skills.


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