• 在这里可以选择锁定模式指定相应用户用户的访问

    Here, you can optionally lock the pattern and grant access to the appropriate users and user groups.


  • 模式作者可以尝试部署进行不同程度控制,选择锁定部署时间参数确保每种部署使用固定

    Pattern authors can exercise varying degrees of control over deployment by choosing to lock deployment time parameters, ensuring fixed values for every deployment.


  • 单个供应商最好整个社区进行参与,并生成一次性类型解决方案客户锁定一个实现选择

    Having participation from the entire community is preferable to a single vendor producing a one-off type of solution that locks the customer into one implementation choice.


  • 释放以后,系统争用者最高优先队列前端选择线程,以便试图锁定对象

    When a lock is released, the system chooses the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of contenders to try to lock the object.


  • 选择选项时,锁定CA显示如图6所示面板

    When you select this option, the CA will be locked and the panel shown in Figure 6 will display.


  • 此时可以选择脚本相同的方式锁定模式

    At this point, you can optionally lock the pattern in the same manner as the script package.


  • RR允许幻象读取,它会选择行时创建一个Sshare锁定

    RR does not allow phantom reads by creating an S (share) table lock when selecting rows.


  • Layers视图左边三个可以用来控制)层可见性锁定层,以及选择

    The three boxes located on the left of each layer in the Layers view are used to control (from left to right) visibility of the layer, locking the layer, and selection.


  • 删除它,2 个选择项目集成器(ProjectIntegratorClearCase管理员可以删除这个项目。一个复杂流程或者简便的方法是他们可以将项目锁定废弃(obsolete)状态。

    You have two options for doing so: the Project Integrator or ClearCase administrator can delete the project, which is an involved process, or more conveniently, they can lock the project as obsolete.


  • 强制作出选择并使您锁定某种特定技术堆栈这种SaaS应用程序架构不利于SaaS应用程序的未来演变和适应能力

    SaaS application architectures which force you to make decisions that lock you into a particular technology stack will compromise the ability of a SaaS application to evolve and adapt.


  • 选择True使只要数据库加载bean,就使用selectfor update扩展事务持续过程维持锁定

    Specifying True causes the select for update extension to be used whenever the bean is loaded from the database and hold that lock for the duration of the transaction.


  • 此外由于没有足够多标准注重应用支持联合使用竞争标准的语义透明技术,您可能发现自己锁定最初选择

    Also, because not enough standards look to employ semantic transparency techniques that support connections to competing standards, you might find yourself locked into your first choice.


  • 计算供应商不得利用市场地位用户锁定自己特定平台内限制用户选择云计算供应商。

    Cloud providers must not use their market position to lock customers into their particular platforms and limit their choice of providers.


  • 研究结果确认使用病毒选择性地锁定癌细胞

    The results confirm that viruses can be used to selectively target these cells.


  • 更新子句确保更新锁定选择行上

    The update clause will ensure that an update lock is held on the selected rows.


  • 因为霍华德祖父莫里斯曾经发明了LBBC公司的快锁定柜门,所以来自格拉斯哥的发明者·沙利文才会选择与这家公司展开合作。

    LBBC's Quicklock door, invented by Howard's grandfather Maurice, was the reason inventor Sandy Sullivan from Glasgow-based Resomation Limited chose the firm.


  • 简单界面能够容纳所有窗口中的功能允许用户选择只有一对夫妇点击锁定项目

    The simple interface accommodates all the functions inside the main window and allows users to select and lock items with only a couple of clicks.


  • Oracle企业保证:他们不会客户锁定自己上,客户可以选择任何时候应用转移其他或是自己的本地服务器上。

    Oracle assures companies that they won't try to lock them into their cloud, customers having the option to move their applications to other clouds or on premises at any time.


  • 一点时间了解OpenBSD安装过程可以节省锁定Linux分发版所花费的大量时间,因为 Linux 分发版不是缺省安全的,这样做通常很实际选择

    Spending a bit of time to learn about the OpenBSD installation process to save hours locking down a Linux distribution that isn't secure by default is often the pragmatic decision.


  • 锁定钢板接骨术解决骨质疏松性骨折治疗一种可能性选择

    Locked plating is one potential option for the solution of osteoporotic fracture care.


  • 应用任何区域的具体锁定钢板系统有较以前传统钢板接骨术其他手术以及非手术治疗选择

    All the new region specific locking implant systems have to prove their superiority over their predecessors and other operative and non-operative treatment options.


  • 一例骨折病例中,选择应用锁定还是传统钢板取决于专家意见

    The decision to use locked or conventional plating in each individual fracture is based on expert opinion.


  • 必须SQL字符串选择锁定地方

    Must be a SQL string that selects a row in the "LOCKS" table and places a lock on the row.


  • 不过这些年来,当时那个决定命运选择我们锁定在了两个完全不同角色外赔本养家照顾孩女

    But over the years, that fateful decision has locked us into two different roles. I work and earn. She takes care of the kids.


  • 锁定钢板接骨术骨折治疗花费昂贵的选择必须谨慎选择

    Locked plating is an expensive fracture management choice and has to be used judiciously.


  • 按压向上向下按钮选择预对焦ae锁定

    Press the updown buttons to select ether preview or AE lock.


  • 多向锁定钢板允许螺钉植入角度变化医生正常解剖特定有更多选择

    Polyaxial locking plates allow variation in the Angle of insertion of each screw, which allows the surgeon to respond to any variation in the normal bony anatomy and to target specific bone fragments.


  • 试试相机菜单选择反光镜锁定功能减少反光镜瞬间弹起震动拍出清晰的图片。

    Try selecting the mirror lock-up function in your camera's menu to reduce the vibrations caused as the mirror flips up for the sharpest shots you've ever seen.


  • 所以要么锁定GUI直到下一条消息返回-现在情况-,选择不同方法

    So either I lock the GUI, until next message returns - this is the case now -, or choose a different approach.


  • 如果设置密码选择查看锁定工程”,则任何人可以查看编辑代码,但安全性措施仍然帮助保护“工程属性对话

    If you set a password but don't select Lock project for viewing, the code can be viewed and edited by anyone, but security measures still help project the project Properties dialog box.


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