• 这种情况下,中介框架作用非常重要因为允许修改消息使之与通信每个终端相匹配。

    The mediation framework is very important in this scenario because it allows the messages to be modified to match each end of the communications.


  • DCOMCORBA中客户进程对象服务器之间的互相作用作为面向对象rpc式通信来实现的。

    In both DCOM and CORBA, the interactions between a client process and an object server are implemented as object-oriented RPC-style communications.


  • 其中一些客户端服务器通信起着非常重要的作用

    Some of these libraries have important parts to play in the communication between the client and the server.


  • 由于潮汐锁定作用月球总是同一个侧面对着地球,这样,设立月球表面通信设施可以地球保持不间断直接联系。

    Since the Moon always presents the same face to Earth as the result of "tidal locking", direct communication links with devices on the lunar surface can be maintained continuously.


  • 基础结构企业或者机构基础起到内部外部通信流程事务框架作用

    An infrastructure is the foundation of a business or organization, serving as the framework for internal and external communication, processes, and transactions.


  • 一变化中,为了个人组织提供便捷的、低成本的近距或远距通信协作技术在其中发挥重要作用

    Technology has played a lead role in this transformation, delivering easy and inexpensive options for individuals and organizations to communicate and collaborate across short and vast distances.


  • 磁暴高层大气存在加热作用改变密度计组成中断无线电通信GPS装置

    Magnetic storms also heat the upper atmosphere, changing its density and composition and disrupting radio communications and GPS units.


  • 另外,还可对多个J2EE应用程序终端移动设备会话控制通信起到促进作用

    It also facilitates session controlling and the communication flow between multiple J2EE applications and end mobile devices.


  • 通信消费者日常生活日益起到核心作用

    Communications is also playing an increasingly central role in the daily lives of consumers around the world.


  • 本文解释了构成ORB通信高级事件序列以及NodeAgent客户端服务器之间的 ORB通信部分中所起作用

    The high level sequence of events that make up inter-ORB communications was also explained, along with the role that the NodeAgent plays in the part of ORB communication between clients and servers.


  • 意味着用于客户api之间进行通信协议以及客户端的类型在应用程序体系结构发挥重要作用

    This means that the protocol used to communicate between the client layer and the API layer, as well as the type of client, play an important role in the application architecture.


  • 由于僵尸网络病毒必须服务器通信获得命令返回数据——比如密码信用卡号码通过侦测此过程该技术便能发挥作用

    It works by detecting when a botnet virus is communicating with its master servers, as it must do to get its commands or to send back datasay, your passwords and credit card Numbers.


  • VM角度看迁移透明唯一可见作用外部通信带来少量延迟

    From the perspective of the VM, the migration is transparent, with the only visible side effect being a small amount of latency for external communication.


  • 无线通信日常生活发挥越来越重要作用

    Wireless communications are playing a more and more important role in daily life.


  • 人们可以通过撬动通信网络科技联通的杠杆作用从而取得成就,我们有所有的理由对此抱有希望。

    We have every reason to be hopeful about what people can accomplish when they leverage communication networks and connection technologies to achieve progress.


  • ProcessServer在这里惟一作用提供低层连接性以便请求者提供者进行通信

    Process Server's only role here is to provide the low level connectivity such that the requestor can communicate with the provider.


  • Web客户机基于jsp, JSP用户界面设计开发起到促进作用业务流程进行通信业务流程层则重点负责协调用户操作任务

    The Web client is based on JSPs, which facilitates the development of user-interface design and communicates with the business process layer, which focuses on coordinating user action tasks.


  • 不管选择何种通道交互作用关联的ChannelInterface组件将会使用SOAP消息传递MAM服务通信

    Regardless of the selected channel interaction, the associated channel interface component would use SOAP messaging to communicate with MAM Services.


  • 规划领域定义语言智能规划研究问题描述标准语言,同时起到建模通信语言的作用

    Planning Domain Definition language (PDDL) is the standard language for problem description in automated planning research, and it is not only a modeling but also a communication language.


  • 因为蓝牙协议高层低层通信中起着重要作用L2 CAP一个蓝牙系统必须部分

    Because it plays such a central role in the communication between the upper and lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack, the L2CAP layer is a required part of every Bluetooth system.


  • 本文介绍了智能天线未来移动通信系统中的重要作用

    In this paper, the role of smart antenna in future mobile communication system is introduced.


  • 对于移动数字通信中,改善由多效应引起误码率增高而严重影响通信传输质量,具有非常重要的指导作用

    It is an important action to improve the propagation quality of communication suffered from rising the BER on multipath propagation in digital mobile radio communication.


  • 认证授权技术网格安全核心,在保证网格安全通信中起到了至关重要作用

    Authentication and authorization are the core technology of grid security and have the important function for the safe grid communication.


  • 签名一种特殊数字签名,有匿名性要求网络通信具有独特地位作用

    Blind signature is a special kind of digital signature, which has particular status and effect in network communication requiring anonymity.


  • 整个控制系统良好运行说明数据通信发挥重要作用

    The well operation of the automatic control system shows the important role of the data communications.


  • NC作用路由信息流提供稳定可靠通信通道

    The function of NC is to establish reliable communication channels for routing information flows.


  • 宽带无线电通信中,技术着至关重要作用

    In the UWB wireless communication system, time-hopping technique plays a key role.


  • 描述任务系统时,支配位置用来表示控制支配型位置用来表示任务通信任务相互作用

    When describing multi-task systems, dominating places are used to express the control flow and the undominating places to express the interaction of tasks and inter-task communication.


  • 文章主要介绍MIMO技术无线宽带通信中的作用以及MIMO技术研究概况方向

    The paper introduces the implementation of MIMO technology for broad-band wireless communications, and the researching and the orientation of MIMO technology.


  • 文章主要介绍MIMO技术无线宽带通信中的作用以及MIMO技术研究概况方向

    The paper introduces the implementation of MIMO technology for broad-band wireless communications, and the researching and the orientation of MIMO technology.


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