• 逗号分隔列举的项目时,名单最后一个项目之前前的连词前面加逗号

    When using commas to separate items in a list, place a comma before the conjunction that precedes the last separate item in the list, unless that last item is a compound term.


  • 一系列条目(3个多个)连写在一起,它们之间通常逗号隔开。如果各个条目已经有了逗号,条目之间应使用分号

    When you have a series of three or more items that normally would be separated by commas except that each individual item already has a comma in it, you use the semicolon between items.


  • 如果打印一个map可以看到map之间逗号这些逗号纯粹是为了可读性而添加的;Clojure中逗号将被作为空格处理

    If you print a map you'll see commas between map entries, but it's purely for readability; commas are treated as whitespace in Clojure.


  • 在这里regex只是,(一个逗号,以逗号分隔列表中的分隔符)。

    Here, the regex is simply, (a comma, the eponymous delimiter of a comma-separated list).


  • 很讨厌起来好像挑剔但是发现文章的第三段里少了逗号,在段里了一个逗号

    I hate to sound like a nitpicker, but I found a comma missing in your third paragraph and another comma missing down in the tenth paragraph.


  • 如果在这个应该分号地方用了逗号,你便逗号粘连”的错误实在非常讨厌语法错误。

    If you put a comma where that semicolon is, you will have committed a "comma splice," which is a very nasty grammar error indeed.


  • 同样CSS功能不足以处理某些复杂的需求,比如屏幕上显示货币值添加分符(逗号),模型中的实例存储时删除逗号

    Alone, CSS is not powerful enough to perform functions such as adding commas to currency when they are displayed on the screen and remove commas when they are stored in instances within the model.


  • 如果来自美国,您会较大数值中间放置逗号表示百万(等等三个数值使用一个逗号)。

    If you're from the United States, you place a comma in large Numbers to designate thousands and millions (and so on up for every three digits).


  • 生平第一有点喜欢top(1)报告数字中使用逗号了,如果没有逗号帮助,将很难这些庞大的数字进行解析

    For the first time in my life, I sort of wish top (1) used commas in the Numbers it reports, because they're frankly a bit large to parse without help.


  • 支持使用牛津逗号坚持认为,如果没有牛津逗号,就有可能杜撰出如下荒谬句子来。

    Proponents of the comma insist that without it, you might be prone to absurdities such as the apocryphal.


  • CommaSeparatedValue文件查找CSV(逗号分隔)查找引擎使用逗号分隔值文件执行一次查找。

    Comma separated value file lookup: The CSV (comma separated value) lookup engine will use a comma separated value file to perform a lookup.


  • regex所有出现逗号位于 regex开头逗号位置做出断言:“前面是不是没有引号或者前面引号个数是否偶数”?

    The regex makes an assertion at every occurrence of a comma (that's the comma at the very beginning of the regex): "Are no quotes ahead or is an even number of quotes ahead?"


  • 人称哈佛逗号连续逗号,但似乎没有人使用漠不关心

    Some people call this the Harvard comma, or the serial comma, but what nobody seems to do is be indifferent to its use. This.


  • 引号内加入逗号不要在引号外面加,不论逗号是否是其所引用的引语组成部分

    Place commas I ide, not outside, quotation marks. Follow this practice whether or not the comma is part of the original quotation.


  • 如果数组字面量元素集合最后逗号逗号会被忽略最后数组逗号掉。

    If you include a trailing comma at the end of the list of elements, the comma is ignored.


  • 本文英语试题逗号误用入手,对英汉逗号的用法进行了对比分析

    From the misuse of comma in the English Test paper, this paper probes into the comparison and the analysis of English and Chinese comma.


  • 如果邮件称谓没有使用逗号那么你也需要祝颂语使用逗号

    If you did not put a comma after the greeting at the beginning of the message, then do not put a comma() after the ending either.


  • 逗号操作符(小节)描述不能出现上下文中使用逗号分隔列表中的条目(参数初始函数列表)。

    The comma operator (as described in this subclause) cannot appear in contexts where a comma is used to separate items in a list (such as arguments to functions or lists of initializers).


  • 逗号方面,44.9% 的开发者喜欢逗号放在表达式的末尾,然而有4.9% 的开发者喜欢先写逗号

    When it comes to commas, 44.9% favor to place them after an expression, while 4.9% prefer to use comma-first syntax.


  • 假设两个名称逗号分隔并且可以逗号周围使用任意数量空白

    The two names are assumed to be separated by a comma and can use any amount of white-space around the comma.


  • 本文提出了一种新的逗号刮刀组合装置可以根据刮刀上所受力的大小,调整刮刀受力达到平衡从而实时调节或者消除逗号刮刀的挠曲变形量

    This paper presented a new blade's assemble devices which can adjust force balance depending on the blade suffered force magnitude. So can real-time adjust or eliminate the bending.


  • 某些句子逗号为非限制性定语从句没有用逗号相比,意义有很大区别

    Compare the two sentences in the same group and find out the differences between them.


  • 某些句子逗号为非限制性定语从句没有用逗号相比,意义有很大区别

    Compare the two sentences in the same group and find out the differences between them.


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